Halifax county ; Alice, married Samuel
Adams; Mary, married John Owen. of South
Boston. Virginia.
(VI) William Goode Pringle. son of William and Alice Goode (Baskerville) Pringle. was born in Halifax county. April i8. 1819. died October 12. 1890, married. December 28. 1854. Cornelia R. Wright, of whom further.
William Goode Pringle was a man of fine mind, well educated, deeply pious, of strik- ing personality — a \'irginia gentleman. He was in the Confederate States army, being lieutenant in the Washington Artillery un- der Captain Samuel T. Wright, his brother- in-law.
He was a descendant of William Pringle who emigrated from near London. England, just previous to the revolutionary war and settled in Cumberland county, Virgmia. After the death of the immigrant his heirs converted his estate into money and moved to Halifax county, Virginia. From this county two of the Pringles went south, one to Georgia and the other to South Caro- lina. William' Pringle had issue : Oliver" and others.
Oliver' Pringle married a Miss Brumfield. Issue: W^illiam' and others.
William' Pringle, born January 25. 1784, was a soldier in the war of 1812 and married Alice Goode Baskerville (see Baskerville IV). He died in Halifax, January 29, 1857, leaving a large estate.
William' Goode. son of William' Pringle and Alice Goode Baskerville. married Cor- nelia \\'right : issue : Rebecca Alice, married Pendleton Emett. aforementioned; William; Samuella. married Thomas Elmore; John J.. married Jessie Croil, of Canada ; Richard Baskerville. married Daisy Lawson ; Ada ; died young; ]Mary C. married Cabell Car- rington Scott, a son of Patrick Henry Scott, who was a son of Alexander Scott and Sarah (Henry) Scott. Sarah Henry was a daugh- ter of Patrick Henry and Dorothea Dan- dridge. She first married a Mr. Campbell, who lost his life when the Ford's Theatre in Richmond was burned. She then married Alexander Scott.
Cornelia R. (Wright) Pringle. was a daughter of William D Wright and Rebecca Wade (.\cree) Wright, both of Lynch1)urg. Virginia.
William D. Wright was the son of Wil- liam \\'right, the immigrant, who came from
Scotland to Virginia, married and settled
in Petersburg. He returned to Scotland on
a visit. The ship was wrecked, and he was
lost at sea. He had three children : Wil-
liam D.. aforementioned: Henry, died with-
out issue, and a daughter, unmarried.
Rel:)ecca Wade ( Acree) Wright, mother of Cornelia (Wright) Pringle. was a daughter of a Mr. Acree and Rhoda Thurman. both of Lynchburg.
Rhoda Thurman was a daughter of Rich- ard Thurman and Ann Brown. Other chil- dren of this marriage, besides Rhoda, who married Mr. .\cree : 2. Nancy, married Na- than Schoolfield. 3. Sallie, married John Schoolfield. 4. Nathan B.. married Martha W. Marshall.
Richard Thurman, who came to Virginia from Kentucky, was a soldier in the revolu- tionary war. Holcomb"s regiment. Donthats command. His name is in the muster roll of officers and men, who met in Richmond, Virginia, October 26, 1824, to welcome La- Fayette upon his visit to America.
The father of Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio, was a brother of Richard Thurman.
(The Pendleton Line).
The arms of the Pendleton family of Vir- ginia are as follows: Gules, an inescutcheon, argent, between four escallops, or. Crest: On a cap of maintenance gules, turned up, ermine, a dragon, or, wings inverted, hold- ing in its paw an escallop, argent. Motto : MiDiciis qitalis u:(tncbai)i (Staying just as I am ).
(I) George Pendleton, the first ancestor of the line here under consideration, was a resident of Manchester and Norwich. Eng- land. He married and was the father of Henry, of whom further.
(II) Henry Pendleton, son of George Pendleton, was a resident of Norwich. Eng- land. Lie married and was the father of two sons : Nathaniel, a minister of the Church of England, who died without issue ; Philip, of whom further.
(III) Philip Pendleton, son of Henry Pendleton, was born in England, 1650, died 1721. He came to this country in 1674 and settled in that part of New Kent county, Virginia, which now forms Caroline county. He visited England. 1680, but shortly after- ward returned to Virginia. He married. 1682, Isabella Hurt or Hart. The children
of this marriage were: i. Elizabeth, mar-