active years; a surgeon in the Confederate
army, performing his duties to the best of
his ability : an EpiscopaHan in religion, and
a Whig in politics. He married a Miss
Berry, member of the church of England,
who bore him five children: William, Walter
Gardiner, John, Levin, Louisa.
Walter Gardiner Lane, son of \\'illiam and (Berry) Lane, was born at "Go- shen." JNIathews county. \'irginia, August II. iSo6. He was a merchant, successful in his business undertakings, a colonel of mili- tia, justice of the peace, and member of the X'irginia house of delegates from Mathews and Middlesex counties. He married. Au- gust i6. 1827, Mary Anna Henry Barkwell. born in Xansemond county. \'irginia, May 1,^. 1808. daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth ( Wells-Willo\ighby) Barkwell. the latter named at the time of her marriage to Mr. Barkwell being the W^idow W'illoughby. Children of ]\Ir. and Mrs. Lane: ^^'illiam A. ; Walter Gardiner, married \'irginia W. Bil- lups : \'irginia E. : James Henrv. married Charlotte Randolph Meade; Oscar; Mary Louisa, married (first) Charles Langhorn Hobson, and ('second) P. Goodrich. M. D., of Fredericksburg, ^^irginia ; Thomas Bark- well. of whom further.
Dr. Thomas Barkwell Lane, son of Walter Gardiner and Mary Anna Henry (Bark- <vell) Lane, was born at the family resi- dence. "Goshen." at Mathews Court House. Virginia. May 2,^. 1840. died October 19. igio. In early life he attended the ALithews Academy, the Upperville ^lilitary Academy in Fauquier county. \'irginia. after which he entered the medical department of the University of Virginia, and later the Rich- mond Medical College, from which insti- tution he was graduated in i860 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He began practice in Mathews county, but the out- break of the civil war caused him to aban- don the same. He enlisted in the Confeder- ate army, and from 1861 to 1S65 served in the capacitv of sureeon in the Twenty- eighth Rep'iment of Lane's North Carolina Brigade, being paroled at Appomattox Court House. After the war he returned to Mathews countv and resumed the practice of his profession, so continuing until his death. He was skillful in both medicine and surgery, had a very extensive practice, and was ever ready to respond to a call, no matter at what personal cost, and he gave freely of his skill to the poor and needy.
without the hope of a fee or reward, fully
recompensed if he could alleviate pain and
suftering. He always resided in the same
community and occupied that warm place
in the hearts of his people that is only sur-
rendered to the trusted family physician of
the old school. In addition to his medical
practice, he served as division superintend-
ent of public schools in ]\Iathews county,
\'irginia. performing his duties in a highly
efficient manner, winning the commendation
of all concerned. He was a member of the
Protestant Episcopal church, as were all
the members of his family, and served as
vestryman, senior warden, lay reader and
superintendent of the Sunday school. He
was also a member of the leading medical
Dr. Lane married, at Christ Church, Kingston parish, Mathews county, Virginia, April 26. 1870. the ceremony performed bv Rev. John McGill. Ellen Randolph Tabb. born at her father's residence, "^lorven." in Gloucester county. Virginia. October 6. 1845. daughter of George Edward and Mary Harrison (Randolph) Tabb. who were the parents of five other children, namely: Kate Harrison, Nannie. Frederic. Georgia, George Randolph, Ellen Randolph being the eldest child. George Edward Tabb was born at Toddsbury. Gloucester county. Virginia. January 3. 1810; educated at Yale College and LTniversity of Virginia ; was a lawver and planter, justice of the peace, captain in the Confederate army, provost marshal un- der General J. B. Maginde. died in Mathews county. \'irginia. His wife was the daugh- ter of ^^'illiam Fitzhugh and Jane C. Ran- dolph. Children of Dr. and Mrs. Lane: Mary Randolph, born February 19, 1S71 : George Edward, born May 29. 1872 ; serv- ing as treasurer of Mathews county, mem- ber of Virginia house of delegates from Mathews and Middlesex counties, as pri- vate in Companv AI. Fourth ^'ir<rinia Regi- ment. Spanish-American war. United States Volunteer Infantry: Thomas Barkwell. whose sketch follows ; Henry Gardiner, born March t8. 1881. clersryman in the Protestant Episcopal church, married .Annie Gordon.
Thomas Barkwell (2) Lane, son of Dr. Thomas Barkwell (1) Lane, was born in Mathews countv. A'irginia. November 16. 1S78. He was educated under private tutors, and beean business life in the real estate office of Bvrd Baldwin &• Companv. of Nor-
folk, remaining with that firm three vears.