being a member ol that body until 1897.
While holding- his seat in the senate Mr.
Tredwav was appointed by Governor Fer-
rell judge of the court of Pittsylvania
county, an appointment which was subse-
<{uently confirmed for a term of six years
by the legislature. His occupancy of this
position was marked by the exhibition of
the many superior qualities that character-
ized his father's incumbency of a like office,
and he bore the dignity of the judgeship
with the assurance born of strength in
knowledge and ability to fulfill an allotted
task, confidence that had come to him
through long experience in his profession
and in the solving of perplexing legal diffi-
culties. At the present time Mr. Tredway
holds membership in a board to which he
was appointed by Governor McKinney. the
Western State Hospital board, and for a
number of vears he has been president of
the general board of state hospitals. Since
his appointment to that first named board.
he has made the subject of hospitals the ob-
ject of special and extended study, and has
well prepared himself to speak authorita-
tively and to act with knowledge in all mat-
ters relating to the hospitals of the state,
Virginia's institutions of that nature being
of the finest. Mr. Tredway is financially
interested in several of the industrial enter-
prises of Pittsylvania county, and in bank-
ing circles is known as the president of the
Planters' Savings Piank, of which he was an
organizer in 1897. He is a member of the
session of the Presbyterian church, having
belonged to that organization for many
vears. The above recital amply proves Mr.
Tredway's title to the appellation of good
citizen, a description freely applied Init
which in its true use denotes the possession
of qualities of service and willingness to
serve that determine the strength and char-
acter of a community.
Mr. Tredway married, in Chatham, Octo- ber 18. 1876. Almeda. born in Pittsylvania county, ^'irginia. daughter of Jesse and Ruth (Hunt) Hargrave. her father a retired capitalist, having for fifty vears been a mer- chant and manufacturer of tobacco, now one of the wealthiest of the county's men. Her mother died in iSfi6. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Tredway; Ruth H.. born July i.S, 1877. married Josenh \\'hitehead. an attorney of Chatham and formerly a member of the Virginia state senate : Jessie H.. married James C. Purnell, Jr., a banker of Winona,
Mississippi; Almeda, unmarried, lives at
home: Eva. married Rhesa H. Purnell. a
banker of \\'inona, Mississipj^i.
James Garnett King. Three generations of this branch of the King family have been residents of Fredericksburg, the first to set- tle l;)eing William King, born in Prince \\"il- liam county, \"irginia, who was the keeper of a famous inn in Fredericksburg until his death in 1874. He had children; John Fred, yet surviving, a resident of Philadelphia ; Elizabeth, deceased, married John Carrell ; \\illiam Isaac, of further mention: Thomas S., deceased.
\\'illiam Isaac King, son of William King, was born in Fredericksburg. \'irginia, in [846. died Julv 19. 1895. He was a general merchant of the citv many years until his death, served in the Thirtieth Regiment \'ir- ginia \'olunteer Confederate Southern army all through the war, and was for years a member of the city council. He married Alary Catherine \Vooddy, born in Essex county. Mrginia. in 187^^, who bore him five children, one of whom died in infancy, and .\Ibert. died at age of twenty years. The bhins: (1914) are; Florence, residing in Williamsport. Pennsvlvania. unmarried; Grace ^^'ilmer, married Russell A. Davis, of Urbana. \'irginia : and James Garnett, of further mention. Catherine \\'ooddy was a daughter of James Wooddv, born in Acco- mac county, ^'irginia. He was a sea cap- tain and one of the famous blockade runners of the Confederacy. He was finally cap- tured in one of his daring attempts and con- fined in a Federal prison until the wnr was over. He married Irene Andrews, of Essex cotintv. Virginia, and had issue ; Lulu, mar- ried Frank Dalev, of Washington, D. C. ; Marv Catherine, married ^^'illiam Isaac Kinsf. of previous mention ; Alice, married Daniel K. Stansburv. of .Alexandria; Irene, deceased, wife of Neville Greenaway. of .Mexandria; Marian, married Roland C. Loockerman. of Baltimore. Marvland : James E.. of Accomac cotmtv. \^irginia.
Tames Garnett King, vonngest son of William Isaac and Marv Catherine fWood- d^-'l King, was born in Fredericksburg, \ir- ginia. Tune 27. iSyfi. He was educated at private schools and Richmond College, Rich- mond. Vircrinia.but after obtaininsr his class- ical education entered the dental department of the University of MarvLnnd at Baltimore,
whence he was graduated Doctor of Dental