d,nug;hter of James and Ellen Douglas
I Clarke I \\'hite. Children: Ellen Clarke,
born at Faulkland, Delaware ; Anne Pres-
ton, born in Wilmington, Delaware ; James
Jamison (2), born in Hanover county, Vir-
ginia ; Jean Maxwell, born in Strasburg,
Ernest Brown Crawford. The ancestry of the family of which Ernest Brown Craw- ford, an attorney of Harrisonburg. Virginia, is a member, is Scotch-Irish, and mater- nally and paternally his forbears have been men of distinction and prominence in their American homes. The name is most com- mon in Rockingham and Aueusta counties. Virginia, from which localities both the houses of Crawford and McCfiesney sent members to join in the strugarle for inde- pendence. Nor in the later generations has the patriotic ardor of the ancestors been lost, for in the great civil war that rent the United States half a century ago, there came from that blood men whose names will en- dure as long PS the records of the war be- tween the states last, and as lone as proud posterity speaks their name. In this list of heroes may be here named Colonel John H. Crawford. Tames A. Crawford, Captain Tames McChesnev. and Lieutenant Robert McChesney : while, amone those whose work was the alleviation of the sufiferine of those who received fl^'inp■ shot and shell were Dr William McClung Crawford, father of Ernest Rrown Crawford, and Dr. Alexander McChesnev. both surgeons in the Confederate States army.
Dr. William McClunpf Crawford, son of James and Cvnthia (McClung) Crawford, was born near Staunton. Augusta county, Virginia. December 18, 1837, died June 11, 1804. T^e was for one year a student in the University of Virginia, which he entered after a thorough preparatory course, and then became a student in Jefiferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, whence he was graduated M. D. in i8;8. He enjoyed a laree practice at Mount Sid- ney. Virginia, and during the civil war was a surgeon in the Confederate States army, serving at Port Republic. Waynesboro, and in other places in the Shenandoah valley. The other sons of James and Cvnthia (Mc- Clung) Crawford are: Edward, deceased. \vas a resident of Augusta county, Virginia ; Colonel John H., an officer of the Confed-
erate army, afterward a member of the Vir-
ginia assembly from Augusta county ;
James A., a soldier of the Confederate army,
lives in Dallas, Texas ; G. Marsh, of Staun-
ton, Virginia.
Dr. William McClung Crawford married Rachel Grigsby, daughter of Captain James and Frances (McNutt) McChesney, born near Brownsburg, Virginia, in 1839, died January 15, 1901. Children of Captain James and Frances (McNutt) McChesney: Cap- tain James Z., an officer of General "Stone- wall" Jackson's command, sustained a face wound in battle that caused the loss of all of his teeth, now resides at Charleston, West Virginia ; Lieutenant Robert, enlisted in the Confederate army from Rockbridge county, Virginia, killed when shot from ambush in West \^irginia ; Dr. Alexander, a surgeon of the Confederate army, practiced in Warm Springs, Virginia, after the close of the war. Children of Dr. William McClung and Rachel Grigsby (McChesney) Crawford: i. James A., a real estate dealer of Staunton, \'irginia; married Janie Jennings, of Au- gusta county, Virginia, and is the father of McChesney, Katherine and Filmore. 2. Dr. Frank H., a graduate of high school, the Augusta Military Academy, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Baltimore, Maryland: married Ada Summerson. 3. Edgar A., assistant manager of the West Virginia Paper and Pulp Company; married Lillian Carpenter, of (Tovington, Virginia, and has Mary and Dorothy. 4. Sally, mar- ried Ernest L. Griggs, of Athens, Georgia, and has Rachel and Ernest L., Jr. 5. Ro- berta M., resides in Norfolk, Virginia. 6. Wilbur L., a graduate of the Augusta Mili- tary Academy, a resident of Dallas, Texas, died in June, 1902. 7. Frances McNutt, married J. Samuel McCue. 8. Ernest Brown, of whom further.
Ernest Brown Crawford, son of Dr. Wil- liam McClung and Rachel Grigsby (Mc- Chesney) Crawford, was born at Mount Sidney, Augusta county, Virginia, August 15, 1876. After a course in the public and high schools of Mount Sidney, he entered the Augusta Military Academy, graduating from the academic department in 1894. After completing his studies in the University of Virginia, he received from that institution in 1901 the degree LL. B., and in October of the year of his graduation was admitted to
the bar of Virginia. He was for three terms