< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu
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ill November, 1908, \"aughn Veazey Wood- ward, of the United States navy, and has a son, \'aughn Hobson Woodward, born Au- gust 8. iijio.

Crawford S. Rogers. Second of his line to bear this name, his grandfather, from whom he received it, still active in the city of Norfolk, Crawford S. Rogers holds posi- tion in the business- life of Berkley as sec- retary of Garrett & Company. His grand- father, Crawford S. Rogers, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, January 6, 1837, son of William and Charlotte (^lerdon) Rogers, and was educated in the Norfolk Academy. After leaving school he entered mercantile life as a dry goods merchant, closing his store in 1862 to enlist in the Norfolk Light Artillery I'lues, serving until injured by a fall in 1865, when he returned to his home. After his recovery he formed a business partnership with Albert Nash, dissolving this to re-engage in dry goods dealing. His present position is superintendent of the Magnolia Cemetery. l\Ir. Rogers is a mem- ber of the official board of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in its organization has filled the office of treasurer, and is a member of the ]\Iasonic order, Nehemiah Shaw and Pickett Buchanan Camps, Con- federate \'eterans. He married Mary Eliza- beth, born March 11, 1837, daughter of Wil- liam and Julia (Foster) Diggs, her mother a daughter of Isaac and Mary (Miller) Foster. Isaac and Mary (Miller) Foster were the parents of : Julia, of previous men- tion, married William Diggs ; Baldwin ; John ; Seth ; Isaac. Jr. ; Elizabeth ; and -Shep- herd. William Diggs, a native of Mathews county, Virginia, was a ship carpenter in calling, pursuing this occupation in Balti- more and Norfolk. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and frater- nizes with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Crawford S. and Mary Elizabeth (Diggs) Rogers had one son, Joseph Stan- ley, born in 1859, died in 1912. Joseph Stanley Rogers married, in 1883, Addie A. Moore, and had issue: Mary, born in 1884, married H. F. Hudson; Crawford S., of whom further: Julia, born in 1887; Henry, born in 1890; Marguerite, born in 1893, mar- ried, in 1913, Henry B. Barton; Virginia Louise, born in 1906.

Crawford S. Rogers, son of Joseph Stan- ley and Addie A. (Moore) Rogers, was born

in Norfolk, \'irginia, September 27, 1885. After attending the schools of Berkley, Vir- ginia, became connected with the Southern Railroad. He remained in this employ until 1907, when he was engaged in a clerical capacity by Garrett & Company, a wine manufacturing concern of lierkley. In June, 1913, Mr. Rogers was elevated to the office of secretary of Garrett & Company, his pro- motion a recognition of the qualities of capacity and capability shown in his former position, and is now associated with that company as secretary. He is a member of the board of stewards of the Methodist Epis- copal church, and holds membership in the Masonic order, belonging to Berkley Lodge, No. 167, Free and Accepted Masons; Ionic Chapter, No. 46, Royal Arch Masons ; Grice Commandery, Knights Templar, and Khe- dive Temple. .Ancient .\rabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.

Mr. Rogers married. -March 22, 1910, Co- lumbia Taylor Bott, and has one daughter. Franc, born August 30, 191 1.

Bailey Tabb. Bailey Tabb, eldest son of (/eorge Talib and Anne (Eliason) Tabb, his second wife, was born December 6, 179S, in Berkley county, Virginia (now West Vir- ginia). He was educated in the private schools of the time. He married Sarah .\nne Campbell, eldest daughter of Dougal and Sarah Lyle Campbell, of Gerardstown, Berkley county, \Mrginia. He was a farmer and lived near Martinsburg, Berkley county, until past middle age, when he moved with his sons to the western part of the state, to what is now (Irant county. West \'irginia. At the close ot the war between the states, he bought a farm near Romney, Hampshire county. West Virgiriia, where he lived until after the death of his wife in 1874. The latter years of his life were spent in the home of his son, Dougal C. Tabb. at "Mt. Alto," Mineral county. West Virginia, where he died on his ninetieth birthday, December 6, 1888. His family consisted of five sons, Elliott Creighton, George Brown, Dougal Campbell, Robert Peyton, and Har- lan Page, and one daughter, Mary Wilkin- son Tabb.

Elliott Creighton Tabb, eldest sonof Bailey and Sarah Anne (Campbell) Tabb, was born in Berkley county, Virginia, December 23, 1825. He attended the usual private

schools in the countrv and later the Martins-

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