ed Randolph-]\Iacon College for two years,
leaving college to take up the serious busi-
ness of life when he was twenty years old.
Starting in the year 1876, he was in the
hardware business for a period of five years
at Lynchburg, Virginia, going from there
to Baltimore, Maryland, for a further period
of four years. Mr. Judkins came to New
York City in 1885 and was in business in
that city from 1885 to 1890. Then he went
to Danville, Virginia, where he became en-
gaged in the manufacture of tobacco, re-
maining so engaged for a period of eight
years ending in 1898. He returned to New
York in that j'car, and was in business there
again from 1898 to 1903. The five years
that followed he spent in Europe. In the
jear 1908 Mr. Judkins returned from abroad
to New York City and engaged in the in-
vestment securities business, continuing to
the present time, and having offices at No.
74 Broadway. Mr. Judkins is a member of
the New York, Athletic Club, "The Vir-
ginians" of New York and the Southern
Society. In politics he is an independent
Democrat, and in religion a member of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. Judkins married. December 9, 1886. Kate Lee, born at Danville, Virginia, Sep- tember 22, 1863, daughter of Christopher G. Holland. Children: i. Rebecca Addison, born December 14, 1889, died December 15, 1889. 2. Holland Ball, born June 4, 1891, in Danville : educated in private schools at Danville, at \\'oodberry Forest School, Vir- ginia, and at Lausanne, Switzerland. 3. Dorothy Ball, born October 28. 1893 ; edu- cated at Randolph-Macon Institute, Dan- ville, Virginia ; Hollins College, Virginia ; and at Lausanne, Switzerland. 4. William Waring, born December 5, 1895. died June 9, 1897. 5. Katherine Lee, born in Danville, Virginia. September 17, 1897; educated at private schools at Pelham Manor. New York, at Lausanne, Switzerland, Randolph- Macon Institute, Danville, Virginia, and at Hollins College, \'irginia.
Nathaniel Thomas Ennett, M. D. A North Carolinian by birth. Dr. Ennett, profession- ally educated in Richmond, \'irginia, has made that city his home since 1899. He de- scends from old colonial families, his mother being a descendant of Richard Borden, who came from England to New England in 1636, settling in Rhode Island. The Ennetts are
an early family of Onslow county, North
Carolina, Dr. Ennett, of Richmond, being
a great-grandson of William Ennett, a
planter, and a grandson of Nathaniel
Thomas Ennett.
Nathaniel Thomas Ennett was born at Golden Place, North Carolina, April 22, 1S16, and died May 12, 1844. He married Elizabeth Wilder, born December 18, 1817, died January 3, 1839, leaving an only child, George Noble Ennett.
George Noble Ennett, M. D., was born at Golden Place, Onslow county. North Caro- lina, December 20, 1838, and died August 4, 1897, at Cedar Point, North Carolina. He was educated under private teachers, ac- quiring his professional education in the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York, obtaining his degree of M. D. in 1859, being then just twenty- one years of age. He spent the year follow- ing in Bellevue Hospital, New York City, also receiving a diploma from that famous institution. He then returned to North Carolina, beginning practice at Snead's Ferr}', Onslow county, in that state. When war broke out between the states, he enter- ed the Confederate army as surgeon, con- tinuing as such in active service for two or three years, when poor health compelled his return home. He was a Democrat in poli- tics, serving for many years as county super- intendent of health, Carteret county. North Carolina. He married Lucretia Ann Bor- den, February 26, 1868. She was born at Cedar Point, Carteret county. North Caro- lina, August 20, 1848, and is now residing at the old plantation homestead at Cedar Point with her son, Lee Borden Ennett. She is a daughter of Colonel Barclay DuLaney and Margaret (Chadwick) Borden, and a descendant of Richard Borden, of Rhode Island, 1636. Children of Dr. George Noble and Lucretia Ann (Borden) Ennett: George Noble (2). born July 12, 1869: William F., born February 25, 1871, died October 13, 1890; Lee Borden, born November 13, 1873; Julia J., born December 14. 1875 ; Nathaniel Thomas, born January 5, 1877, of whom fur- ther; Margaret Ann, born February 18, 1880; Elizabeth Wilder, born August 7, 1883, died at Cedar Point, January 24, 191 1 ; Andrew DuLaney, born October 9, 1S88; Barclay Lucretia. born April 17, 1890, died July 26, 1890.
Nathaniel Thomas Ennett, fifth child of