iiocentia quamvis in agro sanguinis: (W'ith
innocence tho in a field of blood). The Lowe
family is traced to a very early period in
England, proving their descent from a cer-
tain captain, a companion in arms of William
the Conqueror. This family has preserved a
male successor since this remote era. Their
royal descent is through the Stanleys, Lord
Stanley having for his second wife ]NIargaret,
Countess of Richmond, who was the great-
granddaughter of the Duke of Lancaster and
the mother of Henry VII. Ferdinand Stan-
ley, Earl of Derby, married Alice, daughter
of Sir John Spenser. Their daughter and
heir. Lady Frances Stanley, married John
Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater. Their son,
Hon. Thomas Egerton, of Tatton Park, mar-
ried Hester, daughter of Sir John Brisby,
Knight of Addington. Elizabeth, their
daughter, married Rev. Peter Leigh, rector
of Lynne, High Leigh. Margaret, daugh-
ter of Rev. Peter Leigh, married Geoffrey
Lowe, son of Thomas Lowe, descendant of
William del Lowe, of Chester, 1342. Of
this family is the renouned Bishop of Roches-
ter, John Lowe, who died in I4)7. He was
confessor to the King Henry VI., a descend-
ant of Henry and Isabella Lowe, of the reign
of Richard II. (Nash's "Worcestershire"
1 195). Geoffrey Lowe's son, Lawrence
Lowe, of Mecclesfield, Sergeant-at-arms,
had for second wife, Alice, daughter and heir
of William Mylton, of Gratton, Derbyshire,
and had three sons, Humphrey, heir of Law-
rence Lowe, resided at Denville, had wife,
Margaret, and sons, Vincent and Clement,
Vincent Lowe, heir of Humphrey, died in
1558. He married Jane, daughter of Sir
Thomas Cokayne, of Ashburne, Derby,
Knight. Jasper, heir of A'incent Lowe, died
1565. Married Dorothy, daughter of Wil-
liam Sackerville, of Stanton-le-Bridge. Peter,
heir of Jasper Lowe, born 1562, married
Jane, daughter of a Knight of Derbyshire.
John Lowe, of Derby, eldest son of Vincent
and Anne Lowe, born 1616, married Cath-
erine, daughter of Sir Arthur Pilkington,
baronet of Stanley, Yorkshire. Sir Arthur
Pilkington was created a baronet, June 9,
1635. He was descended from Leonard
Pilkington, Lord of Pilkington Castle, York-
shire, in the reign of Henry I. His great-
grandsons, Edward and Thomas, were the
first Knights of the family, the former being
the heir of the latter. The twelfth in the
lineal descent from Leonard Pilkington was
Thomas Pilkington, who married Barbara,
daughter of Lionel Revesby. Their son,
Thomas Pilkington, of Nether Bradley, mar-
ried Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Rodes,
Knight of Derby, one of the justices of the
common pleas court. They were the parents
of Sir Arthur Pilkington, whose wife Ellen
was a daughter of Henry Lyon, of Roxby,
Lincolnshire, and mother of Catherine, wife
of John Lowe, above mentioned. John and
Catherine Lowe had sons : John, Jasper,
Nicholas, Henry, and daughters : Elizabeth,
Jane and Dorothy.
Colonel Henry Lowe, the youngest son, married Susanna Maria Bennett, daughter of Hon. Richard Bennett, Jr. (who was said to be the richest man in Virginia), and granddaughter of Major-General Richard Bennett, Royal Governor of Virginia from 1652 to 1655, when Claiborne was his secre- tary of state. Her monument in St. Mary's county, Maryland, states that she died July 28, 1714, aged forty-eight years.
Their oldest son, Henry Lowe, made his will, September 13, 1713, names wife Lovey, and sons, Henry and Peter. To the eldest he bequeathed "the land I had of Captain W. Crawford" (of Portsmouth, Virginia), the last named seems to have been his wife's father.
Henry Lowe, son of Henry and Lovey (Crawford) Lowe, resided in Norfolk coun- tv, \'irginia. and married Sara Jolliffe, daughter of John and Mary (Rigglesworth) Jolliffe, of same county, granddaughter and heiress of Peter and Jane Rigglesworth. In her will recorded at Portsmouth, she names son John and several daughters, her eldest son, Henry, being deceased,
John Lowe, son of Henry and Sara (Jol- liffe) Lowe, resided in Norfolk county, and married Margaret Pugh. On July 19, 1728, he sold fifty acres of land on the main run. Spring Mill.
His son, Henry Lowe, of Norfolk, had a wife Lydia, as shown by a deed recorded at Portsmouth.
James Lowe, son of Henry and Lydia Lowe, married, April 12, 1789, Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Margaret (Hol- lingsworth) Carter, granddaughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Watkins) Carter, descended from Robert and Mary (Darnall) Carter, of Hastingsford, England. Their son, Wil- liam Carter, of Carston, was the father of
John Carter, who married Sara Ludlow, of