in the old Quarles family mansion, "Wood-
bury," built by Roger Quarles in King Wil-
liam county, Virginia. She died March 7,
191 1. Daniel Denoon died at Richmond, Vir-
ginia, in 1904. Children : Charles L., Harry
Lee, Frank C, Hugh, Albert S., Arthur C,
Alice Lee, Dicey, Mary, Lilly. A brother
of Daniel Denoon, Lieutenant Charles Ed-
win Denoon, of the Confederate States
army, was killed at the battle of "The
Crater," Petersburg.
Harry Lee Denoon, second son of Daniel and Bettie Carver (King) Denoon, was born in Richmond, Virginia, September 7, 1867. He was educated in the best schools of his city, and in 1889 began business life as a member of the firm of Denoon, Tupper & Company, real estate brokers. This firm after a successful life of seven years was dissolved by the death of Mr. Tupper in 1896. The firm of C. L. & H. L. Denoon succeeded and so continues, one of the potent factors in the real estate develop- ment of Richmond. Mr. Denoon is a mem- ber of the Masonic order, the Improved Order of Heptasophs, the Royal Arcanum, the Country Club of Virginia, and the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church of Richmond, his wife being a worshipper at the Church of the Covenant. He married, at Richmond. Virginia, October 23, 1893, Jean Gibson, of an old Scotch Presbyterian family. Child. Harry Lee, Jr.
Rev. Hervin Ulysses Roop, LL. D. Edu- cated in the leading institutions of this country, his vision broadened and ideas in- creased by a tour of the most renowned imiversities and colleges of England and Continental Europe, and with nine years experience in the presidency of Lebanon Valley College, of Pennsylvania. Rev. Her- vin Ulysses Roop, LL. D., came to his posi- tion as the head of Eastern College, Vir- ginia, trained not only as an instructor but admirably fitted to direct the work of such an institution because of his previous ac- tivity in educational aft'airs. in which calling he has achieved an enviable reputation. Dr. Roop is a descendant of an old Pennsylvania family, settled in Dauphin county, Pennsyl- vania, by Rev. Jacob Roop, who came thither from Germany, his birthplace. \\'hen he was forty years of age he became a preacher of the United Brethren church, at- taining an influential position in the com- munity. Among his children was Christian,
who was for many years an elder of the
United Brethren church, built at Highspire,
where the family homestead was located,
largely through his eft'orts. He married Bar-
bara Good, among their children being
Henry J., of whom further.
Henry J. Roop. son of Christian and Bar- bara (Good) Roop, was born on the home- stead in Swatara township, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, April 13, 1845. ■'^s a youth he was for ten months a soldier in the Union army in the war between the states, at its termination returning to Highspire, his birthplace, and at the death of his father engaging in agriculture, dairying and real estate dealings. Mr. Roop has been directly responsible for the development of much of that locality, and besides attaining im- portant place among his neighbors, amassed a considerable fortune. Among the many improvements the installation of which he has promoted is the Steelton. Highspire & Middletown Street Railway, his part in its organization being a leading one. For six years he was treasurer of the local school board, a member of the United Brethren church, for forty-four years has been a deacon, serving for a large part of that time as superintendent of the Sunday school. Church activity has always played a promi- nent part in his life, and upon the erection of the new church building for the congre- gation of which he is a member, in 1899, he was president of the building committee, while in 1904 he was a delegate to the gen- eral conference of his church, held at To- peka. Kansas. He married (first) Justina M. Backenstoe, born April 28. 1847, died Au- gust 14, 1883, youngest daughter of Henry and Rebecca Backenstoe; (second) Marga- ret Shoop. born January 19. 1842. daughter of Samuel and Anna (Roop) Shoop, of Cum- berland county, Pennsylvania. By his first marriage he was the father of : Hervin Ulysses, of whom further ; Henry Backen- stoe, born February 24, 1870. a graduate of Lebanon Valley College and the University of Pennsylvania, a practicing physician of Columbia, Pennsylvania ; Jacob Franklin, born October 31. 1871, died August i, 1872; Adela F., born May 15. 1873, a graduate of the Lebanon Valley College, married Pro- fessor Benjamin F. Dougherty, for eight years an instructor in Lebanon Valley Col- lege, now president of W'estfield College, \Vestfield, Illinois : Sadie Alverda, born March 15, 1875, a graduate of Lebanon Val-