est standing, financial position, and unques-
tioned ability. The president, R. A. School-
field, and the vice-president, J. H. School-
field, have both been connected with the
business since its inception, the president
having ever been one of the strongest pillars
of its support. H. R. Fitzgerald, secretary
and treasurer, has spent nearly a quarter of a
century with the company and ably admin-
isters the duties of his department. The
directors are : J. H. Schoolfield, James I.
Pritchett, J. C. Jordan, D. A. Overbey, J.
Pemberton Penn, R. A. James, Captain Wil-
liam H. White. W. B. Hill, T. B. Fitzger-
ald. E. T. Lamb, R. A. Schoolfield and H.
R. Fitzgerald. To these men and to the
wise policy of the executive, to the enlight-
ened modern methods, and to the friendly
relations existing between the employers
and the employed is due the remarkable
prosperity and growth of the company. The
enterprise is a model one and the pride of
its owners. It was founded, is largely
owned, controlled and operated by Danville
people who regard it with pride as a home
industry. Its more than five thousand em-
ployees contribute largely to Danville's
prosperity as well as to the slightly nearer
village of Schoolfield.
John Henry Hinchman, M. D. Of Penn- sylvania and Virginia ancestry. Dr. Hinch- man, born in Richmond, Virginia, has passed his entire life in his native city, where for thirty-five years he has been ac- tively and honorably engaged in the prac- tice of medicine; also. being a graduate of a Richmond school — the Medical College of Virginia.
He is a son of George Washington Hinch- man. born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died in Richmond, Virginia, at the age of sixty-five years. He was an expert stair- builder and settled in Richmond when com- paratively a young man. He enlisted in the Confederate army and served during the war. He married Martha Frances Jones, born in Suffolk county, Virginia, died in Richmond, in 1862, aged forty-two years. Children : V^irginia and Rebecca, both de- ceased ; Martha F., Georgia Ann and Wil- liam T., all living in Richmond, and John Henry, of whom further.
Dr. John Henry Hinchman was born in Richmond. Virginia, February 4, 1852. He obtained his academic education in the old
Lancasterian School and Seamen's Bethel
School, both of Richmond, and was var-
iously employed until his twenty-fifth year.
In 1877 he began the study of medicine at
the Medical College of Virginia, and was
graduated M. D. with the class of 1879. He
at once began practice in Richmond, and
so continues, honored and respected as a
professional man, as a man of business, and
as a good citizen, friend and neighbor. He
is president of the Capital Building and
Loan Association, and for twenty-five years
has been medical director of the Mutual
Benefit Association, both of Richmond. He
is a Democrat in political belief and is now
chairman of the election board. His father
and uncles were soldiers in the Confed-
eracy; an uncle, William, served in the
Union army, was captured at Bull Run,
where the brothers faced each other in the
hostile armies. Dr. Hinchman is a member
of the professional societies of his city, the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks,
Heptasophs. and is a communicant of the
Roman Catholic church.
Dr. Hinchman married, in Richmond, ^lay 30, 1881. Bishop O'Connell officiating, Mary E. Doherty, born in that city, Febru- ary 29, 1852, daughter of John A. Doherty, born in Ireland, well known in Richmond for many years as the "Prince of Tailors," personally acquainted with President Davis, General Lee and others noted in his day. He married Hannah L. Marrah. also born in Ireland. Children of Dr. John Henry Hinchman: John Doherty, Erina Inez, Harry Barton, a graduate (1914) of the Medical College of Virginia ; Jeb Stuart, graduate of Rockhill College. A. B.; Ernest Francis, a student at Rock Hill Col- lege. Dr. Hinchman's home and offices are at No. 415 North Twenty-fifth street, Rich- mond.
Milton E. Marcuse. Born, educated and trained in business in Richmond, Mr. Mar- cuse can easily substantiate his claim to the title of a "native son," and as such has brought nothing but credit to his native city. He is of German ancestry, his grand- father. .Abraham Marcuse. having been born in Berlin. Germany, where he married Jean- ette Myers. The family is of Hebrew origin and conform to the forms, ceremonies and customs of the Jewish faith.
Milton E. Marcuse was born in Richmond,