the war he located in Baltimore, Maryland,
remaining four \-ears. then returned to Rich-
mond, where for twenty-one years he was
engaged in the grocery business. He mar-
ried and left male issue.
Edward Wilkerson Krouse, son of John Krouse, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 5, 1870, and was brought to Richmond by his parents when he was an infant. He there grew to manhood, was educated in the public schools and began business life in his father's grocery store, at the corner of Brook avenue and Broad street. He was associated with his father for two years then spent two years on the road in theatrical work. Subsequently he located in Newport News, Virginia, where in 1S90 he opened the first steam laundry in that city. After four years in Newport News he returned to Richmond, and in 1899 established his present wholesale bottle business. He is a Democrat in politics, a member of the Order of Heptasophs, the Eagles, Lodge No. 338, and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and of St. John's German Lutheran Church.
He married, April 20, 1892, at St. John's Church, Rev. Paul Alanzel officiating, Au- gusta H. Wagner, born in Richmond, Vir- ginia, daughter of William and Emma (Senf) Wagner, both of her parents being born in Bremen, Germany. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Krouse : Emily, born February 15. 1895; Ethel, born October 26, 1897; Venus, born January 9, 1899 ; Edward, born October 24, 1901.
Holt Fairfield Butt. When the entire world was saddened by the loss of the great steamship "Titanic," a feeling of pride filled every American's heart as he read of his brave countrymen who with persistence stood back and insisted, "Women and chil- dren first," at opportunity of escape. Among these was Major Archibald Willingham Butt, military aide to President Taft, re- turning from leave of absence. He was an officer of the regular army, and was a rela- tive and friend of Holt F. Butt, of Ports- mouth, Virginia, who preserves much cor- respondence exchanged in the course of their friendship.
The Butt family came to Virginia from the island of I'.arbadoes, West Indies, be- tween 1640 and 1630, the original settlers, Robert and James Butt, patenting land in lower Norfolk county that remained in the
possession of the family for many years.
The prominence that the members of the
family attained in the lines of endeavor that
claim men of talent, mental capacity and
ability is well illustrated by the worthy posi-
tion held in the medical profession by Dr.
Robert Bruce Butt, father of Dr. Holt Fair-
field Butt, who succeeded the elder Butt in
the practice of medicine. Dr. Robert Bruce
Butt was for many years one of the leading
physicians of Portsmouth, and during the
civil war served in the state militia. Dr.
Holt Fairfield Butt, son of Dr. Robert Bruce
Butt, was educated in the University of Vir-
ginia and the University of Pennsylvania,
receiving his M. D. from the latter institu-
tion, and passed a life of useful professional
activity. He married Emily Susan, daugh-
ter of Dr. William Sumner Riddick, and had
Holt Fairfield Butt, Jr., son of Dr. Holt Fairfield and Emily Susan (Riddick) Butt, was born in 1861. Public and private schools were the sources of his early edu- cation, and he completed his studies in the Portsmouth Military Academy, then enter- ing mercantile life. Leaving this activity for railroad associations, he was thus em- ployed until 1902, in which year he was appointed postmaster of Portsmouth. Vir- ginia, by President Roosevelt, reappointed in 1906. He was confirmed in oflfice by President Taft in 1910, retiring from service in 1914, after twelve years passed in an office whose important duties he competently discharged. He holds membership in lodge and chapter of the Masonic order, and is a life member of the Benevolent and Protec- tive Order of Elks. His church is the Trin- ity Protestant Episcopal, and he has been a life-long member of the Republican party. Mr. Butt is well-known and highly regarded in Portsmouth, where he has passed his active life, and is associated with all that stands for the best in civil life. He married, November 2, 1905, Leonora Wilcox, and has children: Holt Fairfield (3), born January 16, 1907 ; Bruce Wilcox, born October 16, 1909.
Benjamin S. Motley. Pittsylvania county, \'irginia, has been the birthplace of many generations of the line of Motley. David ^lotley, the grandfather of Benjamin S. â– Motley, was born near Chatham, in that county, in 1797. Throughout all of the
active period of his eighty-two years of life