among the number. In 1903 he entered the
employ of the Old Dominion Steamship
Company, and in 1904 transferred his ser-
vice to the Northern and Southern Railway
Company. He was placed in charge of the
electrical department under M. K. King and
later was in charge of the entire Virginia
and Northern car division. In 1910 he re-
signed to accept the position of clerk of the
police court in Norfolk, an office he now
holds and most efficiently fills. His first ap-
pointment was made July I, 1910, by Mayor
John F. Duncan, and four years later he
was reappointed for four years by Mayor
J. S. Barron. Mr. Stephens is a member of
the Benevolent and I'rotective Order of
Elks, the Improved Order of Red Men and
of the Knights of Pythias, serving as dis-
trict deputy of the latter order. In politics
he is a Democrat, and in religious affiliation
belongs to Christ Episcopal Church. He
married, in 1894, Lucy Lee Godfrey. Chil-
dren: Andrew D., born June 11, 1895; Lu-
cille, born December 23, 1901.
Josiah Thomas Nichols Josiah Thomas Nichols, a pojjular citizen of Portsmouth, was a grandson of Josiah and Elizabeth (Smith) Nichols, of Norfolk county, Vir- ginia. Josiah Nichols was a farmer, promi- i.ent in his community, and an active mem- ber of the Methodist church. His son, Samuel J. Nichols, born in Norfolk county, was educated in the public schools, and set- tled upon a portion of the paternal planta- tion, where he was very successful as an ag- riculturist. He was active in the councils of the Democratic party, and highly esteemed by his contemporaries. He married Alartha V. Booth, and had children: Sarah Eliza- beth, who died at the age of thirty years ; Josiah Thomas, of further mention below : George Washington, and Lawrence. The eldest son was the only one who grew to manhood.
Josiah Thomas Nichols was born Septem- ber 17. 1871, in Norfolk county, Virginia, where he grew up, receiving his education in private schools. In 1890 he went to Ports- mouth, where he found employment in the general store of Rudolph Bohlkins, and was subsequently employed by Charles Friedlin. He was industrious and attentive to busi- ness, so that he was able to save from his earnings the means with which to engage ill business on his own account. In part-
rership with Mr. John F. Hodges, he en-
gaged in mercantile business under the firm
name of Nichols & Hodges, in which he con-
tinued with success until his death which
occurred April i, 1906. He was promi-
nently identified with the social life of the
city, thorough going and efficient, and very
much esteemed wherever known. Believing
in the broad fraternal principles of the
Masonic order, he became early affiliated
with it, and rose through its grades until he
had attained the thirty-second degree in
Acca Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine, which he joined De-
cember 6, 1903. He was also a member of
the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, the Improved Order of Red Men, and
Woodmen of the World. In religious faith
he adhered to the Methodist church, and in
matters of public policy acted steadfastly
with the Democratic party. He married,
March 26, 1896, Mary Eliza Hodges, born
March 26, 1873, in Portsmouth, daughter of
John K. and Martha Love (Hanbury)
Hodges. They were the parents of two
daughters: Mary Elizabeth, born August
7. 1899; Gladys Williams, October 31, 1901.
The Hodges family is found quite early in
Cheraws, South Carolina, in Kent, Mary-
land, and in Virginia, where it was especial-
ly identified with the Protestant Episcopal
church. John Hodges and his wife Nancy
had children : Fletcher, Ann, Claude. Eu-
genia, Matilda, Andrew and John K. The
last named married Martha Love Hanbury,
and had the following children: i. Alice
William Hodges, married William Taylor,
and was the mother of Eunice Marie Taylor,
who married John Ballance, and was the
mother of Hugh and Helen Ballance. 2.
John Frank Hodges, married Mamie Smith,
- md had children
- John Stanley, Mary Alice,
Marion Estelle, and John Frank (2). 3. Lewis Fletcher Hodges, born July 26, 1870 ; married Winnie Hodges, and they were the ^ parents of: Grace, Delia, Elton, Lewis, jH Elsie and Dwight. 4. Mary Eliza Hodges, H wife of Josiah T. Nichols, as above noted. 5. Child, died soon after birth. 6. Indianna Hodges, born July 16, 1875 • married, June 23, 1897, Samuel Waterman Hanbury, and v.-as the mother of: Joseph Samuel, born May 16, 1898; Maud Lee, May 26, 1901 ; John Durwood, August 23, 1903 ; Hodges
K., July 6, 1912.