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position in the church, one having- risen to the episcopacy. The great-grandfather of Samuel Henry Bowman, of Richmond, was Benjamin Bowman, born November i, 1754, died September 29, 1829. His wife Cath- erine was born December 25, 1752, and died March 21, 1836. Children: i. Elizabeth, born February 12, 1778, died in Washing- ton county, Tennessee, August 10. 1865, aged ninety-seven years, five months and twenty-six days ; she married a Byerly and had issue. 2. Samuel, of further mention. 3. Daniel, born March 5, 1781. 4. Catherine, born December 11, 1783, died October 17, 1877, aged ninety-three years, ten months and nine days ; she married Jacob Myers and had issue. 5. Rev. Benjamin, born June 28, 1785, died at his home near Green- mount, Rockingham county, Virginia, April 9, 1872, aged eighty-six years, nine months and eleven days. 6. John, born April 24, 1790, died at his home near Marionsljurg, Virginia, May 30, 1873, aged eighty-three years, one month and six days. 7. Jacob, born September 15, 1793, died June 23, 1848,

married Mary , born July 6, 1790, and

had issue.

Samuel Bowman, eldest son of Benjamin and Catherine Bowman, was born in Vir- ginia, September 10, 1779, died November 18, 1861, in his eighty-third year, the lon- gevity of his family also being remarkable. He married, January 3, 1804, Susannah Fratzer, born November 29, 185 1. Children: Joseph, born November 5, 1804, died at Mid- dletown, Indiana, December 12, 1866, mar- ried Mary Shaver; Daniel, born February 7, 1806, died in Rockingham county, Virginia, March 12, 1863, married Barbara Neff; Annie, born December 8, 1807, died at Mt. Clinton, Virginia, October 22, 1859, mar- ried Michael White More; Simon, born Oc- tober 27, 1808, died at Mt. Clinton. Vir- ginia, November 17, 1877, married Eliza- beth Whitmore ; Catherine, born September II, 181 1, in Botetourt county, Virginia, died October 20, 1880, married Peter Whitmore Benjamin, born January 28, 1814, died in Rockingham county, \'irginia. May 12, 1893 unmarried; Hetty, born October 16, 1815 died at Mt. Clinton, Virginia. July 30. 1867 married James Crawford ; John, born No- vember 10, 1817, married Elizabeth Flick Samuel (2), born December 8, 1819, died in Rockingham county, Virginia, May 14, 1893, married Mrs. Sally Shull ; William D., of

whom further ; Ephraim, born April 30, 1824, died July 3, 1826, the first in two gen- erations to die in childhood ; Elizabeth, born December 3, 1826, married W. T. Hopkins. Ten of these children of Samuel and Sus- annah Bowman married and reared families, some of them large ones.

William D. Bowman, tenth child of Sam- uel and Susannah (Fratzer) Bowman, was born November 18, 1821, died May 15, 1893, at 10:50 a. m. He married Mary Miller. Children : Susan L., married David Leon- ard ; Samuel H., of whom further; Eliza- beth, married J. H. Berry; Mary, Calvin, James C, Venora S. and Charles L.

Samuel H. Bowman, eldest son of Wil- liam D. and Mary (Miller) Bowman, was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, March 8, 1848. His only schooling was in the Kuzletown private school near his home. In i860 he went to Richmond where, when he was but fourteen years of age, he served until he was sixteen in Hendley's Battalion for local defence. In May, 1864, being then just past sixteen years of age, he volun- teered for service in the First Richmond Howitzers, Confederate States army, and fought until the surrender at Appomattox. After the war he worked on a farm, and for six years was with the Richmond Street Railway Company. Then for five years he was in the tobacco business. He then en- tered the employ of the Southern Express Company, serving eight years as clerk. Then for nine years he was with the Rich- mond and Allegheny Railroad Company, as express, ticket and general baggage agent. From the railroad he went to the United Express Company as general agent, and for twelve years was with that company at Richmond, Virginia, and Washington, D. C. For the next nine years until 1907. he was general manager of the Richmond Transfer Company. In the latter year he established in business for himself in Richmond as tour- ist agent, and built up a prosperous enter- prise. In 1913 he consolidated his business with the Richmond Trust and Savings Com- pany, and he is now manager of the foreign and travel department of that company. He is a member of Temple Lodge, No. 9, An- cient Free and Accepted Masons ; Lafayette Chapter, No. 43, Royal Arch Masons ; St. Andrew's Commandery, No. 13, Knights Templar; Acca Temple, Nobles of the Mys-

tic Shrine ; McCarthy Council, Royal Area-

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