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a valuable contributor to the literature of his profession.

Dr. Chaffin is prominent in the Masonic order and held high in the esteem of his brethren. He belongs to Pythagoras Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons ; Pulaski Chap- ter, No. 239, Royal Arch Masons ; Lynn Commandery, No. 9, Knights Templar, of which he is an eminent commander ; Acca Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and holds all the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite up to and including the thirty-second. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias, and in politics a Demo- crat.

Dr. Chaffin married, June 21. 1893, -^lary Clare Carroll McGill, born in Abinglon, \'irginia, March 23. 1870, daughter of James and Mary Belle (Pierce) McGill. Child: Anne Belle, born at Hickory Cove, Wythe county. Virginia, August zy, 1894.

Charles Britton Swan. After a metropoli- tan experience in the greatest of all Amer- ican mercantile establishments, beginning at the foot of the ladder and rising to re- sponsible position, Mr. Swan in 1909 located in Alexandria, Virginia, where as the lead- ing general merchant of the city he carried into practice the lessons in successful mer- chandising learned in earlier days and added ti? by his own experience. "Swan Brothers," the leading department store in Alexandria, was founded by Charles B. and William E. Swan in igoo, and has grown from a small beginning to a business most creditable to the founders. The brothers are grandsons of Alexander Swan, a soldier of the Con- federacy, and sons of William Duvall Swan, born in Culpeper county, Virginia, who served three years in the Confederate States army in Pickett's division, was wounded slightly, captured once and confined in a Federal prison at Elmira, New York. He was a merchant for many years and is now living retired. He married Annie Lee. daughter of John R. Reader, and has the following children: Harry E., Charles B., Catherine, William E., Hampton H., Am- brose R., John Thomas, Virginia and Mar- tha.

Charles B. Swan was born in Waynes- boro. \'irginia, July 22, 1871. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Washington,

D. C. Early in life he became a worker in the mercantile world, beginning as a wagon boy with \\'oodward & Lothrop, the well- known department store merchants of Washington, and by a series of promotions became an assistant buyer. With an am- bition to become himself a merchant. Mr. Swan, after thoroughly absorbing the knowl- edge to be gained in the Washington store, went to New York City where as a clerk m the great John Wanamaker establish- ment he was graduated a finished salesman. \'v'ith his experience as the most valuable jiart of his capital Mr. Swan returned to Virginia, located in Alexandria, where he formed a partnership with his brother, Wil- liam E. Swan. They purchased the busi- r.ess of John R. Chapman in Alexandria, re- modeled and enlarged it, and in 1909 opened a department store under the firm name of "Swan Brothers." The success of the store has been most gratifying to the proprietors and proves the soundness of the principles u])on which it was founded. Charles B. Swan is a member of the board of directors of the Retail Merchants' Association, direc- tor of the Alexandria Building and Loan As- sociation, and is interested in many Alexan- dria business, fraternal and social activities. He is a member of the Masonic order and as worshipful master of Alexandria-Washing- ton Lodge, No. 22, Free and Accepted Masons, of Alexandria, was the escort of President Taft to decorate the grave of General Washington at Mount Vernon on Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1914. General Washington was a member of this lodge, named in his honor, and in the lodge room many mementos of his connection are preserved. Mr. Swan is a companion of Mount Vernon Chapter, Royal Arch Alasons, and of the Lodge of Perfection (14 degrees) Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. He is also a member of Alexandria Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Mr. Swan married, October 3, 1900. at New Haven, Connecticut, Carrie Estelle liariman, born in New Haven, Connecticut, daughter of Gottlieb Hartman, of that city.

Hunter H. McGuire, M. D. One is en- tirely safe from contradiction in making the statement that there is no name in Vir- ginia whose connection with any profession or calling reflects greater credit upon the

name than does that of McGuire with medi-

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