and knowledge of the intricacies of the huv,
by seeking his advice.
Foster F. \ . Staples was born in Ports- mouth. April 7, 1883, son of Robert Griffin and Anna Maria Kumble (Fowler) Staples, and grandson of Samuel Sta])!es. a descend- ant of the early Staples family that settled iii Portsmouth late in the eighteenth cen- tury. Robert Griffin Staples was born in 1833. He was assistant quartermaster of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, ranking as captain and also won the brevet rank of major. From 1865 to 1876 he was chief clerk at the Portsmouth United States navy yard, and there his wonderful capacity for organization and detailed system was em- ployed with excellent results. From 1876 to 1883 he was postmaster of Portsmouth ; from 1883 until his retirement he was en- gaged in a mercantile business. He was a hne musician, a devoted Baptist, a mem- ber of P'arragut Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Temperance and the Hep- tasophs. He married, in 1852, Anna M. K. Fowler. Children: i. Eliza Raymond. 2. .^amuel Alexander, married Mary E. Ellis ; children : Rev. Raymond Fowler, Griffin Ellis, Mary E., Margaret, Samuel Alexander (2), Kenneth. 3. Ida I., married James Cuthriell ; children : Ellen Raymond, Robert Griffin, Helen Maria, Charles McLean, James King, Norman Farcjuahar. 4. Rob- ert Griffin (2), married Mattie Lumber; children: Lillian, Alattie, Fanny, William, Robert, Eudora, Edwin, Harry, Robert, Everett, Lee. 5. "William Hook, married Ruth Bayton. 6. Edwin Ludlow, married Alice \'irginia Leigh ; children : Edwin Lud- low (2), Griffin Leigh, Sue Leigh and Frank I'"oster. 7. .Annie (Irant, married William P. Cotton; children: .\nnie Estelle, Sarah Robert, Lucille, William P. (2), Robert. 8. Charles ]'., married Phoebe Seifert ; chil- dren : Margaret. Clifford, Paulina, Britton. 9. Louise P., married Walter Briggs ; chil- dren: Walter, .\nnie, Louise. 10. Foster F. V.
Foster F. V. Staples obtained his English education in the public schools of Ports- mouth and during his earlier manhood was \ariously employed, but during that same ],eriod was privately pursuing an extended course of legal study. This meant courage and determination of the highest order and with him "burning the midnight oil" was not a fanciful expression, but an ever pres-
ent fact. He was fortunate in his choice of
a preceptor, the late Colonel William II.
.Stewart not only acting in that capacity
but furthering the ambition of the young
man in every way possible. In 1904 at the
age of twenty-one years, j\Ir. Staples pre-
sented himself for examination, was passed
with honor and at once admitted to the
Norfolk county bar. When legally qualified
for practice he was admitted to a partner-
ship with Colonel Stewart, his preceptor,
and as junior of the law firm, Stewart &
Staj)les, he practiced until 1908. In that
3ear he withdrew and since then has been
in practice alone. He is learned in the law,
most skillful in its application and has won
an honorable position in the profession he
honors in turn. He is a member of the Nor-
folk and Portsmouth Bar Association, be-
longs to the Baptist church and in politics
is a Democrat.
Mr. Staples married, in 1911, Leila Alice Gatling, born in Murfreesboro, North Caro- lina, in 1890, daughter of Jefferson Davis and Georgie Jeanette Payne Gatling. Chil- dren : Foster Gatling, born September 18, 1912; George Raymond, January i, 1914.
Lucien Keith. The family of Keith was among the most ancient in Europe and dated in Scotland from the tenth century, .springing in that country from the Catti, a warlike people who came to Scotland in the tenth century, the Keiths springing from tjetty Chattan Moir, Prince of the Catti. At the battle of Panbridge in 1006, Robert, a chieftain of the Catti, slew with his own hands Camus, general of the Danes, and King Malcolm witnessing the combat (lipped his fingers in the blood of Camus and drew red strokes or pales on the top of Robert's shield. Since that time these ])ales have been the armorial bearings of his descendants. In loio Robert was made hereditary marischal of Scotland and was rewarded with a barony in East Lothian, which was called Keith Marischal, after his own name. His descendant. Sir William, married a daughter of the Earl of Craw- ford and had a son William, created Earl .Marischal in 1458. A descendant, George, the fifth earl, founded Marischal College, .Aberdeen, Scotland, 1593. The tenth earl was colonel in the guards under Queen -Anne, but joining the rebellion of 1715 was
attainted and joined the ser\-ice of the King