revolutionary fame. Children of Robert
Henry and Lucy Ann (Wren) Hudgins :
Mabel Ann, born June 16, 1878, married
Claude L. Goodman, and has Mabel and
Claudelia ; Robert Lester, born October 12,
1879, educated in the public schools, Rich-
mond College, and the University College
of Medicine, now engaged in medical prac-
tice at Farmsville, Virginia, married Julia
Barnes, of Richmond, Virginia; Edward
Wren, of whom further ; Reuben Boat-
wright, born March 23, 1885, educated in the
public schools, Franklin Military Academy,
and the D. P. I., a farmer.
Edward Wren Hudgins, son of Robert Henry and Lucy Ann (Wren) Hudgins, was born in Buckingham county, Virginia, January 17, 1882, and through attendance at the public school of Mount Zion and the graded schools of the county of his birth prepared for college entrance. He matricu- lated at Richmond College in the fall of 1900 and was graduated A. B. in 1905, in 1906 beginning a law course in the same institution. While so engaged he was for one year principal of the Tarrytown High School, then for a time teaching in the Rich- mond Academy for Boys, after which he was engaged in similar capacity for one year at Miss Elliott's School, at Richmond, Virginia. In 1908, after carrying his double duties as an instructor and student for two years, he was awarded the degree of LL. B. by Richmond College, and in that vear was admitted to practice at the Virginia bar. He was for two years an independent prac- titioner in Chase City, Mecklenburg county, Virginia, and in 1910 formed a partnership with W. S. McNeal and T. W. Oglin, the three forming the law firm of McNeal, Hud- gins and Oglin. The four years of the firm's existence have brought success in a meas- ure far beyond the expectations of the mem- bers thereof, its reputation for business-like aealing and competent management of the most difficult cases having induced a larger practice. The three principals are lawyers of learning and ability, their association giving a combination of qualities and talents that have achieved much and promise still greater attainment.
Mr. Hudgins was elected to membership in a Greek letter fraternity while at college, and is past noble grand of the Chase City Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. For three years he was a member "Meck-
lenburg Guards," Third Regiment Virginia
National Guard (Infantry). He is a com-
municant of the Baptist church.
He married, March 16, 1910, Lucy Henry, born in Charlotte county, Virginia, daugh- ter of Major Jacob W. and Annie (Jones) Morton, her mother a daughter of Judge John T. Jones, for many years on the bench of Arkansas, and elected to the United States senate from that state prior to the adoption of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Hudgins have one son, Edward Morton, born in Chase City, \'irginia, December 19, 1910.
Bernard Van Buren McCray, D. D. S.
There is no dissenting voice raised to the statement that, in his particular realm of activity, Bernard Van Buren McCray, D. D. S., of Richmond, Virginia, has no superior. His life achievements worthily illustrate what may be attained by persistent and painstaking eiTort. He is a man of pro- gressive ideas, and although versatile, he is not superficial. Exactness and thorough- ness characterize all his attainments. His genealogy also betokens that he is a scion of a family whose associations with the annals of American history have been inti- mate and honorable for many years.
William Alexander ]\IcCray, father of Dr. McCray, was born in Bath county, Vir- ginia, in 1841, and is still living on the old homestead. He served as a Confederate soldier throughout the war between the states, during which struggle he was wounded and taken prisoner. He married Martha Mallow, born in Alleghany county, Virginia, in 1841, and they had children as follows : Martha, who died in infancy ; Wil- liam Mallow, of Staunton, \^irginia ; John Henry, of Waynesborough ; Charles Alex- ander, of Huntington, West Virginia; Bern- ard Van Buren, whose name heads this sketch ; Joseph Sherod, of Hot .Springs, Bath county, \'irginia.
Bernard Van Buren McCray, D. D. S., v.'as born on the family homestead in Bath county, ^'irginia, September 13, 1875, ^"^ resided on the homestead until he had at- tained the age of twenty-three years. His early education was acquired in the schools of Hot Springs, Bath countv, Virginia, and when he was twenty years of age, he attend-
ed the sessions at the Normal School in