David Johnson, eldest son of George and
Elizabeth K. (Wallace) Johnson, was born
October 5, i86g, at Fox Hill, and attended
the public schools of the neighborhood.
Early in life he was accustomed to assist his
father in fishing and gathering oysters, and
has been most of his life engaged in this
industry. For several years he served as
oyster inspector of his district, and in 1904
was elected treasurer of Elizabeth City
county, since which time he has continued
in the office by re-election. He is a man of
genial nature, with multitudes of friends,
and enjoys the confidence and good will of
the entire county. He is active in the pro-
motion of various fraternal orders, in whose
work he bears an important part. For the
last twenty-three years he has been chief
of records of Tuscarora Tribe, No. 70, Im-
proved Order of Red Men, and is past grand
sachem of the Great Council of Virginia in
this order. He is a past master of Monica
Lodge, No. 197, Free and Accepted Masons
of Newport News ; a companion of St. John's
Chapter, Royal Arch Masons ; a member of
Hampton Lodge, No. 366, Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks ; a past grand of
Bay view Lodge, No. 12, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows of Hampton ; of Hampton
Aerie, No. 674, Fraternal Order of Eagles ;
ot Pocahontas-Minequa Council, Woodmen
of the W^orld : and a commander and coun-
sellor of the Loyal Order of Moose of Phoe-
bus. He married, March 26, 1890, Sallie V.
Horton, born February 16, 1871, daugliter
of Sylvester and Annie (Phillips) Horton.
Thev have children : Marian, born January
I. 1891 : Raymond L., September 7, 1893;
Ernest M., January 6, 1899: David, April
21, 1908. The eldest married May M. John-
son, and has children: lone, Warren, and
an infant unnamed at this writing.
George Washington Whitley. George W'ashington Whitley, of Newport News, a leading contractor of that city, is a grand- son of George W^ashington Whitley, who was a truck farmer in Nansemond county, Virginia, and served four years as a soldier in the war between the states. By his brav- ery he gained promotion, and after the close of the war became commander of a ship. The name of his first wife is unknown. His second wife was Emily, surname unknown, and was the mother of the following chil- dren : I. Stephen, married Virginia Armi-
ried -
and had children : Armistead, mar-
Bayne ; Victoria, married
Bayne : Penelope, married Dr. Ward,
and Garfield. 2. Scott, married Lucy Fraz-
ier, and had Nannie and . 3. Peter,
married Lester. 4. Milton, married
Mater Hart, and was the father of Rosalie Whitley. 5. Albert, died at the age of thirty
years. 6. John, married Godner. 7.
Caddie, married • Gardner. 8. Polly,
married Delk.
George \\^ashington ^^'hitley, son of George Washington Whitley by his first marriage, resided in Nansemond county, N'irginia. He married (first) Fanny Mur- phy, who died leaving one child. Julius Wes- lev, of further mention below. He married (second) March 6, 1873, Hattie A. Harrison, 6orn in 1853, daughter of Edmund and Har- riet (Peale) Harrison, of Isle of Wight county. Children: I. George Wesley, of further mention below. 2. Estelle. born No- vember 3, 1875 ; married, August 23, 1910, James E. Council. 3. Hattie. born March 17, 1878; married, February 19, 1896, Wil- liam H. Cook, of York county, and has chil- dren : Leonard Hope, born 1898. and F.dgar, 1903. 4. Eddie (twin of Hattie), married, 1905, Beulah Hopkins, and has sons: Alton, born 1906. and Everett, 1908. 5 Colbert, born July 3, 1880, died October 28, 1909. 6. Jessie, born August 24, 1882.
Julius Wesley Whitley, only child of George Washinsrton W^hitley and his first wife. Fanny (Murphy) Whitley, was born November 22, 1849, in Nansemond county, \Mrginia, and died December 23. 1907. For man}- years he was engaged in the opera- tion of saw-mills, turning out rough lumber, after which he returned to the paternal farm. Later he resided in Newport News and Hampton. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and politically a Democrat.
George Wesley Whitley, a son of George \\"ashington Whitley, and eldest child of his second wife. Hattie A. (Harrison) Whitley, was born December 22, 1873, in Isle of Wight county, Virginia, where he grew up, attending the public schools and a private school conducted by Mrs. S. A. Ely, of Smithfield. Virginia. He served an appren- ticeship as brick mason with T. J. Nelms, of Smithfield, and in 1897 he removed to Newport News, where he engaged in busi-
ness as a contractor for brick, stone and