< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu
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Paul S., 699, 1029 Carson, 71

Joseph, 71

Joseph P., 72

Joseph S., 71

Theodore M., 72 Carter, 499, 577

Jeduthan, 499

James H., 578

John \V., 499

John W., Jr., 578

Roy W., 577, 578

Thomas W., 577

WilHam W., 577 Cary, 93, 98

Hunsdon, 95

Lucius F., 95, 98, 99, 100

Miles, Col.. 94

Wilson M., 93, 95, 99 Caskie, 73, 141

George E., 142

James, ys. 74, 141

John, 141

John S., 74, 142 Castle, 675

Henry N., 675

Sallie L., 675 Catlett, 988

John B., M. D., 988

Nathaniel P., 988 Catlin, 538

Edward A., 538

William, 538 Caton, 720

James R.. 720

Moses, 720

Samuel F., 720 Cecil, 132

Russell, D. D.. 132, 133

Russell H., 133

Zachariah, 133 Chaffin, 583

Ale.xander, 583

William W., M. D.. 583 Chapin, 545

Cornelius C, 54s, 546

Samuel, 546 Chapman, 922

Fred L., 922

Hartley, 922

Hartley S., 922 Chesterman, 581

Aubrey. 581

Edwin B., 581 Cheves, 354

George R., 354. 355

George W.. 355

Langdon, 354 Cheyne, 482

Christopher, 482

Christopher E., 482

Luther, 482 Chichester, 226

Daniel M., 226

Richard H. L.. 226, 227

William H., 226 Christian, 247. 273, 780, 960, 971

Andrew D., 782

Andrew H., 780

Andrew H., Jr.. 782

Bessie E., 973

Edmund T., 273

Edward D., 961

Frank G., 275

Frank P., Judge, 961

Frank W., 971

George L., 273, 274

Gideon, 247

Henry, Capt., 960

Henry A., 960

James, 247

Langdon T., 247, 248

Stuart G., 275

Thomas, 247, 249, 781

William B., 275

William E., 248 Claiborne, 148

Augustine, 149

John G., 149

John H., M. D., 148, 149, 150

Thomas. 149

William, 148 Clark, 415

Alice, 416

John, 416

William M., D. D., 415 Claude, 472

Edward H., M. D., 472

Jesse C, 472 Clay, S20

Charles H., 520

Mary J., 521

Sydney P.. 520 Clayton, 117, 973

Alfred B., M. D., 973, 974

Alvin, 974

Jasper, Sir, 118

John. Dr., iiS

John, Rev., 973

John. Sir, 118

Robert B., 974

Robert M., 974

Samuel. Capt., 973

Thomas. 117

William, 117 Clement, 150

Adam. 150

Benjamin, 150

George W., 150

Henry C, 150

Nathaniel E., 150, 151 Cochran, 1092

George M., 1092, 1093

James. 1092

John. 1092

Peyton. 1094 Coffman. 72

Cyrus M., 73

Milton B.. M. D., 72. 73 Cole, 654

James E., 654, 655

John, 654

William. 654 Coleman. 364

Charles W.. 364 Coles, 647, 900. 995

Isaac, 648

John, 647, 900, 995, 996

Peyton S.. 996

Strieker, M. D., 995, 996

Thomas B., 900, 901

Thomas J., 647, 651

Walter, 649, 901

Walter, Capt., 649 Collier, 10S7

Henry L., M. D., 1087, 1088

Howard F., 1088 Conrad, 639

Charles E., M. D., 639, 640

Ed Smith, 640 Consolvo, 357

Charles H., Col., 357, 359

Charles W., 359

Eugene H., 359

Prince Juan, 357

WilHam, 358 Conway, 992

Christopher, 992

Edwin, 992

James, 992

James W., 992

Lysander B., 992

Lysander B., Jr., 992 Cooke, 140, 360

Giles B.. 361

James W., 140

John, 140, 360

Joseph, 140

Lechmere R., 141

Mordecai, 360, 361

Silas, 140

Thomas, 140

Thomas S., M. D., 140, 141 Cootes, II 17

Benjamin F., 11 17

F. Graham. 11 17, 11 18

Samuel, 11 17 Corley, 437

John B., 437

John G., 437> 438

John J., 437

William, 437 Correll. 817

Abraham, 817

Charles E., 817

James E., 817 Costenbader, 24s

Frank L., D. D. S., 245, 246

Henry, 245

William H., 245 Cottrell, 93, 1065

Benjamin, 1065

Charles B., 93

Peter, 1065

Richard, 1065

Samuel. 1065

Samuel H., 1065

Samuel S., M. D.. 93 Couch. 902

Frank H., 902

William, 902 Cousins, 49=;

WilHam T., 495

William W., 495 Cox, 497. 875

Archie. 497

Joseph E.. 875

Marcellus E.. 875

Radford M., 497

Reuben. 497 Craig, 46

Samuel. 46

Samuel B., 46

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