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several years of war." At another time, "Both sides forget that we are all Americans and that it must be a terrible struggle if it comes to war." How well he played his part the world knows. After the war he accepted the position of president of Washington Col- lege, Rockbridge county, Virginia, serving from October, 1865, until his death, October 12, 1870. General Lee married Mary Anne Randolph Custis, only daughter of George Washington Parke Custis and his wife, Mary Lee (Fitzhugh) Custis, the former the adopted son of Washington and grandson of Mrs. Washington.

Charles Carter Lee married. May 13, 1847, Lucy Penn Taylor, born 1828, died 1913, daughter of George and Catherine (Ran- dolph) Taylor, of "Horn Quarter," King William county, Virginia. She was a de- scendant of James Taylor, who came from Carlisle, England, in the seventeenth cen- tury and settled on the shores of the Chesa- peake. The line of descent to John Penn Lee is as follows : James Taylor and Mary Gregorv ; their son. John Taylor and Cath- erine Pendleton; their son. James Taylor and Ann Polland ; their son. John Taylor and Lucy Penn. daughter of John Penn. the signer of the Declaration of Independence from North Carolina ; their son. George Taylor and Catherine Randolph : their daughter, I-ucv Penn Taylor and Charles Carter Lee. President Taylor was also a descendant of George Taylor through an- other line. Children of Charles Carter and Lucy Penn (Taylor) Lee : George, born March 8. 1848, became a practicing lawyer of Johnson City. Tennessee : Henrj', born July 9. 1849, settled in Winston. North Carolina : Robert Randolph, born May 22, 1833, resides on the old paternal estate in Powhatan county, Virginia ; WMlliam Car- ter, born September 8. i8'^2. killed in a rail- road accident. June 21. 1882: Mildred, born November 20, 1857, married Dr. John Taylor Francis, a graduate of the medical depart- ment of the University of New York, 1883, practicing in Norfolk, Virginia : Catherine Randolph, born August 27. 1865, married Dr. John Guerrant. of Franklin county, Vir- ginia: John Penn, of whom further.

John Penn Lee, youngest son of Charles Carter and Lucv Penn (Taylor) Lee, nephew of General Robert E. Lee. and grandson of Major-General Henry Lee, was born at the paternal home "Windsor Forest." Pow-

hatan county. Virginia, September 11, 1867. He was early educated in the old field schools in Powhatan county and at Wash- ington and Lee LTniversity, where he pur- sued academic courses from 1883 until en- tering the law department of the same uni- versity. In 1888 he was graduated from law school (Washington and Lee) with the de- gree LL. B. and the same year was admitted to the Virginia bar. In 1888 he located at Rocky Mount, Virginia, the capital of Franklin county, forming a law partnership with Peter H. Dillhurst. Mr. Lee has been very successful in practice and has attained eminence in the profession. From 1898 un- til 1904 he was judge of the Franklin county court, and as jurist and lawyer has proved the depth of his legal knowledge and his eloquence as an advocate and his skill as an attorney. He practices in all state and Fed- eral courts of the district and is a member of the national, state and district bar asso- ciations. He has acquired important busi- ness interests outside his profession and is a director of the First National Bank of Rocky Mount and holds a similar position on the board of the Franklin & Potomac Railroad.

A Democrat in politics. Judge Lee has ever been active and influential in the party, has been a member of the Democratic State Committee, and in 1910 was elected a mem- ber of the Virginia house of assembly, serv- ing on the committees, courts and justice, Federal relations, and on the joint committee of senate and house, local and general laws. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and is a Sigma Phi.

Jud?e Lee married, in 1896, Isabella Gil- man Walker, born in Lynchburg, Virginia, in t86q. daughter of Dr. Thomas and Cath- erine (Dabney) Walker. Children, all born at Rocky Mount: Catherine Dabney, born September 4, 1897: Richard, June 14, 1899; Chissell Dabney. June 14. 1902; Charles Carter. June 28. 1906; Henry, June 24. 1907; Lewis Walker, died in infancy: Nancy Wal- ker, died in infancy.

L. C. Myers. To L. C. Myers is accorded prominence in financial circles in Rocking- ham countv because of his position as presi- dent of the First National Bank, of Harris-

sonburg, while to him has come fame

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