Accepted Masons, of Danville ; a noble of
the Mystic Shrine, and a thirty-second de-
gree Mason of the Ancient Accepted Scot-
tish Rite. He is a communicant of Main
Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and in
politics is a Democrat.
Mr. Boisseau married, December 14, 1881, in Louisville, Kentucky, Susie Dean Wicks, born in that city, September 18, 1862. She is a daughter of George W. Wicks, born in Indiana, now deceased, formerly conducted a cotton and tobacco factory. He married Mary Dean, born in Richmond, Kentucky, now residing in Danville, Virginia, aged eighty years. Children of Patrick Henry Boisseau : Richard Bagby, died in infancy, September 22, 1882; Edna \'irginia, born April 2, 1884, married Benjamin Boisseau Babbitt, of Long Branch, New Jersey, editor of the "Long Branch Record;" Mary Wicks, born October 16, 1889, a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music. Boston, Massachusetts, ranking second in the class of 1913; she is a soloist of a high order, and engaged as vocal instructor in Danville.
William Camp. A love of the soil seems to be implanted in the average man, and when released from business necessities, a home in the country seems to be the one thing desired. Men, city bred, are foremost in their love for a country home, and in Mr. Camp's case a farm and stock breeding fol- lowed his years of active city business life.
He is the son of William Sewall and Mary (Bonsall) Camp, of Norfolk, his father a native born son of that city and educated in her schools. The career of William S. Camp was a notable one, inasmuch as start- ing as a clerk he became a partner, and as head of a large grocery house. Camp & Bon- sall, transacted a very extensive business. He never accepted public office, yet was deeply interested in political affairs and wielded a strong influence in behalf of his party and friends of the Democracy. He was a member of the Episcopal church, a man of high character, universally esteemed. He married Alary Bonsall, who bore him two children : Ellen B., married Charles Pontier ; William, of further mention.
William Camp, born in Norfolk, Virginia, was educated in Norfolk Academy, Clifton Preparatory School and \'irginia Military Institute. He began business life as book-
keeper in a Norfolk bank, was deputy col-
lector of customs for eleven years, engaged
for several years in the grocery business,
then retired to a farm near Norfolk, where
he devoted himself to the raising of fme
stock. Later he purchased another farm and
there he resides amid beautiful surround-
ings. He is a member of the Virginia Club.
Mr. Camp married, October 25, 1895,
Blanche L., daughter of Herbert L. Smith,
of Norfolk, and granddaughter of Dr.
Arthur Richardson and Jane Elizabeth
(Herbert) Smith (q. v.). Child, Ellen
Castleman. born July 9, 1900.
George Gardner Hobson. On paternal and maternal lines, Mr. Hobson is of early Virginia ancestry. He is a paternal grand- son of Maurice Langhorne Hobson, and a maternal grandson of General Walter Gard- ner Lane and his wife, Mary Louisa (Bark- well) Lane, of Mathews county, Virginia. Weaker Gardner Lane was a farmer and mer- chant, and held the rank of general of state militia.
Charles Lewis Hobson, father of George Gardner Hobson, was a tobacco planter and snufi' manufacturer, being one of the earliest manufacturers of snuff in Richmond. He served two years in the Confederate army, and was a man highly regarded for manly uprightness of character. He married Mary Louisa, daughter of General Walter Gard- ner Lane, of Mathews county.
George Gardner Hobson was born in Richmond, Virginia, and was educated in the public schools. He began business life with the Merchants' and Miners' Transpor- tation Company, running on one of that com- pany's steamers out of Norfolk. Later he entered the employ of the Norfolk & West- ern Railroad Company, as assistant agent, continuing in that capacity until 1905, when he was appointed general agent of the com- pany, and continues in that responsible position at the present time (1914). Mr. Holison is a member of the Country, Vir- ginia. !5each, German, and Boat clubs of Norfolk, and is a communicant of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church. He married, September 23, 1884. Kate Hanaford Baker, daughter of Richard Henry (2) Baker, granddaughter of Judge Richard Henry (i) Baker, and descendant of Henry Baker, who came from England in 1632. Child, Lelia
Baker Hobson, born June 16, 1885, married,.