The law suit evidently terminated in favor
of Fairfax, because the kinds upon which
George Larrick settled were subsequently
conveyed by Lord Fairfax to John Larrick,
a son of George Larrick. That part of those
lands upon which George Larrick first built
his home are still held in the family, having
since passed from father to son, the present
owner being Robert A. Larrick, a brother
of Herbert S. Larrick. These lands were
conveyed by Lord Fairfax to John Larrick
by several different deeds. The last of these
deeds bears date August 9, 1760. The orig-
inal of this deed written upon parchment is
in the possession of Herbert S. Larrick.
George (2) Larrick, son of John Larrick, was born in 1770. He married Reljecca, daughter of Captain George Brinker, whose wife was a granddaughter of Jost Hite. George and Rebecca (Brinker) Larrick were the parents of fourteen children, all of V/hom, with the exception of Jacob Bright Larrick, located in the western states.
Jacob Bright Larrick, son of George and Rebecca (Brinker) Larrick, was born in Frederick county, Virginia, ]\Iarch 12, 1826, died October 22, 1887. He was engaged nearly all of his life in the cultivation of the old homestead. He was a lieutenant in the Confederate army, having prior to the war been a member of the Virginia militia, and served with distinction in the Army of the South. He married Mary Ann, daughter of George B. Scaggs, born in 1830, in Prince George county, Maryland, died in 1891. The Scaggs family was of Scotch descent, and held large landed estates in Southern Mary- land, devoted principally to tobacco culture. Through the marriage of George B. Scaggs it was connected with the Anderson family, descendants of Scotch forbears, residing in Prince George county. Maryland. Children of Jacob Bright and Mary Ann (Scaggs) Larrick: Dr. George W. (deceased), a med- ical practitioner of Middletown, Virginia; Fldgar Olin and James I., partners in mer- cantile dealings, also owners of extensive orchards at ^liddletown, Virginia ; Jacob Buhrman, in the L^nited .States government service at Washington, District of Colum- bia; Robert A., resides on the old home- stead in Frederick county ; Lucy R., married James F. Faulkner, of Winchester, Vir- ginia; Sarah E., married Samuel M. Wil- liams, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania ; Cora Lee, married P. A. Scaggs, of Prince George
county, Maryland ; Herbert Scaggs, of fur-
ther mention.
Herbert Scaggs Larrick. son of Jacob Bright and Mary Ann (Scaggs) Larrick, was l)orn in Frederick county, Virginia, De- ctmber 24, 1871. After a course in public and private schools in his native county, he became a student at William and Mary Col- lege. After three years in this institution he entered Washington and Lee Llniversity, whence he was graduated with the degree of F)achelor of L,aws in 1897. Previous to his graduation from Washington and Lee he had for two years been identified with pedagogy as principal of the Middletown high school, and in 1897 he was admitted to the Mrginia bar, having since practiced in W^inchester, Virginia, where he has attain- ed prominent position in his profession. Mr. Larrick was, in 1908, elected commonwealth attorney of Frederick county, and through reelection, in 1912, is still the incumbent of that position. In the year that he was first placed in this office he formed a partnership ill law with Senator Robert M. \\'ard, Ward & Larrick being now one of the most influ- ential legal firms in the county, favored with wide practice and accorded universal high reputation. Mr. Ward and Mr. Larrick are both lawyers whose standing in their pro- fession has been established by repeated victory in legal struggles, their achieve- ments explaining and justifying the confi- dence reposed in the firm by their extensive clientele. Mr. Larrick is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and in political belief is a Democrat. Local and state political questions have held much in- terest for him and he is one of the leaders of his party in Frederick county. It was as the candidate of this party that he was elected to the commonwealth attorneyship, in which office he has served faithfully and well.
Mr. Larrick married, in December, 1909, Nancy Clark, born in Winchester, Virginia, in 1884. daughter of Colonel Joseph A. and \"irginia (Clark) Nulton. They are the par- ents of one daughter. Nancy Gray, born in Winchester, Virginia, December 28, 1910.
Samuel Henry Bowman. This branch of the Bowman family settled in \'irginia, and is one of the prominent names in the Metho- dist EjMscopal church, north and south,
man}^ of the family having held exalted