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born in Carlow county, Ireland, April 9, 1835, died in Richmond, Virginia, May 25, 1896. He came to Richmond when a young man, becoming a druggist, and a graduate M. D. He was assistant purveyor of medi- cine in the Confederate States navy all through the war. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. He married Marcella J. Ralston, born August 9, 1844, still living, daughter of Peter \\'yse and Mary Jane (Woodson) Ralston. Children of Dr. Rob- ert (i) Lecky: Robert (2). of whom fur- ther ; William Ralston ; James Douglas : Marcella J., married Maben L. Clark; Mary L., married Thomas B. Bigger; Anna.

Robert (2) Lecky, eldest son of Dr. Rob- ert ( I ) and Marcella J. ( Ralston) Lecky, was born in Richmond. June 9, 1870. He was educated in the public schools of Rich- mond, and earl)' in his business life became interested in the fire insurance business and kindred lines. He acted as special agent for many leading foreign and home com- panies, finally founding an insurance agency which conducts a large bond, fire, accident and liability business, extending over sev- eral of the Southern states. The company offices are in the Virginia Railway and Power Company's new building. Mr. Lecky is a Democrat in politics and since 1902 has been fire commissioner. Both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. His clubs are the Country Club of Virginia. Chicaquahominy Country, the Custis and the Business Men's of Richmond. He is a member of the Masonic order, be- longing to lodge, chapter and commandery.

Mr. Lecky married, in Richmond, Janu- ary 5. 1892, Ida May Ware, born in Charles City county, Virginia, daughter of Francis Wortham VVare, a school teacher, and his wife, Martha E. (Cauthorne) Ware. Chil- dren: I. William Prescott, born in Rich- mond. November i, 1892: graduate of Rich- mond High School, Fishbourne Military Academy, Richmond College and the Uni- versity of Virginia ; a journalist on the "New York \\'orld." 2. Marian L.. born January 20, 1898.

James David Jones, M. D. A native of Pittsylvania county. Virginia, it is in that locality that the greater part of the life of Dr. James David Jones has been passed. At the present time he is a member of the medi- cal fraternity of Chatham and is promi-

nently identified with numerous institutions of that place, his ]3rofessional and private reputation giving him high position among the foremost citizens of Chatham. His de- scent is W'elsh, the immigrant ancestor of the line, a member of the Episcopal clergy, coming to America from '^Vales, his son holding a professorship in William and Mary College, at Williamsburg, Virginia.

(I) James Jones, grandfather of Dr. James David Jones, was born in Pittsyl- vania county, Virginia, in 1795, there lived his entire life and died in 1870. He enlisted in the American army during the second war with (Ireat Britain and although he was never engaged in conflict with the ene- my his widow received a pension from the gii\ernment. He married Jane Thompson, a native of Pittsylvania county, and of their seven children but one, Mary Jane, widow tif Thomas Jefferson Adams, a farmer, sur- \ ives.

(II) John T. Jones, son of James and Jane (Thompson) Jones, was born in Pitt- sylvania county, Virginia, in 1836, died in 1866. Throughout his short life he con- ducted agricultural operations, enlisting, at the beginning of the war between the states, in (ieneral Stuart's cavalry, fighting under that gallant and daring commander until the declaration of peace, his death occurring the year following. He married Marv Lanier, born in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, April 4, 1844, died' May 31, 1889, daughter of David Thompson and Ann (Carter) Lan- ier, her father, born in 1813, a farmer of Pittsylvania county. David Thompson and Ann Lanier were the parents of three chil- dren, all deceased, while John T. and Mary (Lanier) Jones had one son, James David, of whom further.

(III) Dr. James David Jones, only son and child of John T. and Mary (Lanier) Jones, was born in a log cabin in Pittsyl- vania county. \'irginia, September i, 1865, the place of his birth now known as Chest- r.ut Level. After attending the public schools he was for three years a student in Bethel Academy, then spending a like time in the University of Virginia, and complet- ing his studies b_v a medical course one year in length at the University of Maryland, whence he was graduated M. D. in 1S87. Leaving the university he returned to the home farm and assumed its management, in

October, 1908, moving to Chatham, where

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