Leesburg, Virginia. John and Ann (Minor)
Moss were the parents of William Moss,
fi-ther of Rebecca who married John Mor-
gan Johnson.
John Morgan (2) Johnson, son of John Morgan (i) and Rebecca (Moss) Johnson, was born November 21, 1847. He prepared for the profession of law and in 1873 ^^^^ admitted to practice at the Virginia bar. He located in Alexandria, Virginia, where for many years he has been prominent in his profession. He is a veteran of the Con- . fcderac}', leaving school when but sixteen years of age to enter the army. He was a private of Company D, Sixth Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, and served until he lost his horse just before the surrender at Appomat- tox. His brother. Major A. Hunter John- son, served in the Thirty-third Virginia In- fantrv. and his brother, Robert Conrad John- son, was killed at the engagement at "Fra- zer's Farm," serving in Company A, Seven- tienth Regiment \'irginia Infantry. Mr. Johnson is a Democrat in politics, and affi- liates with the Protestant Episcopal church. He married, in September, 1887, Constance Cardigan, daughter of S. Ferguson and Elizabeth (Morgan) Beach, born in Alex- andria. Children : Conrad, married Agatha Gay Allen, child, Agatha Gay ; Emily Haw- ley Johnson.
Henry Evans Litchford. An officer of financial institutions in two states, Henry Evans Litchford came to the dual office of vice-president and treasurer of the Old Do- minion Trust Company, of Richmond, after a successful career as cashier of the Citi- zens' National Bank, of Raleigh, North Carolina, in the ser\nce of which institu- tion he filled all the grades from that of office boy to cashier. Although a native of North Carolina, he is a member of a Vir- ginia family, a grandson of James Litchford, a native of Jamestown, Virginia. He was a tailor by trade, and at one time employed as apprentice Andrew Johnson, afterward president of the United States. He was a soldier in the war of 181 2, and in politics a Whig. He married J\Iary Gill, of Peters- burg. Virginia, and their son, James, was a merchant during his entire business life, and served in the Confederate army during the war between the states. His political party was the Democratic. He married
Ancella Bogue Westrey, one of his sons be-
ing Henry Evans, of whom further.
Henry Evans Litchford was born in Ra- leigh, North Carolina, February 4, 1866. He was there educated in the public schools and in the Raleigh Male Academy. In August, 1882, after leaving school, he became em- ployed as office boy in the Citizens' National Bank, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and re- mained with that institution until July i, 1912. During these thirty years he filled all the positions in the bank's employ from that in which he entered to the office of cashier, his capacity and diligent application winning him successive promotions, and in his highest position, that of cashier, he made efficient and highly satisfactory administra- tion of the bank's finances. On July i, 1912, Mr. Litchford accepted his present place as vice-president and treasurer of the Old Do- minion Trust Company, in which service his talents have found a wider field and op- portunity for greater endeavor. That he would be an officer of value to the Richmond institution was confidently predicted by his business associates of former j'ears, and the two years that he has passed in his present position have fulfilled this promise and have added to it further expectations. Mr. Litch- ford retains his interest in business affairs of the city of his birth in his membership of the board of directors of the Raleigh Sav- ings Bank and Trust Company. He is a Democrat in politics, on many issues cast- ing his vote independent of party dictates, and holds membership in the Westmoreland and Country clubs of Richmond, and in the Business Men's Club.
Mr. Litchford married, at Tarboro, North Carolina, November g, 1899, Martha Porter Dancy, born in that place February 4, 1876, and has children: Ann. born in 1901 ; Mar- tha, born in 1906; James Ousby, born in igii.
George Gilbert Crawford, M. D. In the
long ago there came to York county, Penn- svlvania. as its first phj-sician, a young Scotchman, Dr. James Crawford, a graduate in medicine of the University of Edinburgh. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. David Jamison, and founded a family of which Dr. George Gilbert Crawford, of Strasburg, Virginia, is a twentieth century
representative. Dr. Jamison was a lieuten-