Lancaster, Virginia, and they were the par-
ents of Isaac Carter, grandfather of Eliza-
beth, wife of James Lowe. Elizabeth (Wat-
kins) Carter, grandmother of Elizabeth
(Carter) Lowe, was the daughter of Eliza-
beth Cary, of Warwick, and Benjamin Wat-
kins. The latter was the first clerk of Ches-
terfield county, Virginia, and represented
the county in colonial assemblies on several
occasions. He was also a member of the
convention of 1776. James Lowe was a
colonial justice of the peace and a Revolu-
tionary soldier. The children of James and
Elizabeth Lowe were : Lydia, Ferebee and
Caty (all of whom died in infancy) ; Liney,
married Mr. Moore (no issue) ; William,
born 1799; James, born 1801.
William Lowe, son of James and Eliza- beth (Carter) Lowe, of Norfolk county, mar- ried Ann (Nancy) Owens, daughter of Ed- ward Owen and Xancy \\'alker, his wife, granddaughter of Dr. Ajax Walker and Lucy Merriwether Lewis, his wife. Here we have an illustration of the Welsh system, whereby Owen's daughter became Ann Owens.
John ZollikofTer Lowe, son of William and Nancy (Owens) Lowe, was born April 13, 1839. in Norfolk county, \^irginia. and was engaged for many years in mercantile busi- ness, from which he is now retired. He served four years as a non-commissioned officer in the Confederate army in General Mahone's division. He fought in the battles of Seven Pines. Charles Citv Roads. Mal- vern Hill, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Salem Church, Second Manassas, Sharps- burg. He was present at Gettysburg, but could not fight, his leg being wounded. His uncle. Colonel John Owens, who was acting brigadier-general, was killed during this famous charge. John Z. Lowe. Sr., married, December 6. 1876, Quill Ella Jenkins, born June 17, 1859, in Richmond. Virginia. She was the daughter of Equilla Light Jenkins and Mary Susan Taylor, his wife, of Rich- mond.
John Zollikofifer Lowe, Jr., was born July 25, 1884, in Norfolk, and received instruction at private schools and under home tutors in Norfolk. In 1905 he entered the New York Law School and completed his studies in the office of the Hon. Samuel Seabury, judge of the supreme court of New "^'ork. In 1910 Mr. Lowe was admitted to the bar and since has been engaged in general practice
in New York City as a member of the law
firm "Ingram, Root, Massay, Clark &
Lowe." On March 5, 1915, he was commis-
sioned by President Wilson collector of in-
ternal revenue for the second district of New
\'orkand is now filling that importantstation.
He is not affiliated with any religious organ-
ization, entertains liberal theological views
and acts politically with the Democratic
party. He is a member of the Association of
the Bar of the City of New York, Southern
Society of New York. Virginians of New
York City, North Carolina Society of New
York City, Manhattan. Reform and Pros-
pect Gun clubs of New York City. He mar-
ried, December, 1907, Mignon Wildy Archer,
daughter of Judge Osceola and Alinnie
Wildy Archer, born December 4, 1888, in
Austin, Texas.
Other children of John Z. Lowe, Sr., were : I. Mary Elizabeth, born November 11, 1877; married Rev. Francis Haramond Richey, son of Dr. Thomas Richey, of General Theo- logical Seminary, New York City ; had two children: Elizabeth Carter (died in infancy) and Martha Bacot. 2. Ann, born July 2, 1879; married Lee Wood Walker, and has children: Azulah, John Lowe and Quell Ella. 3. Quell Ella, born July 26, 1882, in Norfolk, \'irginia. 4. John Z. Jr. (above mentioned). 5. James Jenkins, born April 15, 1889, in Norfolk: educated in the Uni- versity of Virginia and Cornell University; is a farmer and fruit grower near Cannon Station. Fairfield county, Connecticut. 6. A\'illiam Hyslo]i, born July 3, 1891, at Nor- folk : educated in private schools at Ra- leigh, North Carolina, and Norfolk, Virginia, now resides at Cannon Station, Connecticut.
Joseph Edward Bridger Holladay. Joseph Edward Bridger Holladay, an inventor, and lawyer, was born at SuiTolk. Virginia. March 18. 1880. The name Holladay has been closely identified with the history of Vir- ginia. Hayden says, in his "Virginia Gene- alogies that the name is a corruption of the old English name "Halladay." Simon Hal- laday was master minstrel to Edward IV. In 1604 Leonard Holladay was Lord Mayor of London. On his paternal side he is a descendant of Anthony Holladay, whose name appeared in Nansemond county rec- ords in 1690, and was attorney for his son, Joseph.
Anthony Coventry Holladay, grandson of