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daughter of John Leadbeater, and had two sons, Gardner Lloyd, of whom further ; and William J., born in Alexandria, Virginia, June 13, 1870, married Lucy Lyon, daugh- ter of Cassius Lee, Jr., and has two chil- dren, Gardner Lloyd (2), and Elizabeth Lee. \\'illiam J. Boothe is a bond broker. Gardner Lloyd Boothe, son of William Jeremiah and Mary Grace (Leadbeater) Boothe, was born in Alexandria, Virginia, June I, 1872. He obtained his early educa- tional training in private institutions in his native city, entering the law office of Judge J. K. AI. Norton as a student. In 1892 he matriculated at the University of Virginia, whence he was graduated B. L. in the class of 1893, being admitted to the state bar of \'irginia in the fall of that year. Opening an ofifice in Alexandria he at once began the practice of his profession, favorable success attending his efforts almost from the start, and in 1897 he was made city attorney, his choice for this position predicated upon the excellent record he had made thus far m his professional life. In matters political he is a strong Democratic sympathizer and as the candidate of this party was elected to a seat in common council, having in 1902 been made a member of the State Demo- cratic Committee. This latter position he holds to the present time and has always been a conspicuous figure in the works of that committee, influential in its deliber- ations, practical in submitting plans of pro- cedure for the strengthening of the party prestige. In 1909 he became president of the First National Bank of Alexandria, a strong institution, enjoying universal con- fidence and vigorous prosperity, one deserv- ing of the leadership of such a man as Mr. Boothe, whose upright integrity and high sense of personal honor admirably qualifies him for just such an office. He holds mem- bership in Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, and for the past twenty years has been a vestryman of the same. He is a member of the University Club of Wash- ington, District of Columbia, the Washing- ton Country Club and Westmoreland Club, of Richmond, Virginia. It would indeed be difficult to find a branch of activitv required by good citizenship in which Mr. Boothe fias not played some part and his willing- ness for service of any kind, whether it be for the church, for his city, or for his party.

has gained him an enx'iable reputation among his friends and acquaintances.

He married, February 7, 1906, Eleanor Harrison Carr, born at Petersburg, Virginia, February 19, 1884, daughter of Joseph and Frances (Harrison) Carr, and has children: I. .Armistead Lloyd, born at Alexandria, \'irginia, September 25, 1907. 2. Gardner Lloyd, Jr., born at Alexandria, Novemlier 15, '1912.

Hosea McCall Duncan, M. D. Of Scotch ancestry and Pennsyh-ania birth. Dr. Dun- can, although recently located in Strasburg, \'irginia, has been a practitioner of medicine and surgery in the state of Virginia for many years, located at Manassas.

Dr. Duncan is a son of John Duncan, liorn in Edinburg, Scotland, in 1824. died in west- ern Pennsylvania in 1884. He came to the United States when young and became one of the noted and successful coal land pro- moters of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. During his latter years he lived a retired life. He married Isabel Campbell, also of Scotch parentage, born at Wheeling, W^est Virginia, in 1825, died in 1901, daughter of William and Sarah E. (Paul) Campbell. He left two sons and two daughters, Robert G., born in 1844, now a retired farmer ot Cumberland county, Pennsylvania ; Hosea McCall. of further mention ; Elizabeth, mar- ried L. S. Rhoads ; Flora, married D. C. Rumbaugh.

Dr. Hosea McCall Duncan, second son of John and Isabel (Campbell) Duncan, was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, October 26, 1864. His preparatory educa- tion was obtained in the public schools of \\estmoreland and .\llegheny counties, Pennsylvania, after which he spent two years, 1882-84, at Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio. In 1884 he began his medi- cal education in Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio, and after a three years" course was graduated M. D., class of 1887. He pursued post-graduate courses at West- ern Pennsylvania Medical College, now the University of Pittsburg, for two years and received from that college an additional M. D. degree. For a time he was interne at the college hospital, then he l)egan practice at Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he was successfully

engaged for ten years. He then located in

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