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holding over the right shoulder a cross- bow or, and with the other hand in a leash, a hound — passant argent.

(I) The Virginia Baskervilles all de- scended from John' Baskerville, who emi- grated about 1662 from Old Withington, Cheshire, England, to York county, Vir- ginia, where he was made clerk of the court February 24, 1664. John' Baskerville, born 1637 — died 1669, married Mary Barber, daughter of Colonel William Barber, who was justice of peace in York county in 1652, a colonel of militia of York and probably adjoining counties, member of house of bur- gesses, 1663-1669. This being the "Long Assembly" which Governor Sir William Berkeley liked so well that he would not dissolve. From this marriage we have record of six children, among them George' Baskerville, born about 1676, and married Elizabeth Norvell, daughter of Hugh Nor- vell, of James City county.

(II) George' and Elizabeth (Norvell) Baskerville had five children, of these George' and John' married and left issue. The descendants of George' form the Meck- lenburg branch and John' is the progenitor of the Cumberland branch.

(HI) John' is on record as having lived in York county in 1738, but in 1742, he bought a tract of land in Cumberland county and settled. Here we find records of his having been vestryman in the Episco- pal church in 1748 and' 1755. He had seven children — third among them was Richard* Baskerville.

(IV) Richard' Baskerville married Octo- ber 9, 1770, Martha Goode, of Cumberland county, where the marriage bond is still on file.t She was a daughter of Bennet Goode* who married about 1740, Martha Jeiiferson of "Osbornes," aunt of Thomas Jefferson, of Monticello. Bennet Goode was a son of John Goode of "Falls Plantation," Chesterfield county, who was a son of John Goode, of Whitby,§ the immigrant.

This Martha Jefferson was of Welsh de- scent. She was a sister of Peter Jefferson, who was the father of President Thomas Jefferson.

Martha Jefferson descended from Peter'

tWiUiam and Mary Quarterly, Vol. XX, Page 2S.

•Virginia Cousins.

§Mrs. Ethel Emett Edwards descends from John Goode of Whithy on her mother's side through Ben- net Goode and Martha Jefterson, and on her father's side through Martha Goode. who married Colonel William Megginson. (See Horsely).

Jefferson, the emigrant, who represented Flowerdieu Hundred in the first assembly, 1619.

Peter' Jefferson's son, Thomas', married Mary Branch.

Thomas' and Mary Branch Jefferson had a son Thomas', who married Mary Field, daughter of Major Peter Field and Judith Randolph, who was a daughter of Henry Randolph and his wife Judith Soane, daugh- ter of Speaker Soane, of the first house of burgesses, 1619.

Among the children of Thomas' and Mary Field Jefferson were Peter' Jefferson and Martha' Jefferson.

Peter' Jefferson married Jane Randolph and was the father of President Thomas' Jefferson.

Martha' Jefferson married Bennet Goode and her descendants are here traced through the Baskerville, Pringle, Emett and Ed- wards families.

Richard' and Martha (Goode) Basker- ville had issue: i. Alice Goode", born in Cumberland county, August 23, 1792, died June 30, 1872; married William Pringle, of whoin further. 2. Thomas', died unmar- ried. 3. ;\lajor John Barber, settled in Car- roll county, near Hillsville, where he owned a large tract of land, including Grayson Sulphur Springs. He died unmarried. 4. A daughter, married a Mr. Steele. 5. Fran- ces, married a Mr. Seat.

(V) Alice" Goode Baskerville married June I, 1814 or 15, William Pringle (of whom further), in Halifax county. Among her treasures, which Alice Goode (Basker- ville) Pringle used to show her grandchil- dren was a pink and white silk dress, which her mother, Martha (Goode) Baskerville, wore to a ball given by Thomas Jefferson. When Alice Goode Baskerville was very small her parents moved to Buckingham county and lived between Bent Creek and James river, opposite Monticello, where "they remained fifteen or twenty years, dur- ing' which time they enjoyed the friendship and repeated calls of Thomas Jefferson. Children of William and Alice Goode (Bas- kerville) Pringle : I. Mahala Jefferson, mar- ried .Elbert Owen. 2. John Allen. 3. Wil- liam Goode, married Cornelia R. Wright. 4. Martha, married James Davis. 5. Mary, married J. A. Mitchell, of Halifax county; issue: Judge John R. Olympia, Washing-

ton; Dr. Joseph, Dilwyn, Virginia; G. E.,

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