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St. Joseph's Infirmary. Chestnut Hill, and the Surgical Dispensary Polyclinic Hospital, Philadelphia. He is a member of the Phila- delphia County Medical Society, Pennsyl- vania State Medical Society, American Med- ical Association, the Philadelphia Cricket Club and of Hiram Lodge, No. 8i, Free and Accepted Masons, of Chestnut Hill. Second of the old Virginia family to make Philadel- phia the scene of his professional labors, he is also the second to achieve worthy place in that profession, and the records of father and son do credit to the individuals and to their distinguished name. He is a com- municant of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church.

Dr. Boiling married, in Philadelphia. Jan- uary 31, 1893. Julia Campbell, born in Wash- ington, D. C, March 13, 1871, daughter of Rear-.Admiral Alexander Wilson and Julia ( Campbell ) Russell. Rear-Admiral Alex- ander Wilson Russell served in the United States navy continuously from 1861 until his retirement in 1888. He was appointed paymaster, February 28, 1861 ; pay inspector, March 3, 1871 ; pay director, February 23, 1877. and was placed upon the retired list, February 4, 188S. His services on land and sea were most meritorious during the days of our wooden navy, and two generations of his descendants have felt the inspiration of his example. His son, Alexander Wilson Russell, was an ensign in the navy during the Spanish-American war, serving until honorably discharged, while the grandson of Rear-Admiral Russell, Alexander Rus- sell Boiling, is now a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis by personal appointment of President Wil- son, in recognition of the distinguished serv- ice of his grandfather, Rear-Admiral Rus- sell, whose service in detail follows : Served in the sloop-ofwar, Saratoga, oi? the coast of Africa. 1842-44; as captain's clerk, and was in operations under Commodore Perry in 1843; served in Company C (Captain Samuel H. Walker, Texan Rangers). Mount- ed Rifle Regiment, in Mexican war; clerk of naval afi'airs committee. United States senate. 1858-61 ; nominated paymaster in the navy from the District of Columbia and con- firmed, February 14, 1861 ; attached to steam- er, Pocahontas. April and May, 1861 ; sloop, Sax'annah, in blockading squadron and in Savannah river; steam frigate, Colorado, on Mississippi river and at the capture of New

Orleans ; iron clad steamer, Nczv Ironsides. special service, 1862; South Atlantic squad- ron, 1863-64, when he received special thanks of Commodore Rowan in his official dispatches "for great zeal and ability in command of the powder and shell division" during the twenty-seven engagements with forts and batteries in Charleston harbor; steamer, Chattanooga, special service, 1866; steamer. Sacramento, special service, until wrecked in the Bay of Bengal, India, in 1867; inspector of clothing and provisions in navy yard, \\'ashington, 1868-70: navy pay office, Philadelphia, 1870-73; promoted pay inspector, March 3, 1871 ; inspector of clothing and provisions, navy yard, Phila- delphia, from October, 1873, to January 15, 1874; navy pay office, 1874-77; promoted pay director, February 23, 1877; navy pay office. Baltimore. Maryland. March 31. 1877, to 1882 ; navy pay ofifice. Philadelphia, from 1882 until his retirement, February 4, 18S8. He was promoted a rear-admiral by special bill through congress. He was vice-com- mander and ex-treasurer of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, commander of Military Order of Foreign Wars, member of the Sons of the Revolution, Colonial Wars, St. Andrew's Society, Union League Club of Philadelphia and president of the Coloni- zation Society.

Dr. Boiling and his wife, Julia Campbell (Russell) Boiling, are the parents of one son. Alexander Russell, born in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, August 28, 1895, edu- cated in the Chestnut Hill Academy and North East High School of Philadelphia. As previously stated, on June 14, 1914, he received the personal appointment of Presi- dent Wilson to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, his appointment fur- ther recognition of the valuable services of his grandfather, Rear-.A^dmiral Russell, and is now a student in that institution.

Charles Walker Maury. Charles Walker Maury, of New York City, was born at \\'ashington. District of Columbia, Novem- ber 23, 1858, and belongs to Huguenot stock, that settled in America in colonial times. Jean de la Fontaine had a younger son, Jacques, born in 1550, and died in 1633. The Rev. James de la Fontaine, descendant of this Jacques, married. February 6, 1686, Ann Elizabeth Boursiquot. To them were born

five children : Peter, Francis, Elizabeth,

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