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in i860, prepared for and practiced law but later became a minister of the Disciples of Christ and is now pastor of the church of that denomination in Winston-Salem, North Carolina : he married Mary Etta Chaffin and has children, Mary, Ethel and Thanie Ab- bott Francis. 2. Layton, born in 1862, a graduate of Milligan College, now a prac- ticing lawyer of Roanoke, Virginia. 3. Luther Monroe, of further mention. 4. Byrdine A., born in 1876, a graduate of Milligan College, post-graduate student of the University of Virginia, an eminent min- ister of the Disciples of Christ, was pastor of Highland Avenue Church, Baltimore, for sixteen years, and has for the past fifteen years been pastor of the Disciples of Christ church at St. Louis; is one of the leading ministers of his denomination and has won international reputation ; he was a delegate of the national convention of his church, held recently to plan a world-wide cam- paign for the extended usefulness of the Dis- ciples church, taking important part in the proceedings of the convention. 5. Wade Hampton, born in 1877, married Nanny M. Caldwell and has children, Howard Beulah, Lucy, Arthur Dean, Hazel, Roy, Arline. 6. Edna Earl, married Arthur M. Lee, de- ceased, and has children, Robert E. and Mary. 7. Elizabeth Susan, married Robert O. Lee and has a child, Arlington B. 8. Minnie B., deceased.

Dr. Luther Monroe Abbott, of New Castle, Virginia, was born in Craig county, Virginia, July 31, 1870, son of Sinclair Cal- vin and Jane (Williams) Abbott. He se- cured his primary, grammar and high school education in Craig county schools also hav- ing the advantage of instruction under pri- vate tutors. He chose medicine as his pro- fession and in 1895 entered Baltimore Medi- cal College, whence he was graduated M. D., class of 1896. He served for one year at Maryland General Hospital as interne, then returned to his native county of Craig, where he has since been in general county practice. In 190S he located in New Castle, the capital of Craig county, and has since continued his practice from that point. He is highly regarded as a skillful physician, his practice also extending to minor surgical cases. He is a member of Marion Lodge, Free and Accepted Alasons, and the Royal Arcanum, is independent in politics and re- ligious views.

Dr. Abbott married, in 1891, Josephine Rider, born August 18, 1870, daughter of Fanatam and Julia (Wilmore) Rider. Chil- dren: Mattie Kathleen, born March 15, 1893: Edward Sinclair, May 7, 1896; Sidney Flampton, August 15, 1901 ; Richard Wil- liam, May 20, 1904.

Colonel James David Johnston. The

Johnston family, now represented in Roa- noke, X'irginia, by Colonel James David Johnston, the well known attorney, was Scotch-Irish. They migrated from Annan- dale, Scotland, into Ireland during the re- ligious persecutions and after the fall of Londonderry. Sir Walter Scott refers to the clan in the following words :

Within the bounds of Annandale

The gentle Johnstons ride; They have been here a thousand years,

And a thousand more they'll bide.

Among the relatives of Mr. Johnston who have been noted for their public service were his paternal great-uncle, Jaines Johnston, who served in the Continental army during the war of the revolution, and was with General Washington at Valley Forge. One of his maternal uncles, the Hon. I. C. Fow- ler, was speaker of the house of delegates of Virginia in 1877-78. Another maternal uncle was Allen Fowler, who served as a colonel in the Confederate army, and later became distinguished as a physician at Salt Lake City, Utah.

The American ancestor of Colonel John- ston was David Johnston, who came from Enniskillen, Fermanagh county, Ireland, in 1736, and settled in Culpeper county, Vir- ginia; in 1778 he removed to Giles county in the same state. His soti. Colonel Andrew Johnston, was a business man of great abil- ity, and his interests were extensive, and in many lines. He earned his commission v/hile in service in the Mexican war. He married Jane Henderson.

Hon. James David Johnston, son of Colo- nel Andrew and Jane (Henderson) Johnston, was a student in Emory and Henry Col- lege, which conferred upon him the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. He then studied law under private tuition, was admitted to the bar, and was a prominent lawyer all his life. For nine years he served Giles county as commonwealth attorney, at

last refusing re-election. He served two

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