is descended also through her mother from
John Starke, the emigrant, who came from
Scotland, married Ann Wyatt, settled in
Hanover county, Virginia, and rendered
patriotic service during the Revolutionary
war as a member of the committee of safety.
Mrs. Beazley is a member of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, United Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy, Association for the
Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, and
through Benjamin Head is entitled to mem-
bership in the Daughters of 1812. Dr. W.
S. Beazley, also her husband, as stated be-
fore, is descended from this same John
Starke, is related also to Benjamin Head.
Adelaide Starke, eldest child of Judge Wyatt Starke and Elizabeth Columbia (Mil- ler) Beazley, and sister of Dr. Wyatt San- ford Beazley, was born Mav 27, 1862. She graduated from Albemarle Female Institute in June, 1879, and for five years, until her marriage to Elijah D. Durrette, of Greene county. Virginia, performed faithfully the beautiful service of assisting her mother in the home. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Dur- rette: I. Mary Lee, born in 1886; graduated from the Rawlings Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia, and later, in trained nursing from the Memorial Hospital in Richmond, Vir- ginia. For two years she filled this posi- tion with delight to her patients and great credit and honor to herself and her school. She then became the wife of Robert Brax- ton Allport, of Richmond, and they are the parents of two children: Robert Braxton, Jr., born September i, 1912, and Marion Beazley, born March 28, 1915. 2. Dollie Elizabeth, born in 1888, also graduated from the Rawlings Institute, and for four years filled most acceptably positions as teacher ill her native county of Greene. She became the wife of Miller Jarman, of Rockingham county, Virginia, and they are the parents of one child, Miletus, born September 27, 1913. 3. Elijah Davis, born in 1890; was for some time student at Fork Union Mili- tary Acaderny, Virginia. 4. Frank Starke, born in 1899. 5. \Vyatt Beazley, born in 1901.
Carrie Lee. second child of Judge Wyatt Starke and Elizabeth Columbia (Miller) Beazley, the sister most closely associated with Dr. Wyatt Sanford Beazley, having taught him and otherwise assisted him in his education, was born February 7, 1864. She was a graduate of the .A.lbemarle Female
Institute at the age of sixteen. According
tc the purpose of her childhood, she began
at once to teach, which vocation she fol-
lowed faithfully and conscientiously for ten
years. Her first experience was in a private
school in her own home, then in the public
schools of her county, next in the alma mater,
and finally in Broaddus College, Clarksburg,
West Virginia, from which school she mar-
ried James Durrette Carneal, one of the most
prominent and highly esteemed business
men of Richmond, Virginia. Children: i.
Mattie Nell, born May 31, 1892; attended
the best schools in Richmond, her birth-
place, was two sessions and a half a student
at Hollins Institute, Virginia, and in one
year won, with many honors, her full grad-
uating diploma from Lasell Seminary at
Auburndale, a beautiful suburb of Boston,
Massachusetts. Later she had three months
of travel abroad, followed by a year of voice
culture, the study of French, history of art,
etc., in Paris. She was beginning her sec-
ond year there when forced by the present
war to return home. 2. Wyatt Beazley, born
September 18, 1893; attended the best pri-
vate schools of Richmond, Virginia ; Glou-
cester Acad-emy, Virginia ; Richmond Acad-
emy, and Fork Union Military Academy,
Virginia. 3. Charles Wendell, born Febru-
ary 12, 1895 ; cadet at Virginia Military In-
stitute, Lexington, Virginia, having attend-
ee; the several schools with his brother,
Wyatt B., with the addition of Richmond
College. 4. George LJpshur, born August
29, 1897; just graduated with unusual honor
from the John Marshall High School, Rich-
mond, Virginia, winning unsought scholar-
ship for Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia.
5. James Durrette, Jr., born July 13, 1899;
an "honor roll" pupil of the Richmond High
School, with the distinction of never hav-
ing received a demerit during his entire
school experience, and also of having won
the medal for best lessons and conduct for
four consecutive years, beginning at the
very outset of his school life. One of his
high school teachers said that he is such a
gentleman she had been made more of a
lady for having taught him. The entire
Carneal family are communicants of the
Baptist church.
Mary James, third child of Judge Wyatt Starke and Elizabeth Columbia (Miller) Beazley, was born in Greene county, Vir-
ginia, Augaist 5, 1866. She, too, attended