school course of study. He then served
a number of years at the machinist's trade,
then entered mercantile life, continuing
several years. He then formed a connec-
tion with the Bell Telephone Company
and for nine years was manager of their
Portsmouth branch, only severing his asso-
ciation after his election in 1909 to the
office of city treasurer. At he close of his
four years' term in 1913. Mr. Hudgins was
re-elected to succeed himself, his second
term to expire in 191 7. He is very popular
in the city where his life has been spent and
is loyally devoted to the welfare of the city
in which his every interest is located. He is
a Democrat in politics but numbers his
friends and partisans in all parties. He is
a member of the r>enevolent and Protective
Order of Elks and of the Improved Order
of Red Men. Mr. Hudgins married, De-
cember 21, 1908, Mary L. Moore, daughter
of William .Augustus and Jane M. Moore,
of Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Hudgins
have a son, Henry Clay, born September 4,
Maurice Robert Hudgins. Maui ice Rob- ert Hudgins. second son and fourth child of Colonel Henry Clay and Lucrece (Lang- horne) Hudgins. was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, June 18, 1874. He was educated in the public schools of Portsmouth, grad- uating at high school, and began business life as an employee of the Seaboard Air Line, continuing with this corporation for several years. After leaving the Seaboard he engaged in life insurance business as an agent, and on the strength of the abil- ity as a producer of business, won his pres- ent high position. Eastern Virginia manager of the New York Life Insurance Company. He has prospered in all his undertakings and is rated as one of the progressive public- spirited men of his city. He is a member of Montauk Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In politics is a Democrat, and presi- dent of the Board of Health. Mr. Hudgins married, June 23, 1910, Mabel Brown. Chil- dren: Morgan Parrish, born July 10, 191 1; Maurice Robert (2), May 5, 1913; Lucrece Wingfield, August 8, 1914.
Joseph Bilisoly Hudgins. Joseph Bilisoly Hudgins, fourth son and seventh child of Colonel Henry Clay and Lucrece ( Lang-
horne) Hudgins, was born in Portsmouth,
Virginia, November 30, 1880. He was edu-
cated in the public schools, finishing at
high school. He began business life as
clerk in the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank
of Portsmouth, being in 1899 individual
bookkeeper, and later assistant general
bookkeeper. In 1907 he was appointed
teller of the Mercantile Bank, resigning to
accept. January 1, 1908, the assistant cash-
iership of the Bank of Tidewater. His rise
in the banking world has been rapid, but
each advance has been won by merit alone.
He is treasurer of the Elizabeth Building
2nd Loan Association and is highly regard-
ed by his associates in bank and association.
He is also treasurer of the Portsmouth Busi-
ness Men's Association. He is a Democrat
in politics and has served as judge of elec-
tions. He is a communicant of St. John's
Episcopal Church and is a vestryman in
this church. Mr. Hudgins married, April
14, 1910, Emma Stevens Martin, of New
York City, born July 7, 1886, daughter of
Dr. Edward Ward Martin and Eleanor
(Wigg) Martin, both deceased. Mr. and
Mrs. Hudgins have one daughter, Eleanor
Dunwoody, born May 10, 1912.
Fitzhugh Lee Hudgins. Fitzhugh Lee Pludgins, youngest son and ninth child of Colonel Henry Clay and Lucrece (Lang- horne) Hudgins, was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, April 18, 1885. He began and con- tinued early study for seven years in private schools, then spent two years in public schools, completing his study in Norfolk Academy, whence he was graduated, class of 1904. He began business life as clerk with the People's Bank of Portsmouth, leaving that institution for a clerkship with the Sea- board Air Line and there continuing until May, igio. He then accepted his present position, deputy clerk of the Hustings Court, of Portsmouth, where he has made an excep- tionally fine record for efficiency and cour- tesy. He is a member of St. John's Protes- tant Episcopal Church, and is especially in- terested in the Sunday school, in which he is a teacher. In politics he is a Democrat.
William E. Hudgins. Robert King Hud- gins, son of Captain Robert and Susan (Buckner) Hudgins, whose life and ancestry precede this sketch, descended through his
mother, Susan (Buckner) Hudgins, from