Shenandoah Valley for the period of one
year. Electrical engineering was the next
titld of his activity, and he was in the em-
ploy of :he Virginia Hot Springs Com-
pany for three years. At the expiration of
this time he became a student at the Univer-
sity College of Medicine in Richmond, from
which mstitution he v>-as graduated in the
class of igo2 with the degree of Doctor of
Dental Surgery. He at once established
himself in the practice of his profession iu
the city ot Richmond, and by his careful and
painstaking methods has acquired a large
and lucrati\e practice. His religious affili-
ation is with the Campbcllite church, and he
is a member of the Order of Free and Ac-
cepted Alasons. Dr. AlcCray married, No-
vember 6, 1906, Nellie Stuart, born in Rich-
mond, \^irginia. where her parents, Thomas
S. and Lillian (Cafi'ee) Winn, are still re-
siding, the former conducting a successful
feed business. Dr. and Mrs. McCray have
cne child: Bernard ^\'inn, born August 9,
Robert P. Holt. Colonel Robert P. Holt io descended from an old family in Virginia, a son of Hon. Alicajah Quincy Holt, of Surry county, Virginia, one of the most dis- tinguished citizens of his time. He was the father of four sons, all of whom have gained distinction in their native state, namely : Judge Henry W. Holt, of Staunton ; R. \V. Holt, of Washington, D. C. ; Colonel Robert P. Holt, of further mention, and Saxton \\'inslow Holt, of Portsmouth, at present a member of the state senate.
Colonel Robert P. Holt was born in 1880, ill Surry county, Virginia, and was brought up under the instruction of private tutors, subsequently attending the Episcopal high school. He was for some time a student at Randolph-Macon College, and graduated from the University of Virginia in 1902. In association with his younger brother, Hon. Saxton W. Holt, he engaged in mercantile business as jobbers of groceries and similar wares, under the- firm name of S. W. Holt & Company. He is vice-president and di- rector of the Smelz Brothers Bank, one of the largest in the county of Warwick. Colo- nel Holt takes an active interest in public aiTairs. is a leader in the councils of the Dem- ocratic party, and served on the staff of Governor Swanson, with the rank of colo- nel. Pie is very popular with his fellow citi-
zens, and is actively interested in every
movement calculated to promote the growth
and prosperity of Norfolk. He is an active
member of the Episcopal church. Pie mar-
i:ed, in 1908, Nora Carlisle Herbert, daugh-
ter of Colonel Arthur and Alice (Gregory)
Herbert, of Alexandria. Virginia, and they
have a son, Arthur Herbert Holt, born in
John BoHing Jones, M. D. John Boiling Tones, M. D., a successful physician of Pe- tersburg, is of Welsh descent, and comes of a family long settled in Virginia. His grandfather, Francis Fitzgerald Jones, was born in Amelia county, Virginia, and lived and died at "The Oaks," in Brunswick county, Virginia, where he was a planter and slave owner, and died at the age of fiftv-two years. He married Lucy Thweatt, who died at the age of forty-five years. They had children : George. Thomas Thweatt, \\'illiam Fitzgerald, Francis F., Benjamin C, James E.. Gregory, Lucy, wife of Dr. Hume Field, of Dinwiddle county ; Alice, first wife of Claiborne Pope, and Hat- tie, second wife of Claiborne Pope.
Rev. Thomas Thweatt Jones, son of Fran- cis F. and Lucy (Thweatt) Jones, was born in Amelia county. Virginia, in 1837, became a clergyman of the Presbyterian church, serving pastoral charges in Virginia, and died in Petersburg in 1904. He was a soldier during the first two years of the Civil war, and was captured at Fort Donaldson, and held some time as a prisoner. During the last two years of that struggle he was a member of the state senate of Virginia. He married Margaret Ann Boiling, who sur- vives him, and now resides at her old home in Dinwiddle county, aged seventy-seven years. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom nine are now living. One died in infancy, and another, Thomas F., Jr., died at the age of twenty-four years. Those living are : Lucy Ann, wife of William Boil- ing, of Mississippi ; Sally Green, widow of John Pryor Atkinson, residing in Dinwid- dle county ; Harriet Meade, wife of Rev. William B. Mclllwaine, a missionary in Japan ; John Boiling, of further mention be- low ; Robert Randolph, of El Paso, Texas ; Francis Fitzgerald, a Presbyterian clergy- man of Tinkling Springs, Virginia; Mar- garet Boiling, Mrs. Oscar Dameron, of Lan-
caster county, Virginia ; Mary Barnett, wife