Marshall and John Thomas, Jr. 2. Annie
v., married Healy Topping, a merchant at
Back River; children: lola, Lillian, Frank,
Gertrude, Rosalie. 3. George Washington,
associated with his father in steamboatmg;
married Burnie Lawson; children: Loraine,
Pauline, George Washington, Jr., Nonie,
Hunter. 4. Alphonso ¥., associated with
the steamboating business ; married Annie
Bishop, and is the father of sons: Bishop
and Harold. 5. Lorenzo D., is now in the
commission business at Roanoke, Virginia ;
he married Winnie Lawson, and has chil-
dren : Alarvin, Lorenzo, Caroline, Charles
and Edgar. 6. William Herbert, a manu-
facturer of barrels in York county, Virgmia;
married Minnie Forest, and has daughters:
Helen, Evelyn and Jarline. 7. Gertrude B.,
married Henry B. Buchanan, who is asso-
ciated with \\ illiam H. Amory in the manu-
facture of barrels ; they have daughters :
Elizabeth, Caroline and Edna. 8. Otis lay-
lor, of further mention. 9. Capros Potts,
professor of history in the Newport News
high school. 10. Lloyd R., a student. 11.
Maria Jane, died in infancy.
Ur. Otis Taylor Amory, sixth son of John Franklin (2j and Mary Elizabeth (Messickj Amory, was born in Aiessick, Virginia, Jan- uary 13, 1888. He attended the public schools in early boyhood, was subsequently instructed by private tutors, and a student at high school. After a course at Randolph- Macon College he entered the University College of Medicine, from which he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine, 1913. Fol- lowing this he took a post-graduate course in New York City, and received practical experience in the Norfolk Protestant Hos- pital and the Kings County Hospital of Brooklyn, New York. He located in New- port News, where he conducted a general practice, and is now associated with Dr. J. T. Buxton in the Elizabeth Buxton Hospital of Newport News, which is doing an ex- tensive business. At the present tirne the proprietors are engaged in the construction of an addition to this hospital, which will double its capacity. Dr. Amory is special- izing in Surgery and Seerology, and though a young man has already demonstrated great ability. Fie is a member of the Nor- folk County Medical Association, Virginia Medical Association, Warwick County Med- ical Association, of the college fraternity. Alpha Kappa Kappa. He is an active mem-
ber of the Methodist church, and acts politi-
cally with the Democratic party. He mar-
ried, April 21, 1915, Marcie Hewell Tuck,
daughter of David and Rosa (Crowder)
William Dickinson Buckner. Among the oldest of Virgmia families, that of Buckner i.-, well represented in Greater New Y'ork by William Dickinson Buckner, president of the Bank of Flatbush, whose ability and efficiency are demonstrated by his continued success in various lines of endeavor. The financial and commercial growth and de- velopment of a city are so closely inter- woven with the history of the individuals who further these interests that a history of one is almost practically a history of the other. Many men owe their success to in- tense concentration upon one line of effort, while others are so endowed by nature that they are able to achieve success in a variety of directions. The name appears at an early date in England. The will of Robert Buck- nore, who died in 1365, is recorded in Lon- don. The line of descent of the Virginia branch is continuously traced to Richard Buckner, of Cumor, Jingland, a village in the southwestern part of Berkshire, Eng- land, three and one-half miles from the city of Oxford. Little can now be learned about him, but his will on record shows him to have been a man of means. He was born about 1500, as he was a grandfather at the tnne of his death in 1548. His son William died ten years later. His wife's name was Martha, and they were the parents of Hugh Buckner, who lived in the city of Oxford, and took the oath as bailif? in 1592. St. Aldate's parish register shows the baptisms of two of his sons and the burial of a daugh- ter, and the St. Mary's parish register shows the burial of a son and the birth of another of the same name. Thomas, son of Hugh Buckner, was baptized February 20, 1590, at St. Aldate's, and the St. Mary's parish register shows the baptism of six of his chil- dren and the burial of another. Among these were John and Philip Buckner, pio- neers of Virginia.
John Buckner, son of Thomas Buckner, was baptized February 2, 1631, in St. Mary's parish, Oxford, and appears in Virginia in 1667, when he received a patent of one hun- dred and ninety-four acres in Gloucester
county. He was granted additional land in