in 1840, died May 19, 1904. He was edu-
cated in Professor Webster's Military Acad-
emy and when war broke out between the
states, enlisted in the Old Dominion Guard,
the noted Portsmouth company. After the
war he returned to Portsmouth, later be-
coming cashier of the Bank of Portsmouth,
a position he most capably filled for seven-
teen jears. He was a commander of Stone-
wall Camp, Confederate Veterans, a Demo-
crat in politics, and a communicant of the
Roman Catholic church. He married,
March 10, 1862, Mary Elizabeth Bourke.
Children: i. Walter Livingston, born July
I, 1866; married, November 25, 1896, Lillian
Gordon Ellis, born in Norfolk, August 6,
1868, daughter of W. H. C. and Virginia A.
(Nottingham) Ellis; children: Walter
Ellis, born August 28, 1897; Joseph Moniz,
October 28, 1898; William Henry Crawford,
January 27, 1901 ; Virginia Ellis, April 30,
1902, died May 13, 1903; John Livingston,
November 7, 1903, died July 29, 1904; David
Livingston, April 27, 1905 ; Elizabeth Lang-
horne, October 22, 1907. 2 Prank Nash, of
further mention. 3. Mary Lorena, born
March 21, 1871 ; married Everett J. Sadler,
who was in charge of a standard oil plant
in Roumania, Europe, at the outbreak of the
present war between Germany, Austria and
allied Europe. Children: Elizabeth and
Isabel. 4. Adele Virginia, born April 15,
1878; married William Henry Bagley. 5.
Louvel Antoine, born September 2, 1881 ;
married Lucrece White, and resides at Ra-
leigh, North Carolina ; children : Louvel,
Bourke and Turner.
(IV) Frank Nash Bilisoly, second son of Joseph Lorenzo and Mary Elizabeth (Bourke) Bilisoly, was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, August 19, 1868. He attended public schools, finishing his studies in 1888 with a three years' course at Professor Web- ster's Military Academy. He began busi- ness life in the employ of a railroad com- pany and transporation company, continu- ing in that business until 1903, then spent a few years engaged in farming. In 1906 he returned to Portsmouth and established a real estate business that he successfully continues. From youth he was deeply in- terested in civic affairs and in 1890, at the age of twenty-two years, was elected a member of the city council. He also has been police commissioner of Portsmouth and a member of the school board. He is
a director of the Industrial Loan Corpora-
tion, secretary and director of the Elizabeth
Building and Loan Association and a direc-
tor of the Bullock Land Corporation, all
live, successful institutions. He is a Demo-
crat in politics, a member of the Roman
Catholic church and of the Knights of Co-
lumbus, the Fraternal Order of Eagles,
\\'oodmen of the World and of the Benevo-
lent and Protective Order of Elks.
Mr. Bilisoly married, October 4, 1892, Charlotte Ruth Hudgins, born in Ports- mouth in 1868, eldest child of Colonel Henry Clay and Lucrece (Langhorne) Hud- gins, granddaughter of Captain Robert King and Sarah James (White) Hudgins, great-granddaughter of Captain Robert and Susan (Buckner) Hudgins, and great-great- granddaughter of John Hudgins, the Vir- ginia founder of the family, an Englishman from Gloucestershire (see Hudgins sketch). Children of Frank Nash and Charlotte Ruth (Hudgins) Bilisoly: Charlotte Ruth, born September 29, 1893; Joseph. June 12, 1895; Frank Nash (2), November 15, 1896; Lu- crece Hudgins, March 24, 1898.
Claudius Laurens Hudgins. John Hud- gins came to Gloucester county, "V'irginia, from Gloucestershire, England, and is the founder of the various Hudgins families of Mathews county, Virginia, whose descend- ants are numerous in Norfolk. One line de- scends from Robert Hudgins and the line herein recorded, now represented in Nor- folk by Claudius L. Hudgins, descends from Jesse Hudgins, a soldier of the war of 1812, and a wealthy planter, slave owner, distiller, and expert wood worker of Mathews county, Virginia.
Jesse Hudgins was born in Alathews county. Virginia, and there died. He ac- quired an expert knowledge of cabinet mak- ing and specimens of his handiwork are yet owned by his descendants. He owned land and slaves and distilled peach and apple brandy from fruit grown on his own plan- tation. He was a Democrat in politics, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Jesse Hudgins married (first) a Miss Stewart and had issue : .\melia F. ; Sally; Rosanna ; W^illiam D.. born 1810. died 1825 ; John P.. born 1813, died 1826; Lucina ; Jesse, born 1818, died 1825 ; Humphrey, of whom further. Jesse Hudgins married
(second) a Miss Borum.