and Sarah (Burdet) Fowke, and grand-
daughter of Roger Fowke, of Gunston Hall,
Stafford, England.
Rev. John Aloncure and wife were the parents of five children, of whom the second was John, born January 22, 1747, at "Dip- pie," in StaiTord county. He resided at ■■Clermont," in the same county. He mar- ried, about 1770, Anne Conway, born about 1750, daughter of George and Ann (Heath) Conway, of Wicomico, Virginia. George Conway was a great-grandson of Edwin Conway, of Wigon, county Worcester, Eng- land, who came to Virginia about 1640, and died in Lancaster, 1675. His wife Martha was a daughter of Richard Eltonhead, of Lancashire. England. Their son, Edwin, was the father of Edwin Conway, whose son was George Conway, above-named.
The eldest son of John and Anne Mon- cure was John JMoncure, born November I, 1772, at "Dipple." He was justice of the peace in 1796, sheriff in 1798, a vestr3-man, treasurer and lay delegate of the Protestant Episcopal church, in which he was a very active member. He married, February 21. 1792, Alice Peachy Gaskins. born 1774, died at "Chestnut Hill," Stafford county. May 9, i860, daughter of Colonel Thomas and Han- nah (Hull) Gaskins, of Wicomico. The Gaskins family is of French origin, coming from Gascony, France, where the name was spelled Gascoyne. The immigrant came to Virginia as early as 1636. Colonel Thomas Gaskins was a very prominent citizen of Stafford county, where he served as justice of the peace and sheriff.
John (3) Moncure, son of John (2) and Alice P. (Gaskins) Moncure. was born De- cember 24, 1793, at "Clermont," an'd be- came a very prominent man in Stafford county. He served in the war of 181 2. in Captain John C. Edrington's company, Fortj-fifth Regiment of Virginia Militia. Stafford county. In 1834 he was elected a member of the Virginia state legislature. and in 1837 was a presidential elector for his state, voting for Martin \'an Buren. Fie was also the founder of the Fredericksburg 8: Falmouth Marine and Fire Insurance Company, in 1833. He married (first) Octo- ber 28. 1818. Esther Vowles, born 1795. died June II, 1833, daughter of Colonel Harry Vowles, of the revolutionary army. He mar- ried (second) July, 1834, Frances Daniel, born 1797, died September 11. 1871, daugh- ter of Travers and Mildred (Stone) Daniel
George Vowles Moncure, father of James
Ashby Moncure, was the third son of the
first wife, and was born July 31, 1826, at Som-
erset, Stafford county, resided at "Chelsea,"
in that county, and died in August. 1904. He
was a farmer and a prominent man in the
county, being sent to the state legislature
for four terms. He married, November 29,
1849, Mary Ashby, daughter of Turner and
Dorothea (Green) Ashby, of Rosebank (now
Markham Station), Fauquier county, where
she was born January 26, 1830, sister of
General Turner Ashby, of Confederate fame.
She died in December, 1S97. The Ashby
family descends from Edward, son of Ed-
mund Ashby, who settled about 1700 in
what is now Fauquier county, Virginia.
His second son, Robert Ashby, born about
1710. died in 1792, in Fauquier county, sur-
viving his wife. He reside^ near Delaplane
and was the father of Captain John Ashby,
born about 1750, in Fauquier county, who
served in the Third Virginia Regiment of
the Continental line throughout the revolu-
tionary war. His wife was a Turner, and
they were the parents of Colonel Turner
Ashby, who resided at "Rosebank," Fau-
quier county, Virginia, and commanded a
regiment in the war of 1812. He was born
August 3, 1789, at "Belmont," in Fauquier
county, and married, October 26, 1820,
Dorothea Farrer Green, daughter of James
and Elizabeth P. Green, of Rappahannock
county, Virginia. They were the parents of
Mary Ashby, wife of George \^owles Mon-
cure. To this couple were born fourteen
children, six of whom died in infancy. The
names of those who survived are as follows :
Turner Ashby, born March 26, 1851, now of
Bakersfield, California; John, February 14,
1853, a farmer in Stafford county; George,
August 26. 1855, married Elizabeth Ford,
and is a farmer in Stafford county ; Robert
Stribling, March i, 1857, married Elizabeth
Dexter, and is also a farmer in Stafford
county ; James Ashby, of further mention ;
Bettie Ashby, born June 27, 1862, married
Michael W^allace ^loncure, of Staff'ord
county; Richard Ashby, February 4, 1864,
a California rancher; Walter Raleigh Dan-
James Ashby Moncure was born at "Chel- sea." Stafford county. Virginia, February 24, 1861. He obtained his education in pri- vate schools and later at the Fredericks- burg Military Academy. .\fter leaving
school, he obtained a position as clerk with