Isaac Eldridge Huff, M. D. Isaac El-
dridge Huft, a distinguished physician and
citizen of Roanoke, \'irginia, is a member o£
a Virginian family, and was born May 26,
1866, in Floyd county in that state. He is
the son of Isaac and Addie E. (Kitterman)
Huft", and a grandson of Isaac Huft', of Floyd
county. To Isaac Huff, the father of Isaac
E. Huft', and Mrs. Huff, were born six chil-
dren besides our subject, as follows: G. B.,
a farmer; Thomas B., a traveling salesman;
P. K., a farmer; Elizabeth, residing at the
old Huff homestead with her mother ; Julia
A., now Mrs. Hurt, of Roanoke ; Sallie, now
Mrs. Knowland, also of that city.
Isaac Eldridge Huff obtained his educa- tion, first at the Oxford Academy, Virginia, under the tutelage of Dr. J. K. Harris, and later at the Glade Spring, Virginia, Acad- emy. Having completed his general educa- tion at these two institutions, he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Balti- more, from which he graduated with the class of 1892, taking the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Thereupon, after passing the examination of the state medical board, he returned to his native county and estab- lished himself there in the practice of his profession, continuing the same for eleven years, and for a major portion of that time served on the county board of health. In the years 1901 and 1902 he sojourned in the north, while he took a course of post-gradu- ate work at the New York City Polyclinic Hospital School, and in the latter year re- turned south and located in Roanoke, where he has since carried on a large and lucrative practice. He is a member of the staff of the Roanoke City Hospital. He is the presi- dent of the Roanoke Academy of Medicine, which numbers the most prominent mem- bers of the profession in the city on its staff. Besides these offices directly connected with his practice. Dr. Huff is affiliated with a luimber of professional organizations, being a member of the Southwest Virginia Medical Society, and the Virginia State and Amer- ican Medical associations. He is a very conscientious student and practitioner and stands well in the front rank of his pro- fession, as well as in the social world of Roanoke. His prominence is not, however, confined to the medical circles of the city, and he has some very important financial interests there, being a member of the board of directors of the Roanoke Bank of Com- merce, and of the board of trustees of the
Central Business College. He is a member
of the Baptist church.
Dr. Huft' married, November 15, 1893, Flora Mclver Francis, a daughter of the late Captain William H. and Eliza E. (Shelor) Francis, of Franklin, Virginia. To Dr. and ^Jrs. Huft' have been born three children, two boys and a girl, as follows : William Banks, born December 6, 1894, now a stu- dent in his second year at Roanoke College ; Dorris D.. born September 27, 1896, gradu- ated with the class of 1914 from the Roanoke high school ; Francis Eldridge, born April 4, 1899, now a student in the city grammar school. Mrs. Huft' is a member of the Wil- liam Watts Chapter of the United Daugh- ters of the Confederacy. She is a member of, and very active, in the First Presby- terian Church of Roanoke.
Archibald Murphy Aiken. A descendant of an old Southern family of eminence and son of Judge Archibald ^I. Aiken, who for thirty years was judge of the corporation court at Danville, Virginia, Archibald M. Aiken, one of the younger members of the \'irginia bar, comes rightfully by the qual- ities that have made him one of the fore- most among the men of his age and experi- ence. He is a grandson of Benjamin Wilson Aiken, born in Cumberland county, Virginia, in 1827, died in 185 1. He resided in Virginia and North Carolina, married Jane Carter, of Madison, North Carolina, who bore him three children, now all deceased: Patty, married and died at age of thirty-five years ; Archibald M., of whom further ; Benjamin Wilson (2), died in Texas, aged fifty years, a railroad superintendent.
(II) Archibald Murphy Aiken, son of Benjamin Wilson and Jane (Carter) Aiken, was born in Madison, North Carolina, in 1849, <^'£d in Danville, Virginia. May 5, 1913. He located in Danville in 1869, rose CO eminence in the law and in public esteem, presiding for thirty years over the corpora- tion court. He was a man of wide and deep learning, judicially exact, just and honor- able. He married, December 14. 1881, Mary Ella Yates, born in Danville, of a well known V'irginia family.
(ill) Archibald Murphy (2) Aiken, only child of Judge Archibald Murphy (i) and Etta (Yates) Aiken, was born in Danville, \'irginia, February 12, 1888. He obtained his preparatory education in the Danville
schools, then entered the University of Vir-