prises in America and Europe, and his will
made December 25, 1800, was probated in
the following year. His body rests in the
cemetery at I'oydton. He married Ann.
daughter of David Simpson, and had seven
sons: \\'illiam, Robert. Richard. Alexander,
James. David and John, and daughters:
Jean Anderson, Nanc}-. and Mary Frances
Boyd, as shown by his will. Robert Boyd,
probably second son of Alexander and Ann
(Simpson) Boyd, born about 1767, married,
in April. 1789. Sarah Anderson Jones, who
left an only son. Richard Boyd. The last
named married Lucy A. Goode. daughter of
John B. and Pamela B. (Hendrick) Goode.
They were the parents of the two wives of
Langston Easley Finch, as above noted.
Children of the first wife were: i. William
Henrv. who died in 1883. in Alamance coun-
ty. North Carolina. 2. Charles Langston,
died July 12. 1S90. 3. Lucy Ann, died young.
4. Belle, died young. 5. and 6. Richard and
Pattie E. (twins, the former died young;
Pattie is the wife of C. T. Baskerville). 7.
Hunter Woodis. married Laura Jeffries.
Children of the second wife: 8. Pearl Mary,
wife of Haynie H. Jackson, residing in
Charles City. Virginia. 9. George G., men-
tioned below. 10. Rubie. married, in 1894.
lames D. Brent, and lives in Keyesville, \ir-
ginia. 11. Garnet Pamelia, unmarried, re-
sides in Clarksville. 12. Morton Easle)-. of
Memphis. Tennessee. 13. Adam Tyree. died
in 1903, as the result of an accidental shoot-
ing. 14. James Love, a Methodist Episcopal
clerg-\-man, resides in Lynchburg, \'irginia.
15. John Frederick, died in young manhood.
16. Pansy Allen, died in infancy.
The Goode family, with which the Finches are allied through the Boyd blood, descends from John Goode, who is mentioned at length elsewhere in this work. He was of the eleventh generation of English ancestry. His third son, John Goode. resided at Falls Plantation. Chesterfield county. X'irginia. He was born 1670-80, at Whitby, England, and killed by Indians, 1720-30. His wife was probably a Bennett. After his death, she remox'ed with her four children and set- tled in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, on the Roanoke river. The third son, Bennett Goode, born 1700-20 in Chesterfield, resided at Fine Creek, in Powhatan county, where he was a prosperous planter, and married, about 1740, Martha Jefferson, an aunt of Thomas Jefferson, third president of the
United States. Their second son, Bennett
Goode, born 1741-46, died 1812-16, was a
wealthy planter of Mecklenburg county,
which he represented in the house of bur-
gesses. He was a member of the conven-
tions at Richmond and Williamsburg in
1775. and of the convention which framed
the state constitution. He married, about
1770, Miss Lewis, of North Carolina. Their
eldest child, John Bennett Goode, born about
1770, was educated at William and Mary
College, and resided in Mecklenburg county,
which he represented in the house of dele-
gates of the state legislature. He married
Pamela B. Hendrick, and their eldest daugh-
ter Lucy became the wife of Richard Boyd,
as previously mentioned.
George Goode Finch was born March 13, 1S69, in Mecklenburg county, and was under the care of a governess while a small boy. later being a student of the local public school. His business career began at the age of sixteen years, when he became clerk in a shoe store, continuing in this capacity for a period of six years, thus gaining an excellent business training. For a short time he was employed as an accountant, and then entered the general office of the Amer- ican Tobacco Company in Richmond. Vir- ginia. In 1894 he removed with this estab- lishment to New York City, and in 1901 be- came associated with the .American Cigar Company, a subsidiary corporation of the American Tobacco Company. In 1903 he was made treasurer of the American Cigar Companv. and later its secretary. He is also a director of the company, and secre- tary, treasurer and director of the Havana American Company, of Seidenberg & Com- pany, and other corporations. Mr. Finch is a conservative and successful business man. and his long connection with the various organizations named is the evidence of dem- onstrated ability and efificiency. His home i.-j at Palisades Park, New Jerse\', where he is a vestryman of All Saints' Episcopal Church. He has served as a member of the town council, and is now a school trustee of the village. Politically he has always affili- ated with the Democratic party. He is a member of the Virginia Society, an origina- tion of the sons of the Old Dominion, having a large membership in Greater New York. Mr. Finch married, April 18, 1901, Elida A\'old, born near Christiana, Norway, daugh-
of Ole S. and Louise (Valborg) Wold. Mr.