shrine. He is also a member of the Benevo-
lent and Protective Order of Elks, and of
the Woodmen of the World. He is an ac-
tive member of the Christian church, and an
ardent supporter of its many benevolences,
havin<T been the secretary of the Sunday
school for twenty-two years.
Mr. Adams married Ivy Nelson Long- worth, on April 11, 1896, in the city of Rich- mond, of which, like her husband, Mrs. Adams is a native. She is the daughter of William P. and Angela Longworth, both natives of \^irginia. Mr. Longworth, of the firm of W. P. Longworth & Company, is a well known and prominent business man of Richmond. To Mr. and Mrs. Adams was born in November, 1909, a daughter. Flor- ence Elizabeth.
Henry Lane Collier, M. D. In the follow- ing chronicle there is recorded the union of one of the oldest of Virginia families, that of Collier, with the German line of Schmelz, the arrival of members of the former family in ^'irginia antedating that of the latter by about two hundred years. The record of the first of the family of Collier in Virginia is of special interest, the earliest American ancestor of the family being Samuel Col- lier, who came from England in 1607 with the first company of colonists. He was but a youth at the time and acted as "page" to Captain John Smith, accompanying that leader on his exploring excursions into the unknown parts of Virginia. In 1609 he was left among the Indians at Warraskoyack to learn their language, and in 1622 there is this record : "Quartering about Kecough- tan, after the watch was set, Samuel Col- lier, one of the most ancientest planters and very well acquainted with their language and habitation (that of the salvages), hu- mors, and conditions, and governor of a town, when the watch was set, going the round, unfortunately by a centinell that dis- charged his piece, was slaine." It is of this ancient family that Dr. Henry Lane Col- lier, of Norfolk, \'irginia, son of Howard F. Collier, Sr., is a member, and through his marriage and that of his father the closest of ties between his line and the fam- ily of Schmelz have been formed.
The Schmelz family was founded in the United States early in the nineteenth cen- tury by Frank .\nton Schmelz, of Frankfort, Germany, who, shipwrecked on the voyage
to this country, made safe arrival and set-
tled in Hampton, Virginia. He established
a bakery and grocery, built up a prosperous
Ijusiness, married, and in Hampton passed
his remaining years. Children of Frank An-
tcin Schmelz: i. Fannie, married (first)
AX'illiam N. Causey, and had a son, Francis,
(second) Robert Scott Hudgins, of Rich-
mond, \'irginia, and had a son, Robert Scott,
Jr.. who married Grace Cosby and has chil-
dren : Robert Scott, third, Holden, and Gar-
land. 2. Henry Lane, born March 14. 1854,
died October 13, 1914; he was president of
the Schmelz Brothers" Bank and the Bank
of Hampton, one of the leadmg financiers of
the locality, interested in numerous finan-
cial institutions ; he was prominent in the
Virginia Baptist Association, and an active
worker in religious and educational enter-
prises, a citizen of responsibility and value ;
he married (first) in 1876, Mattie Hick-
man, born in 1853, died in 1896, (second)
October 6, 1904, Anne Moomar ; children,
all of his first marriage : Ethel, born in
May, 1882, married Dr. Robert Baltzell ;
Margaret, died in 191 1, married Robert
Tate; Susie, born in 1889, died in 1903;
Catherine ; Dorothy, twin of Catherine, born
August 12, 1896. 3. George Anton, of whom
further. 4. Frank, died aged nineteen years.
5. Nannie Belle, born in i860, married, in
April. 1878, Howard F. Collier, Sr., this
marriage first linking the lines of Collier
and Schmelz. Howard F. Collier was a
descendant of Charles Collier, who married
Frances, daughter of Colonel Howard, of
England. Their son, Charles Collier, mar-
ried Martha Wright Jones, and they had
eight children : Caroline F., Nancv M.,
M^ary M.. Howard S., Fayette S., ' Ellie,
Quiniby, and a child who died in infancy.
Howard S. Collier, eldest son, married
Nancy Ann Schmelz, aforementioned. Chil-
dren : i. Howard F., born August 23, 1879,
married, June 28, 1910, Rowena B. Sinclair,
horn May 25, 1886, and has a daughter. Nan-
lue Sinclair, born September 16, 191 1. ii.
Francis Anton, born October 20, 1881, mar-
ried, August 6, 1902, Mary Louise Lake,
?nd has a son, Francis Anton, Jr., born Feb-
ruary 4. 1903. iii. Charles Marshall, born
January 8, 1885, married, April 9, 191 1,
Mary Eva Cain, and has children: Eva
Cain, born May 4, 191 2, and Charles Mar-
shall. Jr.. born May 19, 1914. iv. Henry
Lane, of whom further, v. Nannie Belle,