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Mr. Harrison has several ^brothers and sisters. One brother is Dr. George Tucker Harrison, of Charlottesville, Virginia, who niarried Lelia Bell, of Richmond, Virginia. They have children : Gessner, Lelia and Elizabeth. Another brother is Peachey Gessner Harrison, who married Julia Rid- dick, of Isle of Wight, Virginia, having four children : Edward Tucker, Gessner, Lewis Carter. Peachy. Another brother is Dr. Henry William Harrison. The sisters are: Maria, who married the Rev. John A. Broadus ; and Mary Stuart, who married Professor Francis H. Smith, of the Univer- sity of Virginia, having twelve children, one of whom is Dr. George Tucker Smith, sur- geon and medical director of the United States navy.

Robert Lewis Harrison married, in 1898. Marie Louise, adopted daughter of Lang- don Chivvis Duncan. His home is No. 20 West Ninth street, New York City.

George Nash Morton. George Nash Mor- ton belongs to an old Virginia family whose representatives received land grants in Vir- ginia in ifi36 and 1655. ■'^I- Morton's de- scent has been traced to Lord Douglas, of Scotland, through descendants who resided in Northern Ireland, whence one branch re- moved to New England, and one to Penn- sylvania, and from there to Virginia.

His grandfather, John Morton, was born in Orange county. Virginia, and resided at "Oak Grove," adjoining the village of Char- lotte Court House. This was an estate of three hundred acres, where he resided, while he engaged in business as a banker and merchant in the village, where he was many years postmaster. He was an elder of the Presbyterian church, adhering to the re- ligious teachings of his Scotch-Irish ances- tors. In politics he was a Whig. He mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of Nash Le Grand, a celebrated Presbyterian clergyman, whose wife was a daughter of Colonel Holmes, of Winchester, and a sister of David Holmes, the first governor, and United States senator from Mississippi, and also of Judge Hugh Holmes and Major Andrew Holmes, who was killed in the war of 1812. The Le Grand family was of Huguenot origin and left its native France because of religious intolerance. Nash Le Grand, Jr., brother of Elizabeth (Le Grand) Morton, was a mem- ber of the governor's council of Virginia.

One of his sisters married Captain John Marshall, and was the mother of Judge Hunter Holmes Marshall. John and Eliza- beth (Le Grand) Morton had children: i. Ouinn Le Grand, mentioned below. 2. iauline, who married her cousin, Charles Morton, chief magistrate of Prince Edward county, Virginia. 3. Betty, wife of Leonard Anderson, many years employed in the gen- eral post office department at Washington, D. C. 4. Lucy, who married John W. Eg- gleston, of Nottoway, Virginia, and resided at Charlotte Court House; their son, David, was secretary of the Virginia common- wealth in Richmond, Virginia. 5. David Holmes, a merchant of Charlotte Court House, whose wife was Josephine Cabell, daughter of Breckenridge Cabell. 6. Re- becca, wife of William O. Bouldwin, son of Judge Bouldwin, member of congress dur- ing Jackson's administration, a merchant ]:)artner of David H. Morton, residing in Charlotte Court House. 7. Harriet, died un- married.

Ouinn Le Grand Morton was born at Charlotte Court House, where he was reared and educated. While his uncle was govern- or of Mississippi, he removed with a large number of slaves to that state and settled on a plantation near Holly Springs. Later he removed to Memphis, Tennessee, where he was a cotton commission merchant until his death. He was a member of the Presby- terian church, and while a strong Whig in political principle, took no part in political movements and filled no official stations. He was a member of a committee appointed tc escort General Zachary Taylor to Mem- phis, after the latter had been elected presi- dent of the United States. He married, in

1840, Susan Hanna, of Charlotte county, daughter of Captain George Hanna and his wife, Lucy Morton, the latter a daughter of Colonel William Morton, a soldier of the revolutionary war, who distinguished him- self as commander of a regiment at Guil- ford Court House. Captain Hanna was commander of a troop in the war of 1812. Children of Ouinn L. Morton: i. (jeorge Nash, mentioned below. 2. Lucy, died un- married. 3. Emily, wife of Thomas E. \\'at- kins, commonwealth attorney of Charlotte county, Virginia. Beside these there was a son who died in infancy.

George Nash Morton was born April 14,

1841, at "Oak Grove," and was educated at

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