< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu
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Thomas M. K., 406 William H., 689, 6yo William T., 690

Baldwin, 523, 529, 1007 Archibald S., 529 Elijah, 529 Frank V., 1007, 1008 John, 52s, 529, 1007 John M., 526 Nathaniel, 529 Robert F., 525, 529 William, 1007 William B., 1007

Ball, 1016

Augustus M., 1016 James W., 1016, 1017 Joseph, Col., 1017 William, Col., 1017

Banister, 129

Blair, 129, 130 John, 129, 130

Barber, 432

Edwin A., 432 Edwin A.. Jr., 433 Emma W., 433 Gaylord S., 432 Thomas, 432

Barlow, 913

John H., 913 Thomas J., 913

Barraud, 222 Robert, 222 Robert, Maj., 222

Barrow, 721

Benjamin, 721 George B.. M. D., 721 Peter T., 721

Barton, 528, 697 David W., 697 Richard P., 529, 697 Richard W.. S29 Robert T., 697, 698 Thomas, 528, 697

Baskerville, 868 George. 868 John, 868 Richard, 868

Bass, 400

Robert G., 400

Battle, 131

Elisha. 131 George G., 131. 132 Jacob, 131 James S.. 131 John. 131 Turner W.. 131 Willirmi, 131

Baughman, 2-li, 520 Charles C. 241 Emilius A.. 520 George, 241. S20 Greer, M. D..' 241 John. 241

Bayne. 126, 1075 Charles. 126 Daniel K.. 1075 Howard R.. 126, 127 Mathew, 126 Richard, 126, 1075 William, 1075

Beasley, 813

Edward C, 813

Georgie A., 813 Beazley, 1000

James, Capt., 1000

Robert S., 1003

Wyatt S., 1000

Wyatt S., M. D., 1000, looi Eeckwith, 605

Julian R., M. D., 605, 607

Matthew, 606

Thomas S., 606 Bell, 488

Annie P., 489

James, 488

James P., 488 Belvin, 124

John A., 124

Preston, 124 Berkeley, 966

Carter, M. D.. 968

Charles C, 966, 968

Edmund. 967

Edmund. Col., 967

Nelson. 967

Thomas. 967

William, Capt., 967 Betts. 661

Charles, 661

Frances A.. 661

Lewis. 661 Beveridge. 243

John W.. 244

Stephen T.. 243, 244

William H.. 244 Bickers. 589

John T., 590

Roger A.. 589, SQo

William A., 589 Bickford, 989

James V. A., 989

John, 980

Selwyn E., 989 Bidgood, go6

Josenh V.. 906 Biggs, 660

Joseph F., 660 Bilisoly. 1052

Antoine S., 1052

Frank N., 1052, 1053

Joseph A., 1052

Joseph L., 1052 Billups, 885

Ch.irles J.. 885

Lafayette W., 885

Richard. 88=; Blackford. 845

Benjamin. 8j=;

Charles M., 845

Raleieh C. 8s3

William M., 845 Plackwell. 424

Robert, T). D. S., 424

William T.. 424 Bland. 1022. 1059

Archer. Rev.. 1059

Charles T.. 1022

George W.. 1022

Schuyler. 1059

Schuyler O.. I0.S9

Thomas. 1022 Blanks. 6=;2

James M.. 653

Richard, 653

William D., 652, 653 Blanton, 212

Charles A., M. D., 212, 213

David, 212

James, 212

Philip S., 213

Robert, 212 Bloomberg, 134

Harold S.. 134. I35

Solomon L-, 134 Blythe. S39

Richard H.. 839

Turner A., 839 Boisseau, 915

Benjamin H., 915

David, 915

Patrick H., 915 Boiling, 522. 1032

Robert, 522, 1032, 1033

Robert B., 523, 1033

Robert H., M. D., 1032, 1033

Samuel M., 523 Bolton, 909

Channing M., gog

James, 909 Eoothe, 590

Gardner L., sgo. sgi

William J., sgo Borden, 028

Charles E., g28

J. C. 928 Bosang, 493

James N., 493, 494

Jesse N., 493 Bowden, 416

George E.. 417

Henry, 417, 418

Henry B., 418

Henry M., 417

Lemuel. 419 Bowe. 425

Hector. 425

John, 425

Nathaniel. 425

Nathaniel W.. 425 Bowen. 27, 785

Henry, Col., 785

Henry H., 27

John, 785

Reese, Capt., 78';

Reese T.. 78s. 786

Samuel C, M. D., 785, 786

William, 27

William, Capt, 78s

William D., M. D., 27, 28 Bowles, 537

Drewrv W.. S37

Edgar 'W.. D. D. S., 537. 538 Bowley, '=,72

Franklin, 572

Louis, 572 Bowman, 8T7, 873

Benjamin, 874

Jacob C, M. D., 817, 818

John W.. 818

Samuel. 874

Samuel H.. 873. 874

William D.. 874

Boyd, 26

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