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Lydia A. Robertson, born 1831, died De- cember 3, 1893, the mother of eight chil- dren, as follows: ^^'illiam Nathaniel, a farmer of Pittsylvania county ; Anna Ger- trude, died in i8g8. the widow of J. R. Breedlove ; Ida ^'irginia. now j\Irs. C. D. Ramsey, of Danville ; Charles Wesley (2) ; Emma Celeste, now Mrs. J. S. Reynolds, of Witt, Virginia ; J. Howard, of Keeling, Vir- ginia ; Charles, died in infancy ; Rosa, died in infancy; Charles Wesley, mentioned be- low.

Dr. Charles Wesley (2) Pritchett grew up at the Pritchett homestead farm, and ob- tained his early education in the local schools. He then attended Whitmell graded school, later entering Richmond College. Having decided upon the profession of medi- cine as his lifework, he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Alar^-land, whence he was graduated Doc- tor of Medicine, class of 1886. He then served as resident physician at the Ma- ternity Hospital, Baltimore, beginning pri- vate practice at Keeling, Pittsylvania coun- ty, Virginia, in 1887. He continued there in successful practice for twelve years, be- coming most favorably known as a skillful, honorable physician. In 1898 he located in Danville, Virginia, his present field of prac- tice. Dr. Pritchett has kept in closest touch with all modern medical thought and dis- covery by membership in the best medical societies, and by frequent post-graduate courses at the leading hospitals of Balti- more, New York and Philadelphia. In 1895 and 1896 he took courses at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore ; in 1898 at Philadelphia and the New York Polyclinic; in 1903-04 at Philadelphia, and in 1906 again in New Y^ork. He is a member of the American Medical Association ; is an ex-vice-president of the Virginia State IMedical Association, and ex-president of the Danville Academy of Medicine. He is a specialist in gynecol- ogy and electrical therapeutics, although his practice is general in character. Highly re- garded as a physician Dr. Pritchett has at- tained high standing among business men and is also prominent in the activities of Dan- ville. He is visiting physician to Danville General Hospital ; president of the city board of health ; director of the Virginia National Bank ; director in the Acme Laun- dry Company, and interested in other Dan- viA-43

ville enterprises. In political faith he is a Democrat, and in religion a Baptist, belong- ing to the First Church of Danville. He is a prominent member of the Masonic Order, belonging to Lodge, Chapter, Council, Com- mandery and Shrine, and is a past eminent commander of Dove Commandery, No. 7, Knights Templar, of Danville. His clubs are the Tuscarora and Elks.

Dr. Pritchett married at Keeling, Y'ir- ginia, December 12, 1888, S. Clay Keesee, born in that place, November i, 1873, daugh- ter of Peyton Keesee, a farmer and native of the same county. Peyton Keesee was an artilleryman in the Confederate army, serv- ing throughout the entire four years of the war between the states. He married Sallie Perry, who survives him and resides at the old home farm. He died in May, 1909, aged seventy-four years. Children of Dr. Pritchett : Charles Bernard, born October 10, 1889, a graduate of Washington and Lee Univer- sity, Bachelor of Arts, 1912, now a student at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, class of 1916; Eunice Clay, born February 7, 1893, graduate of Roanoke Institute for Young Women, Bachelor of Science, class of 191 1, and later a student at Sweet Briar College ; now residing at home.

The Taylor Family. Fintrie parish, coun- ty of Sterling, Scotland, a locality known to travelers by the "Loup of Fintrie," a beauti- ful cascade nearby, was the birthplace of John Taylor, the progenitor of his branch of the family in America. He was born in March, 1694, and died in Norfolk, Virginia, October 23, 1744. He was the son of James and Christian (Adam) Taylor, whose lives were spent in their native land. The year of John Taj'lor's arrival in America is not known. The coat-of-arms which he bore is preserved on his tombstone in St. Paul's Churchyard, Norfolk. \'irginia. No record is preserved of whom he married, but he was the father of two sons, James and John.

(II) John (2) Taylor, son of John (i) Taylor, was born in Virginia, in 1741, and died in 1772. He married Sarah, daughter of Robert and Johanna (Corbin) Tucker (the Tucker family mentioned elsewhere in this work) and to them was born an only son, James.

(III) James Taylor, son of John (2) and

Sarah (Tucker) Taylor, was born in \^ir-

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