Virginia, Mr. Hicks has in that ppsition de-
veloped executive ability and qualities of
leadership, that while fully appreciated by
his townsmen, lead one to wish that more
pretentious cities could have the benefit of
such intelligent, public-spirited leadership.
This leads to the thought that never in the
history of our country has there been such
opportunities for men of the right mettle
tc rise to high positions in municipalities.
The demands of modern scientific, sanitary
regulations, pure water supply, properly
constructed and cared for streets, electrical
light and heating plants, all call for men of
the highest quality. That Lawrenceville
possesses such a man is a matter of con-
gratulation ; that all cities do not elevate
such men to official position is their shame.
David Stone (2) Hicks was born in Law-
renceville, Virginia, March 7, 1869, son of
David Stone (i) and grandson of Edward
B. and Elizabeth ( Stone ) Hicks. David Stone (O Hicks was born in Lawrenceville in 1826, is a graduate of the law school of the University of Virginia and after an hon- ored career at the Brunswick county bar, retired and yet survi\'es. a highly esteemed gentleman of eighty-eight years. He mar- ried Eleanor Lewis, born in 1833, died in 1913. She was the daughter of Herbert and Rowena (Robinson") Lewis, of Brunswick county, Virginia, Her brother. Norborne
C. Lewis, was one of a company of cadets called into the Confederate service during the latter part of the war 1861-65. David Stone Hicks had three sisters, Betty, Patty and Ann. Betty Hicks married Ashton Lewis ; Patty Hicks married Emmett Beau- ford (deceased) ; Ann Hicks married Dr. Price, of Brunswick county.
David Stone (2) Hicks, after attending field and private schools, became connected with the engineering department of the At- lantic & Danville railroad and perfected him- self in the profession he had chosen and prepared for civil engineering. After two years in railroad service he opened an office in Lawrenceville and there still continues, actively engaged as a civil engineer, well known and highly regarded in his profes- sion. To the citizens of Lawrenceville at large, he is best known as the public-spirited citizen and town official who has given them a pure water supply, adequate sewers and abundant lia:ht for street and home, and effi- cient municipal government during the four
years that he has been chief executive of
their town.
Mr. Hicks was first elected mayor in June,
1910, and during his first term of office was instrumental in having the citizens vote a bond issue of .$50,000 for the installation of a water system, which was completed in
191 1, the supply being brought from Great creek and after filtration, is delivered to the distributing mains. In his arguments to in- duce a favorable vote on the proposition, he said that for a period of five years the taxes would be increased but fifty cents on the one hundred dollars to support the system, after which it would be self-supporting. This prophecy has come true two years earlier than he anticipated, the water rates covering the expense at the end of three years. Mayor Hicks was elected to succeed himself in
1912, and as head of the water, light and sewer department, has brought all to a high degree (if efficiency. He is devoted to the interests of Lawrenceville and takes an hon- est pride in making his administration of jjublic aflfairs, a period of intelligent progress, toward a town, clean, healthful and beauti- ful. That he has been able to secure hearty co6]ieration and loyal support from the citi- zens of the town is also a matter of con- gratulation and proves again the willingness of the people to follow a leader in whose integritv they can with safety confide. ]\Iayor Hicks is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, past noble grand of Law- rence Lodge, No. 294, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, member of Lawrenceville Lodge. No. 133. Knights of Pythias, and in political faith is a Democrat.
He married, in 1894, Ella Lee Jones, born in Brunswick county, Virginia, in Decem- ber, 1869, daughter of William F. and Ella (Morrison) Jones. Children: Mary Morri- son, Emma F.. Bess Fersbee, all born in Lawrenceville.
Howard Fletcher, M. D. Dr. Fletcher, now of Fairfax Court House, Virginia, de- scends from V'irginia forbears, whose con- nection with the colony began at an early period. Collateral branches are the Henry family, from Rev. William Henry, a Meth- odist preacher, who was the brother of Pat- rick Henry, the fiery eloquent Virginia statesman ; Withers and other familiar Vir- ti^inia names. Dr. Fletcher's wife, through
her mother, Mary Leigh (Morris) Parrish.