there they removed to Richmond in 1873,
and there the father constructed the Hexall
and Crenshaw Mills, and also conducted a
large department store on Broad street.
The family lived six years in Petersburg,
after which they returned to Richmond. Dr.
Wright, after a thorough preparatory edu-
cation, took a course in the University of
Maryland, and then became a student at the
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, from
which institution he was graduated in the
class of 1888. He at once established him-
self in the practice of his profession in
Richmond, and has been actively identified
with it since that time. He is a man of
progressive ideas, and has remained a con-
stant student, holding it a matter of vital
necessity to keep in constant touch with all
improvements made in his profession. For
a number of years he has been a member of
the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Dr. Wright married (first) in Richmond, June 28, 1904, Rose Griggs, who died the following year. He married (second) No- vember 3. 1906, in Washington, District of Colvimbia, Daisy Mountjoy. born in Stafford county, Virginia, where her parents are still living. James B. Mountjoy, her father, is a farmer, and was born in Kansas. He mar- ried Mary K. Evans, born in Stafford county, \'irginia.
Abram Cecil Wright, D. D. S. The course by which this branch of the family of Wright has arrived at Virginia residence almost completes a gigantic triangle upon the map of the United States, a figure be- ginning in New York, extending westward to Iowa, southeastward to Florida, and then northward to Virginia, the present home and scene of the professional practice of Dr. Abram Cecil Wright, D. D. S.
Dr. Wright is a son of George Henry Wright, a native of New York state, born in Troy, November 3, 1829. George Henry Wright was a son of Allen M. and Abigail (Valentine) Wright, and in young man- hood became a sailor and pilot, many of his voyages being made on the Great Lakes. In 1859 he settled in Wisconsin, and one year later made his home in Des Moines, Iowa, remaining in that state until 1887 and gaining business success and public promi- nence. He controlled a profitable agency for agricultural implements, his business field a splendid one. and in 1868 became
internal revenue assessor of a county in
Iowa, and two years later, in 1870, elected
tu the lower house of the Iowa legislature.
In 1 887 the family home was changed to
Orlando, Florida. George Henry Wright
was a man of marked ability, courage and
strength of character, and during a long
lifetime held the unswerving respect and
kindly regard of his associates. He mar-
ried. October 24, 1854, Sarah Smith, of Pen-
field. New York, and had issue : Lillie
Elizabeth, married (first) George Robinson,
deceased, and survives him, a resident of
Orlando, Florida ; married (second) P. F.
Laubach; Charles H., deceased; George
Walton, deceased; Sarah Antoinette, de-
ceased ; Frederick B., a resident of Titus-
^'ille, Florida , Nellie Maud, unmarried, re-
tides in Atlanta, Georgia; Dr. Abram Cecil,
of whom further.
Dr. Abram Cecil Wright, son of George Henry and Sarah ( Smith ) Wright, was born in Sioux city, Iowa, October 14, 1879, and when eight years- of age accompanied his parents to Orlando, Florida, where he lived until he was twenty years of age. As a youth he attended the public schools of that place, in 1899 coming to Richmond, Vir- ginia, in that city entering the Virginia School of Dentistry. Graduated as a Doc- tor of Dental Surgery in 1904, he began active practice in Surry covmty, Virginia, four years afterward returning to Richmond, where he has since practiced. For the past four years his ofifice has been located at No. 2705 East Broad street, and a rapidly growing clientele has made his profession demand his entire time. Expert workman- ship and high professional standing ex])1ain the popularity he has attained in Richmond, and he is favorably regarded in all dental circles. Dr. Wright is a member of lodge and chapter in the Masonic order, and is otherwise active in fraternal societies as a member of the Modern Woodmen of the World and of the Knights of Pythias. His church is St. John's Protestant Episcopal.
Dr. Wright married, at Claremont. Vir- ginia, January i, 1907, Mary E. S., born in Vienna, Wisconsin, daughter of Martin and Mary S. L. Kendall, both of her parents deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Wright are the parents of one son, William Walton, born July 24, 1908.
Obie L. Roach. The old Roach home-