1888, daughter of John M. W'ittery, of Glas-
gow, Scotland, and his wife, Annie Eliza-
beth (Goodall) Wittery. of Leeds, York-
shire. England. Children of Mr. and Mrs.
Wittery: \\'illiam H., Josiah, Charles J.,
Annie Elizabeth, wife of George W. Glover.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Glover : Bessie
Elizabeth, died aged one year ; Alice, died
aged three years ; Robert E., of further men-
tion ; John Wesley, married Elizabeth
. children : George W. and Matthew
H. ; Annie Elizabeth, married Fletcher O. Cain, children: Marion. Lewis and John R. ; Adelaide Ella, married W. H. Shackleford, children : Hazel, Leigh R. \\'atts, Kenneth and Delmar; George W. (2), married Mary Henley, children : Claire, George W. (3) and Edward.
Robert E. Glover, eldest son of George W^ and Annie Elizabeth (Wittery) Glover, was born in Portsmouth. August 29, 1864. He attended public schools of Portsmouth, obtained a good English education, then fol- lowing in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, learned the machinists" trade. This occupation he followed for twelve years, becoming an expert steel worker, em- ployed at the navy yard and elsewhere and aiding in the construction of many of the vessels of the United States navy, including the battleship Texas. He later took courses in marine architecture and was employed as a draughtsman until 1909. In that year he was elected city sergeant of Portsmouth, an important office, and after serving a term of four years was reelected in 1913 for a similar term. For the past thirty years Mr. Glover has been connected with the public service of his native city, his service begin- ning in 1884 as a member of the school board. Since that year he has been con- tinuously a member of the board and identi- fied with the upbuilding of the public school system of Portsmouth. He also served as police commissioner, was for five years an alderman of the city, and for ten years a member of council. His public spirit and interest in all that concerns the common good has been constantly displayed and Portsmouth has profited from his experi- enced service. He is a steward of the Portsmouth Methodist Episcopal Church, interested and active in church work, a member of Seaboard Lodge, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, the Improved Order of Red Men, and the Benevolent and Protective
C)rder of Elks. In political faith he is a
Mr. Glover married. September 26. 1886, Margaret Rebecca Walker, born in 1862. Mr. and Airs. Glover have an adopted son, Charles Edward Thomas, born in 1892, whom they adopted in infancy and have given the love and care of true parents and in return have received the love and devo- tion of a true son. He was educated in the public schools of Portsmouth, Randolph- Macon Academy (Bedford City), graduated class of 191 1, and at the University of Vir- ginia, medical department, whence he was graduated Doctor of Medicine. He then pursued a course of summer study at St. Luke's Hospital, New York City.
Leslie Duncan Kline. In 1763 Jacob Kline came to Virginia from Pennsylvania, a married man. He located at Vaucluse and purchased land on which he built a house, the site being now occupied by a brick house, in which a descendant, S. B. Kline, lives. Jacob Kline lived in this house for nineteen years, then built a larger house on the bank of West Run about forty feet from the first one. This second house built in 1782 was one story of limestone and two stories of logs, weather boarded and plas- tered. The brick house built on the site of the first house was erected in 1820 for Dan- iel Kline, son of Jacob. The contractors were Henry Mitchell and Isaac Cockerell and the bricks were burned on the farm ; one of the kilns was in the "Ijrick yard" field and another in the meadow below the "shoot" along the race near W. S. Kline's garden, the bricks for the latter residence being burned also on the farm. "Kline's Mill." which stood on the race, was built in 1794 by Jacob Kline, whose son Anthony, born July 12. 1777, did a great deal of the work and made most of the machinery in it. Jacob Kline was a member of the Lutheran church, and is buried in the Lutheran ceme- tery at Stephens City, Virginia. Anthony Kline, his son and great-grandfather of Les- lie D. Kline, of Stephens City, died in 1859, leaving a son, A. M. Kline.
Snowden Bedell Kline, son of A. M. Kline, was born on the farm near Middle- ton. Virginia. August 23. 1838. and is now a resident of Vaucluse, V^irginia. He served during the war, 1861-65, as a private of
Clark's battery and was engaged in many