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was a member of the house of burgesses from Prince George county, 1723, 1736 and 1744. He married, January 2"/, 1706, Anne Cocke, who bore him eight children.

Robert (3) Boiling, eighth child and only son of Robert (2) and Anne (Cocke) Boi- ling, was born June 12, 1730, died February 24, 1775. His estate was "Bollingbrook," at Petersburg. He was a member of the house of burgesses from Prince George and Din- widdie from 1758 to 1774, and a member of the convention of 1774. He married (first) Martha Banister, sister of Colonel John Banister, of "Battersea," member of con- gress. He married (second) April 11, 1758, Mary Marshall, only daughter of Colonel Thomas Tabb, of "Clay Hill," Amelia coun- ty. \'irginia.

Robert (4) Boiling, eldest of the five chil- dren of Robert (3) Boiling, of "Bolling- brook." and his second wife, Mary Marshall (Tabb) Boiling, was born at "Bollingbrook," March 3, 175Q. He resided at "Centre Hill." He was frequently a member of the legisla- ture of \'irginia. He married (first) a rela- tive, Mary Burton Augusta, only daughter of Colonel Robert Boiling, of "Chellowe ;" married (second) Catherine, daughter of Buckner Stith, of "Rockspring," Brunswick county, Virginia ; married ( third ) Sally, daughter of Lawrence and Eliza Washing- ton; married (fourth) November 23. 1797, Anne Dade, daughter of Buckner and Anne Stith. He had issue by all wives, but the third.

Robert Buckner Boiling, third child and eldest son of Robert (4) Boiling, of "Centre Hill," and his fourth wife, Anne Dade (Stith 1 Boiling, was born at "West Hill." Petersburg, Virginia, March 28, 1805. died at Staunton, Virginia. June 28, 1881. He was a graduate of Princeton College, class of 1825, studied law at Winchester, but did not practice, the care of the large paternal estates being his life work. He married Sarah Melville, only daughter of John and Sarah S. Minge, of "Sandy Point," Charles City county, Virginia. She was Lorn at "Farmers' Rest." Charles City county, Virginia, September 10. 1813. died at Petersburg, Virginia, in July, 1854.

Dr. Robert (5) Boiling, eldest son of Rob- ert Buckner and Sarah Melville (Minge) Boiling, was born at "Sandy Point," Charles City county, Virginia, December 11. 1832, died in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Penn-

s}-lvania, Alay 12, 1903. He was one of the members of the Quiz class and summer school of Boiling. Hutchinson & Hodge, for- merly Boiling & Darby. He was a gradu- ate of the medical department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, receiving his de- gree. Doctor of Medicine, with the class of 1855. He also spent several years abroad in medical study and investigation, was con- nected with Paris hospitals in professional capacity, and became one of the eminent men of his profession. On his return to the United States in 1861 he located in Phila- delphia, in the Chestnut Hill section, and during the war between the states was as- sistant surgeon of the United States army. He was a resident physician of Eastern Penitentiary, assistant executive officer of the Mower United States Army Hospital, was demonstrator for Dr. D. Hayes Agnew, and resident physician of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Philadelphia. 1855-56. He was a mem- ber of the .\merican and Pennsylvania Med- ical associations, member of the College of Physicians, member of the Academy of Nat- ural Science, and member of the order of Free and Accepted Masons. He was highly regarded by his professional brethren. Dr. Boiling married. June 5, 1866, Leontine Car- oline Helene Hagedorn. daughter of Ed- ward Theobald and Alvina Agnes Clemen- tina ( Bohlen ) Hagedorn. of Bremen, Ger- many.

Dr. Robert (6th) Hagedorn Boiling, of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, was born in Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia, June 20, 1867, son of Dr. Robert ( 5 ) and Leontine Caroline Helene (Hagedorn) Boiling. In early boy- h.ood he attended private schools at Chestnut Hill, and from the age of twelve to seven- teen years was a student in the Classical Institute of Dr. Faries (Master), of Penn- sylvania. It was his father's wish that after this thorough preparatory study he should enter the medical department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, which he did. and was graduated Doctor of Medicine, May i, 1889. For the two following years he per- formed interne dutv. first at St. Luke's Hos- pital. Bethlehem. Pennsylvania, then at the Germantown Hospital, Pennsylvania. Since 1892 Dr. Boiling has been engaged in gen- eral medical and surgical practice, begin- ning his professional career in association with his honored father. Dr. Boiling is at

this time a member of the medical staflfs of

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