Mr. Richardson was one of the delegates
from the eighth Congressional district of
Virginia, who met at Denver, Colorado, in
190S, when \\"illiam J. Bryan was nominated
for president, this being his second cam-
paign. From his youth Mr. Richardson has
been fond of out-of-door sports, especially
hunting and fishing, his few hours "off
duty" being spent in the open. His creed
is "duty," and his rule of life temperance
in all things, due regard for the rights of
others, and unswerving devotion to every
moral or official obligation.
Mr. Richardson married, June 13, 18S3, Amelia Lee Buck, born in \Varren county, Virginia, in 1858, daughter of John G. Buck. Children: I. Frederick Dawson (2), born in Fairfax in 1884 ; educated in private schools, the University of \'irginia and Georgetown University, a graduate of the latter institu- tion, LL. B., and now a practicing lawyer; married Katherine Davis McCandlish, of Piedmont, West Virginia. 2. Marcus Piayly, born in Fairfax ; educated in Alexandria ; was appointed second lieutenant of United States marines, later decided to engage in business. 3. Virginia Fairfax, educated in private schools in Washington, District of Columbia, and Baltimore, Maryland ; at home. 4. Mary Buck, who died in infancy.
George Williarr Hope, Dr. Joseph Wilton Hope. George William Hope and Dr. Joseph Wilton Hope, of Hampton, Virgmia. have achieved prominence in public and pro- fessional life, as have done many of their forbears. They are of the old Hope family, which was originally from France, where the name was L'Esperance, and which was banished with the other Fluguenot families.
(I) George Hope, the American progen- itor of the family, came from England, and was in Hampton Roads, off Hampton, when he heard the church bell ringing. Going ashore, he went to St. John's Episcopal Church, and from thence proceeded to the Gosport navy yard. Later he returned to Hampton, and hi? name appears in the court house records of 1783. signed as magistrate. He was a vestrj-man in St. John's Episco- pal Church, and since that time there has been a Hope m that office. His seat was in the northern gallery. He married and be- came the father of six sons.
(II) Dr. William Hope, son of George Hope, was a physician and planter, also high
sheriff of Elizabeth City county, Virginia, in
the days when the sheriffs wore swords.
He was a prominent and popular man, and
skilled in medical practice. He was noted
for his charitable work among the early set-
tlers. He married, and had children: (ieorge
William, Jeannette, Jesse Pendergast,
Joseph and Laura.
(HI) Dr. Jesse Pendergast Hope, son of Dr. William Hope, was born in 1830, and died in 1893. He was educated in the Hamp- ton schools, and upon leaving them went to the University of X'irginia, and then the Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, from which he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. In 1861 he enlisted as second lieutenant in the Washington Artillery, but when this company reached Williamsburg, he was transferred to the Surgical Corps. He was at Drewry's Bluff', Chaffin's Blutf, Chimborazo Hospital and Richmond, and served until the close of the war. He then resumed his private practice, and continued in this until 18S3. He was a vestryman in St. John's Episcopal Church. Dr. Hope mar- ried, January 29, 1857, Mary Letitia Taylor, born in 1837, died in 1893, ^ daughter of Colonel George Taylor, of James City county, Virginia. Children: i. George Wil- liam, of further mention. 2. Mollie L., was educated at the .Suffolk Female Academy, then took a post-graduate course at the Liniversity of Chicago in English history,
- was awarded a prize for a paper writ-
ten by her, and read before the University of Virginia. 3. Joseph Wilton, of further mention. 4. Thomas Peek, bcrn in Decem- ber, 1867, died in 1899: he was educated in the Flampton schools, then studied at the Virginia Medical College, from which he was graduated in the class of 1893 • he prac- ticed medicine in association with his brother in York county ; he was a member of the Order of Free and Accepted Masons, the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 5. Laura, born June 5, 1870: attended the public schools, and completed her education at the State Nor- mal School, which she attended for a period of two years ; she taught three years, and then married. November 3, 1897, Harry G. Parker ; she resides in a beautiful home on the waterfront of Hampton Creek, where she dispenses gracious hospitality. 6. James Barron, born in 1872: studied in the public
schools and the Washington and Lee Col-