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nor) Ripley, and had children : Mary Eppes, born in Gloucester county. Virginia, August 24. 1883; Walter Henderson, of whom fur- ther: Thomas Ripley, born in Warrenton, Virginia, September 19, 1887, associated with the Virginia-Carolina Company, at At- lanta, Georgia ; Lily Brooke, born February 4, 1892.

Walter Henderson Robertson, son of Rev. A\'alter Henderson and Georgia (Ripley) Robertson, was born in Warrenton, Fau- quier county, \'irginia, December 5, 1885. After obtaining a preparatory education in the public schools of Warrenton, and at Pentop's Academy, at Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, he entered the law department of the University of \Mrginia, whence he was grad- uated Bachelor of Arts in 1908, being ad- mitted to the bar of his native state in the same year. After his graduation he taught school in Columbia, South Carolina, and at Savannah, Georgia, afterward entering the practice of his profession at Atlanta, Georgia, where he was located from 1909 until 191 1, his practice extending to the fed- eral and supreme courts of the state. At the present time he is attorney for the Southern railroad, and among the positions of importance in his profession that he has held are those of commissioner in chancery and assistant commissioner of courts of P'auquier county. He is recorder of the town of Warrenton, a member of the Georgia Bar .\ssociation, the Fauquier Club, and the Warrenton Country Club. He is a Democrat in political belief, and a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Robert- son's early activities in his profession may well be regarded as true indications of future usefulness in that field, for he has not only mastered the intricacies of the law but has acquired therefor a liking and in its pur- suit a pleasure that are necessary for the achievement ot the best ends in any calling. He married. October 15, 1913, Gertrude H. Williamson, born at Warrenton, Virginia, March 5, 1887, daughter of William B. and Mary (Shepperd) ^^â– illiamsn^.

William Wamach Chaffin, M. D. David Pierce, maternal great-grandfather of Dr. Chafitin. came to Wythe county, Virgmia, from Pennsylvania, and made pig iron at his '"Poplar Camp" furnace as early as 1779. He also erected one of the earliest forges ill the country about the year 1800, on Crip-

ple Creek, near Ivanhoe, and was one of the successful iron masters of that early day. His daughter married William W. Chaffin, of North Carolina, grandfather of Dr. Wil- liam W. Chaffin, who for the past two dec- ades has been a successful practicing phy- sician of Pulaski county, Virginia.

Dr. Chafifin is a son of Alexander Chaffin, born in Huntsville. North Carolina, Decem- ber 29, 1818, died January 2, 1890. Alex- ander Chaffin was a farmer in early life, but became a successful manufacturer and for many years was president of a zinc lead manufacturing company. He married Sarah A. Painter, born at Cripple Creek, Wythe county, Virginia, June 19. 1832, died Octo- ber 21, 1910, daughter of Isaac and Evalina (Bell) Painter. Her brother. Captain Sid- ney Painter, led his company in battle through all the years of the civil war until 1864, then was severely wounded in the leg, the Confederate army thus losing one of its l)ravest captains. Another brother, lames Painter, served in the army until the sur- render, as did a third brother, Charles P. Painter, also Dr. T. L. Painter, who was a fifer during the war.

Dr. William Wamach Chaffin, son of Alexander and Sarah A. (Painter) Chaffin, was born at "Poplar Camp," Wythe county, Virginia, the seat of his great-grandfather's early furnace, May 5, 1868. He was taught under an able governess at his home, in his early life, later attending private schools, where he studied until he entered Washing- ton and Lee University, September 13, 1887, and there pursued the academic course for two years, choosing the profession of a phy- sician. He then entered JeiTerson Aledical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, whence he was graduated Doctor of Medicine, class of "9.^." He served for a time as interne at Jefferson Medical College Hospital and Gouverneur Hospital, New York, then located in Pulaski county, Virginia, where for twenty-two years he has been continu- ously and successfully engaged in the gen- eral practice of his profession.

He is a member of the state board of med- ical examiners, appointed first in igii, re- appointed in 1914. is a member of the state board of health and Pulaski county board of health, member of Pulaski city council and is one of the active, progressive, valu- able men of his day. He is a member of

the County and .State Medical societies, and

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