Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Hampton
Commandery, Knights Templar, and Acca
Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of
Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the
Knights of Pythias, Heptasophs and Wood-
men of the \\'orld. For sixteen years he
served as a member of the city council : has
been president of the city school board ;
was alternate delegate to the Democratic
national convention in 1904, and a delegate
in igoS. In 1909 he represented Virginia in
the notification committee, which apprised
John W. Kerr, vice-president, of his nomi-
nation at Indianapolis, Indiana. In relig-
ious affiliation Mr. Ford is a supporter of the
Baptist church.
He married, October 24, 1893, Stella East- man, born August 18, 1872. at West Pitts- ton, Pennsylvania, direct descendant of the Eastman family of Connecticut (see East- man Biography of Connecticut), daughter of Miles J. and Mary A. Eastman, and they have children; Ruth Ivanhoe, born 1895; Charles Edwin. 1896: Fitz Hugh Lee, 1898; George A. Schmelz, 1899, died May 7, 1900; Stella, 1901 ; Mary Eastman, 1903 ; Gladys Elizabeth. 1905.
John Pritchett Swanson. Sven Gander- son emigrated with his family from Sweden to America about the year 1635. He died intestate, his three sons, Sven, Ole and An- dries, dividing his estate equally among them. They assumed for a surname the father's Christian name, Svensons, or the sons of Sven, which later became Swenson and Swanson. Sven Svenson married but left no male issue. By his will dated July 21, 1696, he devised to the Swedes congre- gation the land upon which the church now stands, the residue of his estate to his widow and daughters. Ole Svenson, by will dated November, 1692, devised one hundred acres in Gloucester county, New Jersey, to his son John, the balance of his estate to sons, Peter and Swan, and to his daughters. An- dries Svenson, by will dated January 8, 1678, devised to his widow one-third of his estate, and to his eldest son. Gunner, fifty acres of the northermost part of his estate joining upon Philadelphia. The balance of the land he owned to sons, Christopher and Andrew, with provision for his daughters. The family name is perpetuated in Philadel- phia by Swanson street north and south. One of the male descendants of the Swedish
founder of the family went South and there
founded the family of which John Pritchett
Swanson, of Danville, Virginia, is represen-
William .Swanson of his line owned a homestead on Pig river. His son, John .Swanson, was born on the Pig river farm and died at Swansonville, in 1880, aged eighty-three years. He married Julia Cook, who iDore him tvs'elve children, of whom but one is now living (1914), John Muse, of whom further.
John Muse Swanson was born on the Swanson homestead owned by his father, John Swanson, on Pig river near Swanson- ville, Virginia, in 1829, and still resides on his farm, in fairly good health although in his eighty-fifth year. He was engaged in the manufacture of tobacco until 1876, and since has been a farmer, the quiet and peace interrupted only by the war that waged be- tween the states, 1861-65, in which he served as a cavalryman under the famous Confederate leader. General Fitz Hugh Lee. He married Catherine Rebecca Pritchett, born on her father's plantation on Sandy river, near Brosville, Virginia. She died in 1872, aged thirty-nine years, leaving seven children, all yet living, namely : William G. ; Claudius iVugustus, born March 30, 1862, ex-governor of Virginia and now United States senator from Virginia : John Pritchett, of further mention ; Annie Blanche, now re- siding on the old homestead, her father's home: Sallie Hill, resides at the homestead; Julia Benson, also residing at the home- stead with her sisters, all unmarried ; Henry Clay, a resident of Danville, connected with the Holland warehouse. Catherine Rebecca ( Pritchett) Swanson, the mother of these children, was a daughter of Major John Pritchett, who served in the Mexican war. He was born in Brunswick county, Vir- ginia ; married Sallie Hill Dance, of the same countv. Their twelve children are all de- ceased.
John Pritchett Swanson, third son of John M. and Catherine Rebecca (Pritchett) Swan- son, was born at Swansonville, Pittsylvania county, Virginia, September 7, 1863. He attended the public schools, and assisted his father in farm labor and in his tobacco factor}- until he was eighteen years of age, then began teaching school. He taught for two vears. then located in Danville, Vir-
ginia, where for a term of four years he