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He married (first) in England, bringing his wife with him to America with two chil- dren, but all died soon after their arrival. He married (second) Anne Pope, whose father resided on Pope's Creek, \\'estmore- land county. She bore him two sons and two daughters.

Laurence Washington, eldest son of Colo- nel John Washington by his second wife, Anne (Pope) Washington, was born at Bridge's Creek, \'irginia, about 1661, there died a planter in 1697, '"^d was interred in the family vault on Bridge's Creek. He married, in Gloucester county, Virginia, about ifigo, Mildred, daughter of Colonel Augustine \\ arner, who survived him and married (second) George Gale.

Augustine Washington, second son of Laurence and Mildred (Warner) Washing- ton, was born at Firidge's Creek, 1694, died on his estate on the Rappahannock, nearly opposite Fredericksburg, in Stafford county, Virginia, April 12, 1743. He was a man of wealth, owning several fine estates on the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers. He married (first) April 20, 1715, Jane, daugh- ter of Caleb Butler, of \\'estmoreland county. She died November 24, 1728, the mother of three sons and a daughter. He married (second) in Lancaster county, Vir- ginia, March 6, 1731, Mary, daughter of Colonel \\'illiam Ball. She died August 25. 1789, aged eighty-two years, the mother of six children, the eldest being George Wash- ington, planter, surveyor, general, com- mander-in-chief of the revolutionary armies and first president of the United States. She also had sons : Samuel, John Augustine, and Charles ; daughters : Betty and Mildred. To Laurence, the eldest son b}- his first wife, Augustine \\'ashington bequeathed the beautiful estate on the Potomac known as Mount \'ernon. now the American Alecca, the later home of President Washington, and his place of burial.

John Augustine \\'ashington, second son of Augustine W'ashington and his second wife, Mary (Ball) \\'ashington, and brother of President Washington, was born in Staf- ford county, Virginia, January 13, 1736, died at his estate in Nomony, Westmoreland county, Virginia, in February, 1787, and was there buried. By his father's will he in- herited the old homestead and estate at Bridge's Creek, Westmoreland county. He was a man of wealth and education, and in 1785 was chosen one of the vestrymen of

Cople parish in Westmoreland county. He married Hannah, daughter of Colonel John Bushrod, of Westmoreland county, who bore him two daughters and sons, Bushrod, Corbin and William Augustine.

Corbin Washington, second son of John Augustine and Hannah (Bushrod) Wash- ington, was born at Bushfield, Westmore- land county, Virginia, about 1765, died at Selby, Fairfax county, Virginia, about 1800. He is named in the will of his uncle, Presi- dent Washington, receiving two shares of the moneys resulting from the sale of lands not otherwise devised. His country seat was Walnut Farm in \\'estmoreland county. He married, at Chantilly, Mrginia, about 1786, Hannah, daughter of Richard Henry Lee, of Chantilly. who bore him three sons and two daughters.

John Augustine (2) Washington, third son of Corbin and Hannah ( Lee ) Washing- ten, was born at Walnut Farm, \\estmore- land county, \'irginia, in the fall of 1792, died at Mount Vernon, Virginia, June, 1832. He inherited from his uncle. Judge Bushrod ^Vashington (the favorite nephew of Presi- dent \\'ashington). the mansion at Mount Vernon with a large amount of land, and after the death of the wife of Judge Bush- rod Washington, the "green and hot houses belonging to the gardens" and all the fur- niture belonging to the mansion house. John Augustine Washington moved to and was occupying the Mount Vernon mansion, the former home of President W^ashington, at the time of his death. He married, in 1814, Jane Charlotte, daughter of ]\Iajor Richard Scott Blackburn, of the United States army. She died in Blakeley, JefTerson county. West Virginia, in August, 1856. Two sons, John Augustine (2) and Richard Blackburn Washington, grew to manhood, and a aaughter, Ann Maria.

John .Xugustine (3) Washington, son of John Augustine (2) and Jane Charlotte (Blackburn) Washington, was born at Blakeley, now West Virginia, May 3, 1821, and was killed at Cheat Mountain, now \\'est Virginia, September 13, 1861. By the will of his father all his estate was left to his wife, Jane C. with full power to divide among my children in any way she may see fit." He also provided that the Mount Vernon estate given him by his uncle, Bush- rod Washington, should be sold to the L'^nited States government if they would

I)urchase, if not the executors were to sell

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