Cummings, of a prominent New York fam-
ily. She yet survives her husband, resid-
ing in Montgomery county, Maryland.
Children : James Thomas, of further men-
tion ; Kate; Annie, and Julia Morrill Wamp-
James Thomas Wampler, the only son, was born in \\'ashington, D. C, March i", 1853. He was educated in the public sciioi^ls, his course of instruction covering high school study in the city of Baltimore He embraced the art of photography, attaining proficiency as photographic artist, and con- ducting studios in Baltimore, Maryland, Charlottesville, \'irginia, and Petersburg, ^'irginia. He continued his artistic work until 1898, then purchased the Culjieper "Enterprise" and has since that date de- voted himself to the publication of the "Enterprise" and to the management of a job printing office in Culpeper. He is a member of "Widows Son" Lodge, No. 60, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Char- lottesville. \'irginia ; is a Democrat in poli- tics, and a member of the Protestant Epis- copal church. He has made the "Enterprise" a popular medium of local intercourse and placed it among the leading papers of the state. He is strong editorially, as well as an interesting, entertaining paragrai)her and writer, his strength as a newspaper man being evidenced by the success of his paper.
Mr. Wampler married, October 16, 188:5, Bessie, daughter of Thomas Wells, of Pe- tersburg, Virginia. Children: i. Thomas Morris, born in Petersburg, Virginia, Octo- ber I, 1884: educated in public schools, Roanoke College, and the law school of the University of Virginia : receiving his degree LL. B. from the latter institution with the class of 1905 : formerly assistant United States district attorney at \\'ashington, D. C, a practicing attorney of Washington, D. C. ; married Florence Bealmear, of Balti- more, Maryland, and has a daughter, Ade- laide. 2. Nelson, born in Charlottes\ille, Virginia. February 21, 1886: educated in the public schools and Roanoke College : now engaged with his father in the publication ol the "Enterprise" at Culpeper.
Thomas Aubrey Fisher. In the election of Thomas .\ubrey Fisher to the office of chief executive of the city of .•\lexandria there was voiced the sentiment of the citi-
zens a])proving the fidelity and ability that
had marked his reign as police commis-
sioner and expressing confidence in his ca-
pacity for exercising over the different de-
partments of the city government the same
tempered executive power and competent
direction that had redounded to Alexan-
dria's benefit from one branch of the muni-
cipal service. .\s his devotion to the inter-
ests of his city has been so entire, so like-
wise has been that of his family to their
country and to a cause to which they
l)ledged their support, his father, Isaiah
P'isher. and an uncle, Amos T. Fisher, both
fighting in the United States army in the
\\ar with Mexico. Isaiah Fisher also
served under (leneral Price in the civil war,
for a time being stationed at Lynchburg,
X'irginia, and served in the quartermaster's
department, spending the remaining time in
the .Army of the West. At the close of the
war he was for twenty years in the United
States postal service. The maternal grand-
father of Thomas Aubrey Fisher, John T.
Stevenson, was likewise a soldier in the
Confederate army in the war between the
states. Amos T. Fisher, brother of Isaiah
Fisher, both sons of Samuel Fisher, was at
the outbreak of the civil war connected with
the United States postal department, en-
gaged in the service between Mount Ver-
non and Washington, District of Columbia.
Isaiah Fisher, father of Thomas A. Fisher, was born in Occoquan, Prince Wil- liam county, Virginia, in 1828, died in 1891. He married Sally Ann Stevenson, born in Kentucky, October i, 1842, died in April, 191 1, daughter of John T. Stevenson, and cousin of Adlai E. Stevenson, vice-president of the United States. Their children : John H., a resident of Alexandria. Virginia; Ed- ward S., of Savannah, Missouri, married a Miss Sanders; Charles L., a captain in the L^nited States army, stationed at Fort Han- cock. New Jersey; Samuel P., a corporation attorney of Alexandria ; Katherine, married ^\■illianl .\. Smith, an employee of the Southern Railroad at Charlotte, North Carolina; Thomas Aubrev, of whom fur- ther.
Thomas Aubrey Fisher, son of Isaiah and Sally Ann (Stevenson") F"isher, was born in -Alexandria, A'irginia, May 24, 1870. He there attended the public schools, first enter- ing the grocer}- business, gaining experi-
ence in both the retail and wholesale trade