< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu
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1 136


Rice, 808

Robert, 807

Robert H., 808

Robert, Sir, 807

Thomas, 807

Thomas, Sir, 807 Hope, 165, 821

Frank S, M. D., 166

George, 821

George W., 822

Jesse P., 821

John. 165

Joseph W., M. D., 822

WilHam, M. D., 821

William M., 165

William O., 165 Hord, 309

Benjamin A., M. D.. 309, 310

John, 309 Horsley. 870

William. 870

William, M. D., 870 Houser, 321

Aubrey A., M. D.. 321, 322

Emmanuel, 321

William O., 321 Howe (How), 952

Abraham, 952

Albert, 95^, 953

Enos, 953

Isaac, 952

Isaac E., 952

Samuel. 952 Hubard, 674

James R., 674

Sallic L., 674 Huddleston, 483

Peter L., 483 Hudgins. 1046, 1053, lO/l. 1097

Ashley C, 1097, 1099

Benjamin P., 1098

Claudius L., 1053, 1054

Edward W., 1071. 1072

Fitzhugh L., 1048

Henry C, 1047

Henry L., 1047

Houlder, 1097

Humphrey, 1054

James M., 1049

Jesse. 1053

John. 1046, 1049. 1053

Joseph B.. 1048

Kenneth W., 1097, 1098

Maurice R., 1048

Robert. 1046

Robert H., 1071

Robert K.. 1046

Thomas, 1049

William, 1049, 1097

William E., 1048, 1050, IO52 Huff, 746

Isaac, 746

Isaac E.. M. D.. 746 Plughes. 315, 444

John- M.. D. D. S., 315 John S.. 315 Thomas J.. M. D., 444 William H.. 444 Hulcher. 134

Joseph H.. 134 Julius J.. M. D.. 134

Hulvey, 755

George H., 755

Madison. 755 Hume. 677

Richard G., 677

Thomas, O77 Hundley, 485

Joseph H., 48s

Morton E., M. D., 485 Hunter, 263

Anne M., 263

T. Frank, 264 Hunton. 535

Eppa, Col., 535

Eppa, Gen,, 536

Eppa. Jr.. 535, 537

James, 535

Thomas, 535

William, 535 Hurst, Z7J

Allen, 378

Samuel N., 377, 379

Thomas, 378 Hurt, 866

Eugene C, 866

John R., 866

Philemon, 866

Robert, 866 Hutcheson, 586

Herbert F., 586, 589

Joseph, 587

Joseph C, 588

Robert, 586

William, 586 Ijams, 166

James, 166

John T., 166 Ingersoll, 881

Cyrus B., 881

lonathan E., 881

Robert S., M. D., 881 Irvin. 664

James, 664

James S., M. D., 664 Irwin, 579

Henry H., M. D., 579, 580

Joseph. 579

Joseph S., 579 Jackson. 91

Herbert W., 91, 92

Isaac, 91

Samuel S., 92 Jacocks. 563

Jonathan H.. 563

Mary C. H., 563 James, 187, 998

Benjamin O., 187

John C, M. D., 908

Levi, 187

Martin, 187

  • Rorer A., 99S, 999

Janney, 41I

Jacob. 411

John, 411

Joseph T., 412

Samuel M.. 411. 412 Jefferies. 688

James M., 688

Richard H., D. D. S.. 688 Jefferson, 868

Peter, 868

Thomas, 868 Jenkins, 339, 382, 406, 595

Charles, 383

Charles E., 406

Edward, 595

Edward C, 595

Henry, 383

James I., 595

Jethro A., 383

Joel R., 339

John Gov.. 3S2

John B., 406

John S., 382, 383, 384

Luther H., 339

Wiley W., 406

Winborne, 383 Jennings. 474

Charles W., 475

William E., M. D., 474, 475

William H., 474 Jeter, 731

James G., 731

William P., 731 Johnson, 496, 567, 1066

David, 1066. 1067

George. 1066

John M., 567. 568

John W., 496

Marcellus A., 496

Nathaniel, 567

William, 1066 Johnston. 539, 738

David, 738

George B., M. D., 541

James D., 738, 739

John W., 539 Jones, 107, 427. 456, 513. 607. 666, 828. 923, 1073, 1 107, 1 109

Abraham, 923

Anna L., 11 11

Arlington C., M. D., 427

Bartlett W., 607

Charles E.. 1107

Clara L.. 513

Clarence P., M. D., 829

Elisha K., 607

Francis F., 1073

George M., 107. 1 109

H. H.. 427

Herbert, 923, 924

Tames. 666

James D.. M. D., 666

John B.. M. D., 1073, 1074

John R., 829

John T., 666

John W., 513

Langdon C. 456

Mary F., 109

Richard H.. Rev., 923

Robert. 829

Robert B.. 829

Stephen, 828

Thomas, 828

Thomas D.. M. D., 456

Thomas T.. Rev., 1073

Wharton. 107. 1109

William R., 1107 Jordan. 650

Thomas. Gen., 650 Judkins. 982

William D., 982, 983

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