Washington Weisiger. son of Samuel and
Mary (Kendall) Weisiger, was born in
Chesterfield county, Virginia, February 28,
1783, and married Polly Carter Salley, daugh-
ter of James and Polly (Carter) Salley, of
Chesterfield county, the latter a daughter
of John Carter, of Shirley, Virginia.
Samuel Washington Weisiger, son of Washington and Polly Carter (Salley) Weisiger, was born in South Richmond (Manchester), Virginia. In mature life he became a druggist, and followed that pro- fession all of his life. He was a Democrat of the strict Jeffersonian school, and was a communicant of the Methodist Episcopal church, in that denomination serving as class leader and Sunday- school superintend- ent. He was a man of pure and upright life, ever standing in the approval and re- spect of his fellows. Samuel ^\'ashington \Veisiger married, in Manchester. \'irginia, Anna Obedience Hatcher, and had children : Benjamin Boiseau, Emmet Washington, Martha Susan, married a Mr. Franklin. Laura Ann, married a Mr. Vaden, \\'ilbur Kent. Lelia Page, married a Mr. Taylor, Samuel Carter, of whom further, and Bern- ard.
Samuel Carter Weisiger, son of Samuel W^ashington and Anna Obedience (Hatcher) Weisiger, was born in Manchester, Virginia, in 1847, and died in Ashland, Virginia, July ig, 1913. After a thorough business educa- tion he became confidential secretary to J. B. Pace, was afterward secretary and treas- lirer of the J. A. Grigg Shoe Company, and then, until his death, chief clerk in the office of the city atiditor. Samuel Carter \\'eis- iger served in Parker's battery throughout the four years of the war between the states, in the Confederate army rendering. military service of devotion and valor. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and carefully and faithfully performed the duties of citizenship. He married Bettie Collier Martin, born in Chesterfield county, Virginia, daughter of James William Mar- tin, granddaughter of James Martin, and his wife. Elizabeth (Baker") Martin, a daugh- ter of Hon. John W^. Baker. Tames Martin was captain of the Chesterfield troop of the Rocky Ridge Rifles in the war of 1S12, and performed valiant service in the American cause. Children of .Samuel Carter and Bet- tie Collier (Martin) ^^'eisiger•. Carter, a practicing physician of Cumberland. \^ir- ginia : Inez, married W. C. Cottrell, of Rich-
mond ; Kendall, a resident of Atlanta,
Georgia ; Dr. \\'illiam Robert, of whom fur-
ther ; and Carroll, a resident of Louisville,
I>. \\'illiam Robert Weisiger, fourth child and third son of Samuel Carter and r>ettie Collier (Martin) Weisiger, was born in Richmond, \'irginia, August 24, 1888. His elementary education was obtained in the schools of the place of his birth, and in 1899 the family moved to Ashland, Virginia, the seat of Randolph-Macon College, where Dr. W'eisiger was for two years a student. He subsequently entered the University College of Medicine at Richmond, Virginia, and was graduated M. D. in the class of 1909, pass- ing the following year as resident physi- cian at St. Luke's Hospital, of Richmond. Then, until 1912. Dr. ^^^eisiger was engaged in general practice in Cumberland, Virginia, in August of that year coming to Rich- mond, where he has since remained. His clientele is a generous one, and his profes- sional record is one commendable in the ex- treme. Dr. ^^'eisiger meeting his professional brethren upon terms of equality. Fle is a member of the Richmond Academy of Medi- cine and Surgery and of the Medical So- ciety of Virginia, and for the past three years has been instructor in surgery in the dis- pensary of the Medical College of \'"irginia.
Dr. ^\'eisiger is a member of three fra- ternities, to which he was elected while a college student, and since attaining his ma- jority has been a member of the Masonic order. His church is that of his family, the Methodist Episcopal.
Thomas Barkwell Lane, M. D. Thomas Barkwell Lane, Jr. The immigrant ancestor of the line of the Lane family here under consideration was Ezekiel Lane, who re- ceived a grant of land from the crown, con- sisting of a large number of acres, beauti- fully located on the banks of the Rankitank river, in what was then Gloucester county, now Mathews county. This ancestral home. "Goshen," onlv passed out of the posses- sion of the family a few years ago, having been sold by William R. Lane, who now re- sides in Kentucky.
The next in line of descent was \\'alter Gardiner Lane and his wife, Mary A. H. Lane, who were the parents of ^^^illiam Lane, who was born at "Goshen," Mathews countv, ^^irginia. He was a planter, which
line of work he followed throughout his